North Newton School Corporation

Facility Use Policy

General Regulations for Use of School Facilities

In an effort to promote the use of the corporation’s facilities in an equitable, consistent, and fair manner, the Board of School Trustees finds it necessary to adopt a facility use policy. It is the intent of the Board that the policy be applied fairly and consistently for all patrons and staff. In order to assure that this is accomplished, the Board will only consider changes and/or exemptions to this policy for unusual conditions. By signing the rental agreement, the applicants acknowledge that they have read the school corporation’s facility use policy in its entirety and agree to abide by it.

Groups Eligible to Use Corporation Property:

Group A : School-sponsored Extracurricular and Support Groups

Group B : Student-centered Community Groups

Group C :Not-for-profit Community Groups

Group D : For-profit Groups

Group E : Non-school Unorganized Groups

1.Applications for the use of school facilities must be submitted to the building principal at least two weeks prior to the intended event. Applications received less than two weeks prior to the intended event will be returned denied.

2.School-related functions and activities will always have priority for use of school facilities any time a conflict develops with an outside group.

3.Any application can be rejected if the intended activity is deemed inappropriate.

4.The applicant for any non-school related event approved by the building principal must show, prior to the event, proof of liability insurance in an amount of not less than five-hundred thousand dollars ($500,000) which names North Newton School Corporation as an additional insured.

5.Charges for rental of facilities, equipment, or services will be borne by the renting organization or individual, based upon rates contained in this form. Interpretation and implementation of the rates rest with the school corporation’s administration. Final billing will be determined based upon actual costs for the event. All checks for facility rentals and supervisor services are to be made payable to NORTH NEWTON SCHOOL CORPORATION and sent directly to the school corporation’s Administration Building at P.O. Box 8, Morocco, IN 47963.

6.Community groups such as scout troops, 4-H clubs, FFA, AAU clubs, youth basketball, Youth Football, little leagues, softball leagues, soccer clubs, and state agencies shall be charged a fee for food service workers, if necessary, and swimming pool rentals. Custodial fees will be applied if the rental falls outside the regular scheduled custodial working hours. All organizations that are exempt from custodial fees are responsible for ensuing the facility is left in condition that is as good as, or better than, it was found.

7.Organizations or individuals from outside North Newton School Corporation boundaries will be required to seek Board approval for the use of facilities, and will pay $100.00 per diem plus other expenses for the use of school facilities.

8.Renting organizations or individuals will be billed by the school district for fees and/or services. School employees are not to be compensated by the renting organization.

9.All activities in school buildings are to conclude, and the facilities are to be vacated, no later than 11:00 p.m. Any exception to this rule must have prior approval from the North Newton School Corporation Board of School Trustees.

10.The renting organization or individual will be responsible for providing supervision and policing of the school facilities during use.

11.All damages to school property shall be the responsibility of, and charged to, the organization using the facility.

12.Applications for the use of the swimming pool must be accompanied by a safety plan that includes the following:

•Compliance with Indiana law, which states “When on duty, lifeguards shall not perform any duties other than lifeguarding and shall not be in the water except in the line of duty”.

•One lifeguard for every 50 people in attendance.

•Copy/copies of “Lifeguard Training and Community First Aide and Safety” certificate(s).

•Copy/copies of “CPR for the Professional Rescuer” certificate(s).

•If rental of the swimming pool is intended for swimming instruction, the instructor must comply with Indiana law and regulations on license requirements to teach swimming.

13.Drinking or possession of intoxicants or the illegal possession of a controlled substance on school property is strictly prohibited.

14.The use of tobacco products is prohibited.

15.A custodian must be on duty when school facilities are used. Two or more custodians may be required when food is served, catered, or carried in. Charges will be included for their rates. These charges will apply only if the scheduled event takes place outside of the regular custodial working hours.

16.Whenever a school kitchen is used, a school lunchroom employee must be on duty. The organization or individual will be charged the rate per hour for the time this employee is on duty. The billing is prepared by the Director of Finance, and will be a separate billing from the banquet billing.



As part of the agreement between the Board of School Trustees of North Newton School Corporation and its employees, you have use of the facilities available to you. This agreement reads as follows:

Use of Facilities

(A)It is recognized that the school buildings of North Newton School Corporation are ultimately under the jurisdiction and control of the superintendent and the Board. Employees shall be entitled to the use of such buildings, at reasonable times, for meetings that do not conflict with regular school activities or with community activities scheduled in the same school facility prior to application by the employees. Employees shall apply for such use on forms that will be made available by the superintendent.

These forms are available to you at the principal’s office in each of the buildings. These forms must be filled out two weeks prior to the expected date that you intend to use the facility, and submitted to the building principal for approval. Approval will be determined by the building principal based on availability of the area requested and nature of the event. If you are requesting the use of a facility for which you do not have keys, you will be issued a card key for access to that facility, and the card must be returned as soon as possible after the event. By signing the facility use form, the applicant acknowledges having read the school corporation facility use policy in its entirety and agrees to abide by it.

1.School-related functions, activities, and prior rental agreements will always have priority any time a conflict develops regarding the use of school facilities.

2.Any application can be rejected if the purpose is deemed inappropriate.

3.All activities in school buildings are to conclude, and facilities are to be vacated, no later than 11:00 p.m.

4.The person signing the facility use agreement will be responsible for providing supervision and policing of the school facilities during use.

5.Any damage resulting from the facility usage shall be the responsibility of and charged to the person signing the agreement.

6.Applications for use of the swimming pool must be accompanied by a safety plan that include the following:

*Compliance with Indiana Regulation 410-IAC 6-2-[11] (Supervision and Personal Conduct).

*One lifeguard for ever people in attendance.

*Copy/copies of “Lifeguard Training and Community First Aide and Safety” certificate(s).

*Copy/copies of “CPR for the Professional Rescuer” certificate(s).

7.Drinking or possession of intoxicants or the illegal possession of a controlled substance on school property is strictly prohibited.

8.The use of tobacco products is prohibited.

9.Whenever a school kitchen is used, a school lunchroom employee must be on duty. Depending on the type of event, a separate billing form from the rental invoice will be issued for the cost of kitchen personnel, which will be issued by the Director of Finance.

10.Any group using the school facilities or grounds shall be responsible for leaving the facilities/grounds in condition that is the same, or better than, they were found. All equipment should be returned to its proper location, all trash is to be picked up, lights turned off, and all doors are to be checked to ensure they are locked.

11. Activities will be restricted on Wednesday evenings and until 12:00 noon

on Sundays.


(Rental rates listed below do not include custodial or other costs.)

Rental rates apply for Groups B and C if admission is charged. Rental rates always apply to Groups D and E. (For a description of how group categories are classified, please refer to “Groups Eligible to Use Corporation Property” on the first page of the facility use policy.)

Rental rates are per event with a two-hour cap. Events over two hours may be charged an additional hourly fee, prorated according to the normal two-hour rental rate. For example, the additional fee for one more hour would be half of the regular two-hour rental rate.



$40.00Cafeteria and Kitchen


$75.00Football Stadium


$75.00Swimming Pool*

*Swimming pool rental requires additional fees as listed below.


Audio/Visual Equipment$10.00 per hour (two-hour minimum)

Basketball Scoreboard & Operator$30.00 per hour (two-hour minimum)

Custodial Services / Food Services$30.00 per hour

*Lifeguard / CPR Rescuer$15.00 per hour

*Water Safety Instructor (WSI)Regular Teaching Salary (Hourly scale)


Gymnasium$20.00 per hour

Football Field$20.00 per hour

All other Areas$10.00 per hour