List of Publications
1. Gressel, J.B. and L.G. Holm. 1964. Chemical inhibition of crop germination by weed seeds and the nature of inhibition by Abutilon theophrasti. Weed Res. 4:44-53.
2. Gressel, J. and M. Avron. 1965. The effects of structural degradation on the coupled photochemical activities of isolated chloroplasts. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 94:31-41.
3. Galun, E., J. Gressel and A. Keynan. 1964. Suppression of floral induction by actinomycin D - an inhibitor of messenger RNA synthesis. Life Sciences 3:911-915.
4. Galun, E. and J. Gressel. 1966. Morphogenesis in Trichoderma: Suppression of photoinduction by 5-fluorouracil. Science 151:696-698.
5. Gressel, J. and E. Galun, 1966. Effect of 5 fluorouracil on the soluble RNA of Trichoderma. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm. 2:162-168.
6. Gressel, J. and E. Galun, 1967. Morphogenesis in Trichoderma:Photoinduction and RNA. Devel. Biol. 15:575-598. (Reviewed in Nature News and Views) 215 (Aug. 5, 1967).
7. Gressel, J. and K. Hartmann. 1968. Morphogenesis in Trichoderma: Action spectrum of photoinduced sporulation. Planta 79:271-274.
8. Gressel, J. and J. Wolowelsky. 1968. A "Macrotome" for polyacrylamide gel and tissue slicing. Anal. Biochem., 22:352-354.
9. Gressel, J. and J. Wolowelsky. 1968. A spectrophotometer attachment for scanning polyacrylamide gels. Anal. Biochem., 24:157-161.
10. Gressel, J. and E. Galun, 1970. Sporulation in Trichoderma: A model system with analogies to flowering. In: Cellular and Molecular Aspects of Floral Induction. Bernier, G. ed., Longmans Green & Co., London, pp. 152-170.
11. Arzee, T., J. Gressel and E. Galun. 1970. Flowering in Pharbitis: The influence of actinomycin on growth, incorporation of nucleic acid precursors and autoradiographic patterns. In: Cellular and Molecular Aspects of Floral Induction. Bernier, G., ed. Longmans, Green & Co., London. pp. 93-107.
12. Rimon, D., J. Gressel and E. Galun. 1969. Pyrimidine analogues and nucleic acid synthesis in Spirodela. Israel J. Bot., 18:113-121.
13. Gressel, J., A.. Zilberstein and T. Arzee. 1970. Bursts of incorporation into RNA, and ribonuclease activities associated with induction of morphogenesis in Pharbitis. Develop. Biol., 22:31-42.
14. Gressel, J., L. Strausbauch and E. Galun. 1971. Morphogenesis in Trichoderma: Photomimetic effect of acetylcholine. Nature, 232:648-649. (Reviewed Nature News & Views, 232:601-602, 1971.)
15. Stavy (Rodeh) R., E. Galun and J. Gressel. 1972. Morphogenesis in Trichoderma: RNA-DNA hybridization studies. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 259-321-329.
16. Loening, U.E., D. Grierson and J. Gressel. 1972. The control of ribosomal RNA synthesis: The transcription products of the ribosomal genes in leaves and roots. Symp. Biol. Hung. 23:193-199.
17. Rosner, A., H.B. Posner and J. Gressel. 1973. RNA synthesis in Lemna: characterization by gel electrophoresis. Plant & Cell Physiol., 14:555-564.
18. Zilberstein, A., T. Arzee and J. Gressel. 1973. Thymidine incorporation into Pharbitis DNA. I. Adenosine effects on degradation by the thymidine phosphorylase system. Cell Differentiation 2:205-211.
19. Zilberstein, A., T. Arzee and J. Gressel. 1973. Thymidine incorporation in Pharbitis DNA. II. Adenosine enhancement in vivo total incorporation versus autoradiography. Cell Differentiation, 2:213-220.
20. Posner, H.B., J. Gressel and A. Rosner. 1974. Direct evidence for the lack of methylation of excess RNA. Plant & Cell Phys. 15:807-811.
21. Rosner, A., M. Edelman and J. Gressel. 1974. Thermal denaturation of nucleic acids in polyacrylamide gels. Anal. Biochem., 58:602-606.
22. Jakob, K.M., J. Gressel and I. Tal. 1975. Removal of pectins from methylated rRNA and precursors by LiCl. Anal. Biochem. 63:457-463.
23. Rosner, A., D. Porath and J. Gressel. 1974. The distribution of plastid ribosomes and integrity of plastid ribosomal RNA during greening and maturation of Spirodela fronds. Plant & Cell Physiol. 15:891-902.
24. Gressel, J., S. Bar-Lev and E. Galun. 1975. Blue light induced response in the absence of free oxygen. Plant & Cell Physiol. 16:367-370.
25. Gressel, J., T. Berman and N. Cohen. 1975. Dinoflagellate ribosomal RNA: an evolutionary relic? J. Mol. Evol., 5:307-313.
26. Arzee, T., A. Zilberstein and J. Gressel. 1975. Immediate intraplumular distribution of macromolecular syntheses following floral induction in Pharbitis nil. Plant & Cell Physiol. 16:505-511.
27. Gressel, J., A. Rosner and N. Cohen. 1975. Temperature of acrylamide polymerization and mobilities of nucleic acids. Anal. Biochem. 69:84-92.
28. Rosner, A., K.M. Jakob, J. Gressel and D. Sagher. 1975. The early synthesis and possible function of a 0.5x106 Mr RNA after transfer of dark-grown Spirodela plants to light. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm. 67:383-391.
29. Gressel, J. and A.W. Robards. 1975. Polyacrylamide gel structure resolved? J. Chromatog. 114:455-458.
30. Quail, P.H. and J. Gressel. 1976. Particle bound phytochrome: Interaction of the pigment with ribonucleoprotein material from Cucurbita pepo L. In: Light and Plant Development, Smith, H., ed., Butterworth Ltd., London. pp. 111-128.
31. Gressel, J. and P.H. Quail. 1976. Particle-bound phytochrome: differential pigment release by surfactants, ribonuclease and phospholipase C. Plant & Cell Physiol. 17:771-786.
32. Rosner, A., A. Reisfeld, K.M. Jakob, J. Gressel and M. Edelman. 1977. Shifts in the RNA and protein metabolisms of Spirodela (duckweed). In: Acides Nucleiques et Synthese des Proteines chez les Vegetaux. Bogorad L. and J. Weil, eds. C.N.R.S., pp. 561-568.
33. Arzee, T., H. Langenauer and J. Gressel. 1977. Effects of dikegulac, a new growth regulator, on apical growth and development of three Compositae. Bot. Gaz. 138:18-28.
34. Rosner, A., J. Gressel and K.M. Jakob. 1977. Discoordination of ribosomal RNA metabolism during metabolic shifts of Spirodela plants. Biochim. Biophys. Acta. 474:386-397.
35. Gressel, J. and N. Cohen. 1977. Effects of dikegulac, a new growth regulator, on RNA synthesis in Spirodela. Plant & Cell Physiol. 18:255-259.
36. Zilkah, S. and J. Gressel. 1977. Cell cultures vs. whole plants for measuring phytotoxicity. I. The establishment and growth of callus and suspension cultures; definition of factors affecting toxicity. Plant & Cell Physiol. 18:641-655.
37. Zilkah, S., P.F. Bocion and J. Gressel. 1977. Cell cultures vs. whole plants for measuring phytotoxicity. II. Correlations between phytotoxicity in seedlings and calli. Plant & Cell Physiol. 18:657-670.
38. Zilkah, S. and J. Gressel. 1977. Cell cultures vs. whole plants for measuring phytotoxicity. III. Correlation between phytotoxicities in cell suspension cultures, calli and seedlings. Plant & Cell Physiol. 18:815-820.
39. Gressel, J., A. Zilberstein, L. Strausbauch and T. Arzee. 1978. Photoinduction of Pharbitis flowering: relationship to RNA synthesis and other metabolic events. Photochem. Photobiol. 27:237-240.
40. Reisfeld, A., J. Gressel, K.M. Jakob and M. Edelman. 1978. Characterization of the 32,000 dalton membrane protein - I. Early synthesis during photoinduced plastid development of Spirodela. Photochem. and Photobiol. 27:161-165.
41. Gressel, J. 1978. Light requirements for the enhanced synthesis of the 0.5 x 106 MW plastid mRNA during Spirodela greening. Photochem. Photobiol. 27:167-169.
42. Zilkah, S. and J. Gressel. 1978. Correlations in phytotoxicity between white and green calli of Rumex obtusifolius, Nicotiana tabacum and Lycopersicon esculentum. Pestic. Biochem. Physiol. 9:334-339.
43. Zilkah, S. and J. Gressel. 1978. The estimation of cell death in suspension cultures evoked by phytotoxic compounds: Differences among techniques. Plant Sci. Lett. 12:305-315.
44. Zilkah, S., P.F. Bocion and J. Gressel.1978. Target tisssue for napropamide inhibition: effects on green and white calli and seedlings. Weed Sci. 26:711-713.
45. Zilkah, S. and J. Gressel. 1978. Differential inhibition by dikegulac of dividing and stationary cells in in vitro cultures. Planta 142:281-285.
46. Gressel, J. 1978. Factors influencing the selection of herbicide resistant biotypes of weeds. Outlook on Agriculture 9:283-287.
47. Gressel, J., S. Zilkah and G. Ezra. 1978. Herbicide action, resistance and screening in cultures vs. plants. In: Frontiers of Plant Tissue Culture 1978. Thorpe, T.A., ed., University of Calgary Press, pp. 427-436.
48. Gressel, J. and L.A. Segel. 1978. The paucity of genetic adaptive resistance of plants to herbicides: possible biological reasons and implications. J. Theor. Biol. 75:349-371.
49. Gressel, J. 1979. Genetic herbicide resistance: projections for its appearance in weeds and breeding for it in crops. In: Plant Regulation and World Agriculture. Scott, T.K., ed. Plenum, NYC, pp. 85-109.
50. Zilkah, S. and J. Gressel. 1979. Cell suspensions for kinetic studies of inhibitor action: The rapid initial action of dikegulac on membrane properties in situ. Planta, 145:273-278.
51. Weinbaum, S.A., J. Gressel, A. Reisfeld and M. Edelman. 1979. Characterization of 32,000 dalton chloroplast membrane protein III. Probing its biological function in Spirodela. Plant Physiology 64:828-832.
52. Gressel, J. 1979. A review of the place of in vitro cell culture systems in studies of action, metabolism and resistance of biocides affecting photosynthesis. Z. Naturforsch. 34c:905-913.
53. Gressel, J. 1979. Blue light photoreception. Photochem. Photobiol. 30:749-754.
54. Bernier, G., C. Besnard, J. Brulfert, R.O. Erickson, D. Fontaine, J. Gressel, A. Havelange, A. Jacqmard, R.F. Lyndon, A. Nougarede, J. Rembur, F. Seidlova, J. Taillandier. 1979. The sequences of floral evocation. In: Physiologie de la Floraison. Champagnat, P. and R. Jacques, eds. C.N.R.S. Colloq. Intl. No. 285. Paris. Chapter 4, pp.130-168.
55. Gressel, J. 1980. Blue light and transcription. In: The Blue Light Syndrome. Senger, H., ed., Springer-Verlag, Berlin. pp. 133-153.
56. Zilkah, S. and J. Gressel. 1980. Multistage disruption of protoplasts by dikegulac. Planta 147:274-276.
57. Gressel, J., A. Zilberstein, D. Porath and T. Arzee. 1980. Demonstration with fiber illumination that Pharbitis plumules also perceive flowering photoinduction. In: Photoreceptors and Plant Development. De Greef, J.A., ed., Antwerpen Univ. Press, pp. 525-530.
58. Gressel, J. 1980. Uses and drawbacks of cell cultures in pesticide research. In: Plant Cell Cultures: Results and Perspectives. Sala, F., B. Parisi, R. Cella and O. Ciferri, eds. Elsevier/N. Holland. pp. 379-388.
59. Gressel, J. 1981. The avoidance of herbicide resistance. In: Proc. Symp. IX Intl. Congress of Plant Protection. Kommedahl, T., ed. Burgess, Minneapolis. Vol. 1, pp. 262-268.
60. Vered, Y., O.A. Milstein, H.M. Flowers, J. Gressel. 1981. Biodegradation of wheat straw ligno-carbohydrate complexes (LCC). I. Dynamics of liberation of hot aqueous LCCs from wheat straw and partial characterization of the products. Eur. J. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 12:183-188.
61. Milstein, O.A., Y. Vered, J. Gressel and H.M. Flowers. 1981. Biodegradation of wheat straw ligno-carbohydrate complexes (LCC) II. Fungal growth on aqueous hydrolysate liquors and particulate residues of wheat straw. Eur. J. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 13:117-127.
62. Gressel, J. and B. Horwitz. 1982. Gravitropism and phototropism. Chapter 15. In: Molecular Biology of Plant Development. Smith H. and D. Grierson, eds. Blackwell Scientific. Oxford. pp. 405-433.
63. Gressel, J., H.U. Ammon, M. Fogelfors, J. Gasquez, Q.O.N. Kay and H. Kees. 1982. Discovery and distribution of herbicide resistant weeds outside North America. Chap. 3. In: Herbicide Resistance in Plants. Le Baron, H. and J. Gressel, eds. Wiley, NYC. pp. 31-55.
64. Gressel, J. and L.A. Segel. 1982. Interrelating factors controlling the rate of appearance of resistance: The outlook for the future. Chap. 17. In: Herbicide Resistance in Plants. Le Baron, H. and J. Gressel, eds. Wiley NYC, pp. 325-347.
65. LeBaron, H. and J. Gressel. 1982. Summary of accomplishments conclusions, and future needs. Chapter 18. In: Herbicide Resistance in Plants. LeBaron, H. and J. Gressel, eds. Wiley, NYC, pp. 349-362.
66. Gressel, J., G. Ezra and S.M. Jain. 1982. Genetic and chemical manipulation of crops to confer tolerance to chemicals. In: Chemical Manipulation of Crop Growth and Development. McLaren, J.S., ed. Butterworths, London, pp. 79-91.
67. Ezra, G. and J. Gressel. 1982. Rapid effects of a thiocarbamate herbicide and its dichloroacetamide protectant on macromolecular syntheses and glutathione levels in maize cell cultures. Pestic. Biochem. and Physiol. 17: 48-58.
68. Gressel, J. 1982. Triazine herbicide interaction with a 32,000 Mr thylakoid protein: alternative possibilities. Plant Sci. Lett. 25:99-106.
69. Tal, B., J. Gressel and I. Goldberg. 1982. The effect of medium constitutents on growth by Dioscorea deltoidea cells grown in batch cultures. Planta Medica 44:111- 115.
70. Reisfeld, A., J. Gressel, K.M. Jakob and M. Edelman. 1982. Fractionation of chloroplast RNA by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and sucrose density gradients. In: Methods in Chloroplast Molecular Biology. Edelman, M., et al., eds. Elsevier, Amsterdam. Chapter 28, pp. 393-403.
71. Mattoo, A.K., J. Marder, J. Gressel and M. Edelman. 1982. Presence of the rapidly labelled 32,000 dalton chloroplast membrane protein in triazine resistant biotypes. FEBS Lett. 140:36-40.
72. Ezra, G., E. Krochmal and J. Gressel. 1982. Competition between a thiocarbamate herbicide and herbicide protectants at the level of uptake into maize cells in culture. Pestic. Biochem. Physiol. 18:107-112.
73. Gressel, J. and W. Rau. 1983. Photocontrol of fungal development. In: Encyclopedia of Plant Physiology. "Photomorphogenesis". Shropshire, W. and H. Mohr, eds. Springer, Berlin. vol. 16, pp. 603-639.
74. Vince-Prue, D. and J. Gressel. 1985. Pharbitis nil Choisy. In: Handbook on Flowering. Halevy, A.H., ed. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Vol. 4:47-81.
75. Ezra, G., H.M. Flowers and J. Gressel. 1983. Rapid multilevel interactions of a thiocarbamate herbicide and its protectant in maize cell cultures. In: Human Welfare and the Environment-IUPAC- Pesticide Chemistry. Miyamoto, J. et al, eds. Pergamon, Oxford, pp 225-231.
76. Binding, H., S.M. Jain, J. Finger, G. Mordhorst, R. Nehls and J. Gressel. 1982. Somatic hybridization of an atrazine-resistant biotype of Solanum nigrum with S. tuberosum: I. Clonal variation in morphology and in atrazine sensitivity. Theor. Appl. Genet. 63:273-277.
77. Horwitz, B.A. and J. Gressel. 1983. Elevated riboflavin requirement for post-inductive events in sporulation of a Trichoderma auxotroph. Plant Physiol. 71:200-204.
78. Gressel, J., Y. Regev, S. Malkin and Y. Kleifeld. 1983. Characterization of a s-triazine resistant biotype of Brachypodium distachyon. Weed Sci. 31:450-456.
79. Gressel, J., N. Cohen and H. Binding. 1984. Somatic hybridization of an atrazine-resistant biotype of Solanum nigrum with Solanum tuberosum. II: Segregation of plastomes. Theor. Appl. Genet. 67:131-134.
80. Gressel, J., R.H. Shimabukuro and M.E. Duysen. 1983. N-dealkylation of atrazine and simazine in Senecio vulgaris biotypes: a major degradation pathway. Pestic. Biochem. Physiol. 19: 361-370.
81. Gressel, J. 1984. Plant tissue culture systems for screening of plant growth regulators: hormone, herbicides and natural phytotoxins. In: Advances in Cell Cultures. Maramorosch, K., ed., Academic Press. Vol. 3, pp 93-181.
82. Ezra, G., J. Gressel and H.M. Flowers. 1983. Effects of the herbicide EPTC and the protectant DDCA on incorporation and distribution of (2-14C) acetate into major lipid fractions of maize cell suspension cultures. Pestic. Biochem. Physiol., 19:224-234.
83. Gressel, J. 1984. The evolution of herbicide resistant weeds. In Origins and Development of Adaptation. Pitman Books, London. (Ciba Foundation Symposium, No. 102). pp. 73-87.
84. Milstein, O., Y. Vered, L. Shragina, J. Gressel, H. Flowers and A. Huttermann. 1983. Metabolism of lignin related aromatic compounds by Aspergillus japonicus. Arch. Microbiol. 135:147-154.
85. Gressel, J. 1983. Spread and action of herbicide tolerances and uses in crop breeding. In: Proceedings 10th International Congress of Plant Protection. The British Crop Protection Council, Croydon. pp. 608-615.
86. Milstein, O., Y. Vered, A. Sharma, J. Gressel and H.M. Flowers. 1983. Fungal biodegradation and biotransformation of soluble lignocarbohydrate complexes (LCC) from straw. Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 46:55-61.
87. Gressel, J., Y. Vered, S. Bar-Lev, O. Milstein and H.M. Flowers. 1983 Partial suppression of cellulase action by artificial lignification of cellulose. Plant Sci. Lett., 32:349-353.
88. Horwitz, B., J. Gressel and S. Malkin. 1984. The quest for Trichoderma cryptochrome. In: Blue Light Effects in Biological Systems. Senger, H., ed., Springer, Berlin, pp. 237-249.
89. Gressel, J. 1985. Herbicide tolerance and resistance: Alteration of site of activity. In: Weed Physiology. Duke, S.O., ed., C.R.C. Press, Boca Raton, vol. 2, pp. 159-189.
90. Lewinsohn, E. and J. Gressel. 1983. The determination of chlorophylls a and b. together with 14 CO2 fixation in the same plant tissue samples. Analyt. Biochem. 135:438-442.
91. Horwitz, B.A., M.H. Weisenseel, A. Dorn and J. Gressel. 1984. Electrical currents around growing Trichoderma hyphae before and after photoinduction of conidiation. Plant Physiol. 74:912-916.
92. Zilberstein, A., T. Arzee and J. Gressel. 1984. Early morphogenetic changes during phytochrome induced fern spore germination: I. The existence of a pre-photoinduction phase and the accumulation of chlorophyll. Z. Pflanzenphysiol. 114:97-107.
93. Zilberstein, A., J. Gressel, T. Arzee and M. Edelman. 1984. Early morphogenetic changes during phytochrome induced fern spore germination: II Transcriptional and translational events. Z. Pflanzenphysiol. 114:109-122.
94. Tal, B., J.S. Rokem, J. Gressel and I. Goldberg. 1984. The effect of chlorophyll-bleaching herbicides on growth, carotenoid and diosgenin levels in cell suspension cultures of Dioscorea deltoidea. Phytochemistry, 23:1333-1335.
95. Milstein, O., J. Trojanowski, J. Gressel, and A. Huttermann. 1984. Biodegradation of 14C-labelled synthetic lignin polymers by Aspergillus spp. Microbios Lett. 25:113-117.
96. Lewinsohn, E. and J. Gressel. 1984. Benzyl viologen mediated counteraction of diquat and paraquat phytotoxicities. Plant Physiology, 76:125-130.
97. Horwitz, B.A., S. Malkin and J. Gressel. 1984. Roseoflavin inhibition of photoconidiation in a Trichoderma riboflavin auxotroph: Indirect evidence for flavin requirement for photoreactions. Photochem. Photobiol. 40:763-770.
98. Gressel, J. 1985. Biotechnologically conferring herbicide resistance in crops: The present realities. In: Molecular Form and Function of the Plant Genome. Van Vloten-Doting, L., et al., eds. Plenum, N.Y. pp.489-504.
99. Gressel, J. 1987. Strategies for prevention of herbicide resistance in weeds. In: Rational Pesticide Use. Brent, K.J. and R. Atkin, eds. Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge. pp.183-196.
100. Sharma, A., O. Milstein, Y. Vered, H.M. Flowers and J. Gressel. 1985. Effects of aromatic compounds on hemicellulose degrading enzymes in Aspergillus japonicus. Biotech. Bioeng. 27:1095-1101.
101. Horwitz, B.A., J. Gressel, S. Malkin and B.L. Epel. 1985. Modified cryptochrome in vivo absorption in Trichoderma dim photosporulation mutants in Trichoderma. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (U.S.A.) 82:2736-2740.
102. Gressel, J. 1986. Modes and genetics of herbicide resistances in plants. In: Pesticide Resistance Management. National Academy Press, Washington D.C. pp. 54-73.
103. Gressel, J. and G. Ben-Sinai. 1985. Low intra-specific competitive fitness in a triazine resistant, nearly nuclear-isogenic lines of Brassica napus. Plant Sci. 38:29-32.
104. Gressel, J. 1985. The molecular anatomy of resistance to photosystem II herbicides. Oxford Surveys of Plant Mol. & Cell Biol. 2:321-328.
105. Horwitz, B.A., J. Gressel and S. Malkin. 1985. Photoperception mutants in Trichoderma: mutants that sporulate in response to stress but not light. Current Genetics 9: 605-613.
106. Horwitz, B.A. and J. Gressel. 1987. First measurable responses in crypytochrome photomorphogenesis. Chap. 4. In: Blue Light Responses-Phenomena and Occurrence in Plants and Micro-organisms. Senger, H., ed., CRC Press, Boca Raton. Vol. 2, pp.53-71.
107. Gressel, J. 1987. Rates of evolution of plant resistance to xenobiotics in the field. Chap. 16. In: Models in Plant Physiology/Biochemistry. Newman D.W. and K.G. Wilson, eds. CRC Press, Boca-Raton. Vol. III, pp. 75-77.
108. Gressel, J. 1986. The challenges of conferring herbicide resistance on crops. In: Biotechnology for Solving Agricultural Problems. Augustine, P.C., H.D. Danforth, M.R. Bakst, eds., Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Dordrecht. pp. 369-383.
109. Milstein, O., Y. Vered, A. Sharma, J. Gressel and H.M. Flowers. 1986. Heat and microbial treatments for nutritional upgrading of wheat straw. Biotech. Bioeng. 28: 381-386
110. Shaaltiel, Y. and J. Gressel. 1986. Multienzyme oxygen radical detoxifying system correlated with paraquat resistance in Conyza bonariensis. Pestic. Biochem. Physiol. 26:22-28.
111. Horwitz, B.A. and J. Gressel. 1986. Properties and working mechanisms of the blue light photoreceptors. In: Photomorphogenesis in Plants. Kendrick, R.E., G.H.M. Kronenberg, eds. Martinus Nijhoff Dr. W. Junk, Publishers, Amsterdam. pp. 159-184.
112. Gressel, J. 1987. In vitro plant cultures for herbicide pre-screening. Chapter 3. In: Applications of Biotechnology to Agricultural Chemistry, Mumma, R.O. et al., Amer. Chem. Soc. Ser 334. Washington, DC. pp. 41-52.
113. Weller, S.C., J.B. Masiunas, J. Gressel. 1987 Biotechnologies of obtaining herbicide tolerance in potato. In: Biotechnology in Agriculture and Forestry. Vol. 3 - Potato. Bajaj, Y.P.S., ed., Springer-Verlag, Berlin. pp.281-297.
114. Lewinsohn, E., E. Berman, Y. Mazur and J. Gressel. 1986. Glucosylation of exogenous flavanones by grapefruit (Citrus paradisi) cell cultures. Phytochemistry 25:2531-2535.
115. Shaaltiel, Y. and J. Gressel. 1987. Biochemical analysis of paraquat resistance in Conyza leads to pinpointing synergists for oxidant generating herbicides. In: Pesticide Science and Biotechnology. Greenhalgh, R. and T.R. Roberts, eds. Blackwell Scientific, Oxford. pp.183-186.
116. Gaba, V. and J. Gressel. 1987. Acifluorfen enhancement of cryptochrome-modulated sporulation following an inductive light flash. Plant Physiology 83:225-227.
117. Ben-Amotz, A., J. Gressel and M. Avron. 1987. Massive accumulation of phytoene induced by norflurazon in Dunaliella bardawil prevents recovery from photoinhibition. J. Phycology 23:176-181.
118. Gressel, J. 1987. Problems in herbicide resistance. Chapter 16. In: Combating Resistance to Xenobiotics: Biological and Chemical Approaches. Ford, M.G., D.W. Hollomon, B.P.S. Khambay and R.M. Sawicki, eds. Horwood, Chichester, pp. 192-199.
119. Gressel, J. 1987. Genetic manipulation for herbicide-resistant crops. Chapter 22. In: Combating Resistance to Xenobiotics: Biological and Chemical Approaches. Ford, M.G., D.W. Hollomon, B.P.S. Khambay and R.M. Sawicki, eds. Horwood, Chichester, pp. 266-280.
120. Bocion, P.F., C.J. Cattanach, P. Eggenberg, J. Gressel, M.L. Hagmann, S. Malkin and J. Wenger. 1987. Synthesis and characterization of a group of dihydropyrimido-benzimidazole photosystem II herbicides. Pestic. Biochem. Physiol. 28:75-84.
121. Milstein, O., A. Bechar, L. Shragina and J. Gressel 1987. Solar pasteurization of straw for nutritional upgrading and as a substrate for ligninolytic organisms. Biotech. Lett. 9:269-274.
122. Gressel, J. 1989. Conferring herbicide resistance on susceptible crops. Chap. 12. In: Herbicides and Plant Metabolism. Dodge, A.D., ed. Cambridge Univ. Press. pp. 237-259.
123. Gressel, J. and Y. Shaaltiel. 1988. Biorational herbicide synergists. In: Biotechnological Approaches to Plant Protection. Hedin, P.A., ed. Amer. Chem. Soc. Symp Ser., Washington DC. pp. 4-26.
124. Shaaltiel, Y. and J. Gressel. (1987) Kinetic analysis of resistance to paraquat in Conyza: evidence that paraquat transiently inhibits leaf chloroplast reactions in resistant plants. Plant Physiology 85:869-871.
125. Gressel, J. 1987. Appearance of single and multi-group herbicide resistances and strategies for their prevention. Brit. Crop Protection Conf. - Weeds. pp.479-488.