Grampian Neighbourhood Watch Association
Special General Meeting
place: Room SLG5, Aberdeen College, Gallowgate, Aberdeen AB25 1BN
date&time: 21st February 2013 at 2 pm
This meeting is called for the sole purpose of deciding whether to Dissolve GNWA or not.
Only those present can vote on the issue. If you intend using your vote, please read at least the Application form and the information sheet (pages 2 and 3 following the Agenda) Anyone unable to attend may express an opinion on the matter by reply email, also to indicate an intention to attend or to submit an apology for non-attendance :
1. Welcome, apologies
2. Discussion of the pros and cons of Dissolving GNWA
in the light of the report from the sub-committee below
3. The Vote.
The members of the Association present are invited to vote Yes or No on
the motion “ to dissolve Grampian Neighbourhood Watch Association”
Two thirds of the members present must vote ‘Yes’ for the motion to be
In the event of a tie, the chairperson of the meeting has a casting vote.
In the event of a ‘Yes’ vote, the Application to Dissolve will be completed
and sent to the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator.
In the event of a ‘No’ vote, normal business will resume.
4. Close
/continued . .
The formation, work and present situation of Grampian Neighbourhood Watch Association
1. The task of the sub-committee was to look into the pros and cons of dissolving GNWA, and it met on 17th January 2013 for that purpose.
1a. The first draft constitution was written on 11th October 2005 by the steering committee.
The association was formed with the express purpose of advising interested residents
in the prevention of break-ins to domestic property.
1b. This endeavour was highly successful, with break-ins all but ceasing in participating
1c. Since then, various additional factors have come into play which have made break-ins
a rarity in all areas of Grampian.
1d. As the break-in rate has decreased, other crimes have increased, particularly scams.
The street-by-street approach of GNWA has not been as effective in dealing with the
new crimes. The perpetrators operate outwith the locality, and frequently outwith the
UK. These thefts utilise websites, email and telephone.
1e. Were GNWA to tackle the new crimes, it would require a major re-organisation to make
it effective, with dedicated staff, premises and appropriate funding.
1f. Finding funding has proved increasingly difficult in recent years for GNWA.
Various economies have been made, such as giving up the website.
1g. Administering GNWA has proved increasingly difficult. Volunteers to take up
vacant committee offices have not come forward. Attendances at AGMs have
dwindled to a handful.
1h. Although enquiries continue to come in from rural areas, the take-up rate for new
watches and farm watches has been minimal.
1i. The sub-committee found no reasons for not dissolving.
2. Options for GNWA
The sub-committee considered the options for GNWA and felt that a merger with another organisation with similar aims would be better than to simply cease to exist.
Legal requirements also limit the options for GNWA, because it is a registered charity. As GNWA members have, since its inception, worked in a loose partnership with Absafe, the sub-committee looked into the possibility of a merger with it. Absafe is a compatible charity having community safety as its sphere of interest, premises, staff and resources. GNWA members are welcome to continue participating in Absafe, thus preserving in an efficient manner their experience and knowledge.
3. The mechanism of Dissolving a Registered Charity.
Documents associated with this activity:-
3a The Agenda and Information Sheet (this document)
3b The Application for Consent to Wind-up to Dissolve a Charity
(partially completed by the sub-committee)
3c The GNWA Constitution
3d “Dissolving your charity - seeking OSCR’s consent”
downloadable from
Click on -
Managing your Charity then
Winding up or dissolving your charity then
Guidance then
PDF or Word to download
In the event of a Yes vote, the Application Form will be finalised and sent to OSCR along with such other documents as are required as per Guidance. The assets of GNWA as listed in the Application will be handed over to Absafe. The date of dissolution would be 11th April 2013.
4. The present GNWA Committee :-
David Mackay David MacFarlane Ron McKail
Gregor McAbery Bob Murray Emma Bellu
Lynne Bain David Morris George Glennie