Secretary RAFS-AA, RAF High Wycombe

Tel: (01494) 496345 Mil: 95221 Ext: 6345


See Distribution 7 Dec 12


Ctte Present / AVM(Retd) P Colley / President / Apologies / Air Cdre R J C Powell / Chairman
Gp Capt (Retd) D Ray / Vice President / Flt Lt M Lovesey / Treasurer
Sqn Ldr P Maskell / Vice Chairman & Diving Officer / FS S Whiteman / Training Officer
Sqn Ldr N King / Exped & Special Projects Officer / Sgt D Wright / Web Master
Sqn Ldr T Edge / Membership Officer / Sgt P Ebdy / Publicity Officer
FS J Callow / Awards Officer
Sgt N Badham / Equipment Officer
Sgt L Forsythe / Deputy Training Officer
Flt Lt J Raine / Secretary
Agenda Item / Discussion / Decision / Action /
1 – Vice Chairman’s Introductory Remarks / 1. The Vice Chairman warmly welcomed all attendees. Post redundancies and in the current financial climate the Services are facing difficult and turbulent times. In these circumstances, it is extremely important that the benefit of conducting Adventurous Training (AT) and sub-aqua diving in particular are promoted. Congratulations were given to the President on gaining OWI qualification, the Chairman on NI qualification and thanks to both the Training Officer and Deputy Training Officer for their hard work this year.
2. There had been several significant events since the last RAFS-AA AGM :
a. JSP917: Adventurous Trg Vocational and Recreational Diving Manual was published and came into force in Sep 12.
b. There had been a mtg of the JSSADPAC in Nov 12.
c. The RAF SB had held their annual conference in Nov 12.
d. LIDS had taken place.
e. 2 RAFS-AA Cttee posts have become vacant as the incumbents have had to resign for different reasons.
2 - Minutes of Last AGM / The Minutes of the last meeting were reviewed by those present and were considered as a true record. It was noted that actions from the last AGM had either been completed or would be discussed by individual Cttee members as part of the agenda.
Proposer: FS J Callow
Seconder: Wg Cdr T Edge
The Minutes were accepted as a true record.
4 – Vice Chairman’s Report Matters Arising / 1. JSP 917. JSP917: Adventurous Trg Vocational and Recreational Diving Manual was published and came into force in Sep 12. There is little change to the way that Service AT sub-aqua diving is to be conducted except in 2 areas:
a. Buoyancy Aids/Lifejackets – The mandate is for lifejackets or buoyancy aids to be worn during boat ops, a matter which is not clearly defined in the JSP. Alongside this is 2012DIN04-133: Water Safety Equipment Management – The Selection of Life Jackets and Buoyancy Aids, which describes the lifejackets and buoyancy aids to be used by Servicemen in different circumstance and which activity leaders can write their risk assessments thereby deciding which devices are to be used This DIN has been written without consideration for sub-aqua activities, however, an update is expected soon. There are several issues to do with using lifejackets in a diving boat, not least the servicing reqts. Recent experience in Ascension Island showed that the automatically inflating lifejackets are prone to going off in the boat. They then need a qualified technician and supervisor to fit and certify the installation of new CO2 canisters. The use of buoyancy aids for diving operations in Gibraltar by Gibraltar Expedition Centre has been approved by DSO(AT). All devices are available for demand through Service sources. The Cttee was informed that the Chairman has written to JSSADPAC seeking the use buoyancy aids (BA) vice life jackets on Ascension Island and had provided a Risk Assessment to support his RAFS-AA’s request. A number of BAs have been demanded but associated issues had yet to be confirmed, including inventory control of such items.
Decision. Club OICs and SADS should conduct a risk assessment to identify what sort of device best fits their needs.
2. Civilian Medicals. DIN, 2012DIN07-144: Civilian Participation in Joint Service Adventure Training Sub-Aqua Diving explains the criteria for civilians to take part in Service AT sub-aqua diving. All authorised civilian participants must be in possession of a valid and current HSE AMED to enter the water; JSP 917 is still not clear. There has been great concern over the associated costs. Some individuals are meeting these personally and some clubs are finding the funds to offset these costs.
3. JSSADPAC. JSSADPAC met in Nov 12. Among topics discussed were the impact of JSP917 on Service clubs following the announcement that civilians must hold a HSE AMED; RNRMSAA are concerned that 8 of their 11 club may fold. The RAFS-AA Chairman proposed to update the Risk Assessment for ASI for the 2013 season without the need to repeat the High Risk Remote Presentation. This was agreed by the JSSADPAC A DIN is to be published with the update RA and EAP. The Minutes of the JSADPAC can be found on the RAFS-AA website.
4. CNPF The flight charges being levied for personnel ‘on duty’ going on AT to Ascension Island is being challenged at the JS AT Steering Gp.
5. Matters Arising from last meeting:
a. Porthkerris Steps These have been repaired with fibre glass and users should beware that edges can be sharp so deployment of fenders is essential.
b. APEKS Servicing Liability FS Clive Ward had raised the issue of liability for those qualified personnel who do not accept payment for servicing of club and individual equipment (regulators). This was investigated and Defence Legal Services (DLS) approached for advice. The outcome of this is advice to write formally to MOD inviting them to accept Vicarious Liability. The addressee has yet to be identified.
Decision. It was decided that the Vice-Chairman would discuss this further with the President and Chairman out of Cttee.
c. RDSC Feedback Feedback from inspections has not been in depth and the Cttee has no sight of it. With the appointment of DSI(AT), Mark Botterill, there should be more capacity for better feed back and dissemination.
Decision. It was decided that the Vice-Chairman would pursue this with DSI(AT).
d. Ascension Arrivals H&S Brief. The Vice-Chairman had discussed this issue with WO Movs on Ascension Island. Staff reductions had removed the ability of Ascension Island Staff to deliver this brief, however, it was recognised that visitors to a new unit or location were to receive such a brief. It is the expeditions Leaders responsibility to ensure that personnel are briefed correctly.
Decision. It was decided that the Expeditions Officer would emphasise this to expedition leaders. / All OICs and SADS
All OICs and DOs
Expeds Offr
5 – Ascension / 1. Owing to financial pressure and priorities, the English Bay Expedition Centre has been removed from the Defence Infrastructure Organization (DIO) asset register. Consequently, building maintenance, repairs and upkeep are no longer supported at public expense through DIO/AIB contractors. As a result, RAFS-AA will now be responsible for maintaining the Centre’s infrastructure ‘at risk’ on a self-help, non-publicly funded basis.
2. There is a non-exhaustive list which can be seen at Appendix A which the Chairman has asked the Cttee to comment on as soon as possible. Once this list has been finalised and agreed by Cttee this needs recording and agreeing with various parties (TBC) in the form of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).
Decision. All Cttee members would feed their idea back to the Chairman by 11 Jan 13 using the template at Appendix A.
3. Vehicles that are being used are not fit for purpose. The Chairman has proposed the purchase of a replacement LandRover Defender which can be seen at Appendix B. This would provide a rugged and fit for purpose equipt carriage vehicle. To secure this vehicle a refundable deposit was required to be placed. It was envisaged that Nuffield Trust would be approached to assist in the purchase of the vehicle, RAFS-AA providing the balance. The rental costs for the vehicle were discussed and it was agreed that they should be set at a level to allow RAFS-AA to recoup its outlay in the first year.
4. Decision. As the vehicle was deemed suitable for use on Ascension Island, the following was agreed:
a. The Treasurer would arrange immediate payment of the deposit.
b. The Equipt Offr and Assist TO would visit the vendors for a detailed inspection of the vehicle.
5. With regards to the ongoing maintenance the Treasurer had already put a bid to the Sport Board for funds to try to ensure continued operability and maintenance of the Expedition Centre.
6. Flt Lt Adam Booth is going to be an additional POC as OC Ops on Island from March 2013. Flt Lt Booth is intending to cross over to BSAC.
Decision. Expedition Leaders are requested to add Flt Lt Booth to their nominal roll when submitting JSATFA.
7. Additional use of expeditions including those from sister Services. With the other services now using the centre, the increased use and wear and tear will need to be monitored closely. Some small way to combat this is to use all expeditions as working parties (self help). This will utilise the days off required under policy and keep small jobs under control. It will require co-ordination and equipment / supply placement. The other Services also need expectations managing through clear briefings and information on what is there and what is expected of them with regards to their behaviour, PXR feedback and equipment husbandry. This would be backed up with signs in the expedition centre directing how to operate within the facility and the state that it was to be left in at the end of an expedition.
8. Aspirations. The Cttee discussed aspirations for the English Bay Expedition Centre:
a. Short Term – The aspirations of the Cttee are to ensure the continued safe use and availability of the centre to operate from. This includes the store, compressor shelter and the main building for briefing.
b. Long Term – The aspiration of the Cttee is to open the whole of the facility including the accn and ablution blocks to allow expeditions to be wholly self supporting reducing transport wear and the burden on Travellers Hill.
9. Much of the detail on how maintenance would be performed for the centre, the vehicles and the diving equipt was discussed.
Decision. It was agreed that the Expeditions Offrs would discuss with Mr Paul Edwards, Ascension GES Supervisor about becoming the RAFS-AA on-island POC for appropriate remuneration to include all HOTO with incoming and departing expeds, arranging local maintenance to be undertaken and the holding of a RAFS-AA inventory. / All Cttee members
Equipt Offr
Assist TO
Asi Exped Leaders
Expedition & Special Project Officer
6 – Equipment Officer’s Report / 1. In addition to the points from Item 5 above, the Equipment Officer’s report can be seen at Enclosure 1 and covers a number of points.
2. Current State of equipment – With the increased usage (18 of 19 slots used) there is a requirement for more to be spent on maintenance. Identifying the correct expedition and personnel for a mid-season works party will be key to both short and long term use of the centre and maintenance of equipment.
a. Boats – The wear on the rope protector on the floppy will increase in replacement costs but is the best option for protection and needs to be in the 5 yr plan. The 2 x old RHIBs the Cttee agreed that they could be sold on-=island and the funds used towards purchases of equipment / engines etc. 2 new Humber RHIBs are being shipped for the start of next season as part of the rolling replacement programme and 5 yr plan. A proposal for the replacement of the U/S floppy for £5k (incl. trailer) utilising the sale money to purchase was agreed by the Cttee.
Decision. It was agreed that the Equipt Offr should pursue the sale of the three boats on Island and through the Treasurer use funds generated to offset the cost of the new tender.
b. Engines – There are 6 x 55 Hp engines on island to maintain availability. There are also
2 x 35 Hp engines for the floppy which are old and being replaced. The old engines are being returned to UK to avoid the temptation of robbing for spares!
c. Nitrox Compressor – The Bauer Nitrox compressor has a broken selector valve and expeds have reported difficulty in operating. The first step has been started with the operating manual being updated. The Equipment Officer proposed that a Bauer Engineer be taken out to repair and service the compressor.
Decisions. The following was agreed:
(1) The Cttee agreed that a Bauer Engineer should be flown out to Ascension Island to rectify the problems with the Nitrox compressor as a matter of urgency. However, first the Equipt Offr would identify the costs associated with flying a Bauer Engineer to Ascension Island to the Vice-Chairman out of Cttee so that a final decision could be made.
(2) The Equipt Offr explore whether it was possible to have people trained to service and maintain the compressor and sources of funding for such training..
3. The Vice-Chairman thanked the Equipt Offr and his team for their outstanding work without which diving on Ascension would be made significantly more difficult. / Equipt Offr
Equipt Offr
Equipt Offr
7 – Treasurer’s Report / RAFS-AA accounts for the last period are at Enclosure 2. The fund is healthy.
8 – Training Officer’s Report / 1. The Training Officers’ Report can be seen at Enclosure 3 and covers in more detail the following points.
2. The successful 2012 OWI event qualified BSADS x 1, 8 x OWI and 3 x AED instructors. A lesson learnt that for future event the expedition organiser should not be participating in the event.