Module Title: Language Skills for
Module Code: JNC 1207
Year: 1
Credits: 10
Brief description of the module,aims and content
This module complements the English Proficiency module and aims at equipping students with a second language. It introduces students to language skills in journalism and communication practice for the different audiences – Kinyarwanda (local), Kiswahili (Regional) and French/English (Global). These are becoming increasingly useful for journalists in a multi-cultural global media environment. Students will pick from:
JNC 1207 Language skills for Journalists I – Kinyarwanda
JNC 1207 Language skills for Journalists I – Kiswahili
JNC 1207 Language skills for Journalists I – French
Learning Outcomes
A) Knowledge and Understanding
Having successfully completed the module, students should be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of:
A1: Any of the above languages (they may have opted for) in news reporting and writing
B) Cognitive/Intellectual skills/Application of Knowledge
Having successfully completed the module, students should be able to:
B1: Apply the rules and conventions of language in reporting and writing news stories plus other forms of writing in one of the given languages
C) Communication/ICT/Numeracy/Analytic Techniques/Practical Skills
Having successfully completed the module, students should be able to:
C1: Develop stories in any of their opted language
C2: Competently translate stories from any of their opted vernacular language into English (and vice versa).
D) General transferable skills
Having successfully completed the module, students should be:
D1: Confidently cover events (collect and construct news stories and communicate to sources) using any of their opted/studied vernacular languages
D2: Competitive on the job market locally in Rwanda, in the EA region and globally.
Indicative Content
The content will be provided by the School of Arts and Languages
8Learning and Teaching Strategy
a)Review of news stories in different languages (critique), exercises on styles and conventions of news coverage in different languages,
b)Field workto conduct interviews in the opted vernacular language (being studied)
c)Class discussion on the dynamics of this language – the discussions should be held in the language being studied
d)It is crucial that assignments are executed in the vernacular language being studied. News bulletin simulation–take on roles of presenter or section head (politics, economics, international sport, culture...etc).
e)Structured debates, listening and writing exercises
Assessment will be based on:
a)In-class oral and written presentations/exercises (individual and group),
b)Peer interviews at campus and outside campus
c)Field work reporting and writing projects
d)Periodical tests and final project.
Assessment Pattern
Component / Weighting (%) / Learning objectives coveredIn-course assessments:
In-class Exercises / 10 / Language skills
Class Presentations / 10 / Writing in another language
Review/critique / 10 / Conventions of writing
Practical (mini-fieldwork) project / 20 / Developing competencies in news coverage in another language
Final assessment (Major Fieldwork project): / 50 / Application of another language (other than English) to report/write news stories
Total / 100