Version 1 (2/12/2015)

Crosswalk from 10YWSC to Wilderness Stewardship Performance

10 Year Wilderness Stewardship Challenge (FY05-14) / Wilderness Stewardship Performance (FY15 on) / What has Changed?
2. Invasive Plants / 1. Invasive Species /
  • Element expanded to consider all invasive species; not just plants.
  • Scoring has changed for different levels of accomplishment.
  • Early Detection and Rapid Response is required if populations are identified and treatment actions entered into the database at the 2-point level.

3. Air Quality / 2. Air Quality Values /
  • An additional scoring level for accomplishment has been added.
  • New document for identifying WAQV thresholds, critical loads, or critical levels for each wilderness are created and signed by the Forest Supervisor at the 4-point level.
  • New trends for priority sensitive receptors have been collected, analyzed and trends in air quality are evaluated at the 8-point level.
  • A report is prepared that presents baseline data, describes trends, and determines if wilderness resources are protected from air pollution and provided to the Forest Supervisor at the 10-point level.

1. Fire Management / 3. Natural Role of Fire /
  • Scoring has changed for different levels of accomplishment.
  • Wildernesses that have had wildfires or prescribed fires in the reporting year met fire management direction at the 6-point level.
  • 2-point checkbox added: Post-season reviews for wilderness fire management practices are conducted.
  • 2-point checkbox added: Wilderness Resource Advisors are assigned to each wildfire and prescribed fire.

6. Recreation Site Inventory / 6. Recreation Sites /
  • Recreation site inventory are conducted within a substantial part of the wilderness within the past 5 years at the 4-point level.
  • Recreation site inventory are completed and data has been entered in an electronic format at the 6-point level.
  • Standards exist for the management of wilderness recreation sites in the Forest Plan or Wilderness Management Plan and are reviewed and determined to protect wilderness values. New standards are developed and implemented as needed at the 8-point level.
  • Monitoring is conducted and changes are made if conditions do not meet objectives at the 10-point level.

NOT INCLUDED IN 10YWSC / 8. Non-Compliant Infrastructure / NEW ELEMENT
NOT INCLUDED IN 10YWSC / 9. Motorized Equipment / Mechanical Transport Use Auths. / NEW ELEMENT
NOT INCLUDED IN 10YWSC / 10. Agency Management Actions / NEW ELEMENT
5. Opportunities for Solitude or Primitive and Unconfined Recreation / 11. Opportunities for Solitude /
  • New scoring for different levels of accomplishment.
  • A Solitude Monitoring Plan has been developed at the 2-point level.
  • Base Line Inventory has been completed within the last 10 years and recorded at the 4-point level.
  • Random sampling and sample locations determine if conditions are outside of plan standards and guidelines at the 8-point level.
  • Management actions are taken into effect to target areas that show unacceptable levels of degradation at the 10-point level.

5. Opportunities for Solitude or Primitive and Unconfined Recreation / 12. Opportunities for Primitive and Unconfined Recreation /
  • Scoring has changed for different levels of accomplishment.
  • Existing conditions have been assessed through inventories of administratively provided facilities that diminish opportunities and limit unconfined recreation at the 2-point level.
  • Management objectives for protecting primitive and unconfined recreation are established in the Forest Plan or Wilderness Management Plan at the 4-point level.
  • For wilderness that are current with management objectives and do not require any management actions cannot score more than 6 points.
  • Management actions have been implemented to protect opportunities for primitive and unconfined recreation at the 8-point level.

NOT INCLUDED IN 10YWSC / 13. Cultural Resources / NEW ELEMENT
NOT INCLUDED IN 10YWSC / 14. Livestock Grazing / NEW ELEMENT
7. Outfitter & Guides / 15. Outfitters & Guides /
  • Scoring has changed for different levels of accomplishment.
  • Monitoring is current on all O&G permits to evaluate if wilderness practices and awareness of values are implemented. Unsatisfactory temporary permit holders do not have permits renewed at the 4-point level.
  • 2-point checkbox added: Completion of Commercial Services Needs Assessment & Capacity Analysis (CSNA & CA).
  • 4-point checkbox added: NEPA decision has been made on the allocation of commercial uses as supported by the CSNA & CA.

NOT INCLUDED IN 10YWSC / 16. Other Special Provisions (e.g., dams, airstrips, mines) / NEW ELEMENT
10. Baseline Workforce / 17. Workforce Capacity /
  • Workforce targets have been removed. Local determination for each checkbox.
  • 2-point checkbox added: An adequate number of personnel can effectively manage and provide field presence in the wilderness.
  • 2-point checkbox added: Partners and volunteers incorporate stewardship activities.
  • 2-point checkbox added: Line officers at the district and forest levels have completed Wilderness Line Officers Training.
  • 2-point checkbox added: Unites have inventoried workforce’s skills and identified needs based on program of work and confirmed their workforce is certified or trained.
  • 2-point checkbox added: Members of workforce have completed wilderness awareness training.

4. Education Plan / 18. Education /
  • Scoring has changed for different levels of accomplishment.
  • 2-point checkbox added: Specific and targeted actions in the plan have been identified and implemented to reach non-traditional audiences and engage youth.

NOT INCLUDED IN 10YWSC / 19. Wilderness Character Baseline / NEW ELEMENT
8. Adequate Direction in Forest Plan to Prevent Degradation / NO CROSS WALK IDENTIFIED IN WSP /
  • Instead of having an element dedicated to forest plan standards, WSP incorporates forest plan standards and guides into a number of individual elements.

9. Priority Information Needs / NO CROSS WALK IDENTIFIED IN WSP /
  • Annual upward reporting requirements completed on time; was in Element 9 and is moved to a 2-point checkbox as an “Additional Requirement”.

BOUNDARY MAPS NOT ADDRESSED IN 10YWSC / Additional Requirements for Wilderness Stewardship /
  • 2-point checkbox added: Wilderness perimeter boundary descriptions and maps are prepared and transmitted to Congress.
  • 2-point checkbox added: Annual upward reporting requirements are completed on time.