Scouts Canada

Emergency Plan/

Action Plan

Emergency Plan

An emergency plan will provide the leaders with the necessary information about the youth and the leaders and anaction plan to follow in the event of an emergency:

The leadership team must have:

1)A Program Participant Enrolment Form or Application for Membership and Appointment of Volunteers

for each individual. For non-registered adults assisting with an activity, a Physical Fitness Certificate should be filled out. This provides medical history, medical number, and a phone number where parent can be reached. Copies of these forms for all participants will be carried by and available from ______

2)Emergency phone numbers pertinent to their location: 911 or

Police:______Fire: ______Ambulance: ______and Poison Control.______

3) Directions to the nearest hospital or health care facility: (map attached?)


4) At least one adult with the appropriate first aid certification and equipment appropriate to the activity.

Designated First Aider this event: ______First Aid Kit location: ______

5) A method or plan for communications.

Communications within the group: ______

Communications en route between vehicles: ______

Communication with GC or designate at home: ______

Communication with parents: ______(phone tree to include each parent’s name, home phone and cell phone)

6) Evacuation plan.

If evacuation is required here is what will happen: (who’s decision, who will be informed, how will be participants be gathered and transported, where will they be taken to, how will they be returned to their parents, etc.) ______

7) Accident reporting/recording procedures.

In the event of an accident, injury or illness, this is what will happen: (who will take charge, who will direct the necessary actions, who will be notified, how will details be recorded (Incident forms etc)


8) Leaves with a responsible person at home the following: trip plan, map, list of names, phone numbers,

start/finish points and times. Responsible person at home will be: ______,

Scouts Canada

Emergency Plan/

Action Plan

9)Emergency repair kits where appropriate. (Required _____ or Not Required ______)

The following repair/field maintenance kits will be carried. ______

Our general repair kit will include the following: ______


In the event of an Emergency the leaders have:

Identified potential emergencies and determined the appropriate response for each including, identified who will take control.

Risk Assessment: potential emergencies, accidents, environmental hazards,

Developed an Action Plan to follow: Who will take charge, what are the possible courses of action: