
Principal’s message

Welcome to our 2012 Annual School Report. I t is wonderful to sit back and reflect on a successful year of quality teaching and learning, and also on a year of some wonderful student achievements. The school has continued to develop innovative teaching practice which allows continued success in learning outcomes, while also ensuring that all students’ social and emotional needs are met. A wide range of opportunities for our students to participate in sports, performing arts and community based activities ensures that there is a balance with the curriculum.

It has been an exciting end to the year, with the allocation of money to the school for an upgrade to the school and the provision of more classrooms with the new buildings.

I certify that the information in this report is the result of a rigorous school self-evaluation process and is a balanced and genuine account of the school’s achievements and areas for development.

Leonie McKibbin

P & C and/or School Council message

Fundraising efforts in 2012 consisted of Chocolate Drive, Variety Bash, Bunnings BBQ and a Pie Drive. The support and assistance from some parents and community members ensured that these fundraisers were successful.

The P and C purchased Santa gifts for students at the end of year Presentation Day. They also paid for the end of year Fun Day for students and also paid the insurance for the two school buses.

It would be fantastic to see more parents involved in these P and C fundraisers, in 2013. As well as supporting the school, a key component of the P and C is the support they offer each other.

Julie Kelly

P and C Treasurer.

Student representative’s message

Student representatives at Five Islands School have experienced a busy year. They have led their fellow students in Assemblies and also Remembrance Day activities. They wish all the best for our new captains- Breanna and Stevie for 2013.

Tim Kelly and Cassandra Wagstaffe.

School Captains.

Our school at a glance


Our students are engaged learners, who range in age from four years to 18 years of age. Students at Five Islands School have a moderate to severe intellectual disability. Many of the students have complex associated disabilities and thus require intensive support to achieve their learning outcomes. Programs are developed to meet the individual learning needs of students in consultation with parents, carers, itinerant teachers and therapists, using the NSW Board of Studies curriculum as a basis.


The staff at Five Islands School includes teachers, school learning support officers, administrative and general assistant staff. All staff work collaboratively to provide quality teaching and learning programs for all students. The school has a leadership structure of a principal and one assistant principal.

All staff are committed to Professional learning to ensure their ongoing improvement in professional and up to date practice.

All teaching staff meet the professional requirements for teaching in NSW public schools.

School context

Student information

It is a requirement that the reporting of information for all students must be consistent with privacy and personal information policies.

Student enrolment profile

Gender / 2007 / 2008 / 2009 / 2010 / 2011 / 2012
Male / 3 / 6 / 9 / 15 / 16 / 16
Female / 3 / 5 / 9 / 10 / 10 / 10

Student attendance profile

State attendance data is not collected for students enrolled in Schools for Specific Purpose.

Management of non-attendance

Five Islands School regularly monitors the attendance of our students through the use of Oasis attendance data. Parents are reminded regularly that any absence must be explained. This information is recorded and kept as per departmental requirements.

A small number of students are unable to attend school on a daily basis due to complex health and medical needs.

Post-school destinations

Students with significant disabilities are able to access a Commonwealth government funded program called Post School Options. Students’ needs are assessed and their needs matched with appropriate providers and workers.

In 2012 one student successfully transitioned in Term 4 2012 to a Community Participation Program.

Staff information

It is a requirement that the reporting of information for all staff must be consistent with privacy and personal information policies.

Staff establishment

Position / Number
Principal / 1
Assistant Principal(s) / 1
Classroom Teachers / 4
RFF Teachers / 2
Counsellor / 0.2
School Administrative & Support Staff / 6
Total / 14.2

The National Education Agreement requires schools to report on Indigenous composition of their workforce.

On the basis of the information available to Five Islands School there were no Indigenous staff members employed on a full-time basis in 2011.

Staff retention

One staff member was successful under the Expression of Interest process and will move to her respective position in 2013. Another staff member has filled a vacant position at Lakeside School temporarily.

Our school administration staff has remained stable during 2012.

Teacher qualifications

All teaching staff meet the professional requirements for teaching in NSW public schools.

Qualifications / % of staff
Degree or diploma / 100%
Postgraduate / 75%

Financial summary

This summary covers funds for operating costs and does not involve expenditure areas such as permanent salaries, building and major maintenance.

Date of financial summary / 30/11/2012
Income / $
Balance brought forward / 29,025.09
Global funds / 68,116.86
Tied funds / 52,518.36
School & community sources / 5,770.78
Interest / 1,585.36
Trust receipts / 762.00
Canteen / 0.00
Total income / 157778.45
Teaching & learning
Key learning areas / 10,380.01
Excursions / 5,435.87
Extracurricular dissections / 2,098.29
Library / 543.43
Training & development / 3,925.05
Tied funds / 46,539.69
Casual relief teachers / 18,182.33
Administration & office / 23,270.96
School-operated canteen / 0.00
Utilities / 13,865.71
Maintenance / 8,070.34
Trust accounts / 688.50
Capital programs / 0.00
Total expenditure / 133000.18
Balance carried forward / 24778.27

This summary covers funds for operating costs and does not involve expenditure areas such as permanent salaries, building and major maintenance.

A full copy of the school’s 2012 financial statement is tabled at the annual general meetings of the School Council and/or the parent body. Further details concerning the statement can be obtained by contacting the school.

School performance 2012



Creative and Performing Arts has been an integral part of the Five Islands School curriculum implementation. While encouraging both mental and physical health, art-making also gives unique opportunities for communication and expression. In 2012, the school held our art exhibition at our school. It was a highly successful evening, with many parents, staff and community members attending the exhibition.


Five Islands School continues to encourage all students in their pursuit of fitness and access to facilities that develop and, or maintain gross motor and physical skills as part of their PD/H/PE programs. In 2012 students participated in the Active After School School programs of Table Tennis, Circus Skills, Basketball, Athletics, Dance and Games Skills.

During terms 1 and 4 selected students participated in Sailability. Our junior class enjoyed a swimming program in term one. Class programs included elements of the Live Life Well at School and concentrated on gross motor coordination.

A mini Olympics day was held in 2012. All students participated in a variety of sports and a great time was had by all.

NSW Premiers Sorting Grant enabled the purchase of sporting equipment for playground and organised sport.

Significant programs and initiatives

Priority Schools Program

Five Islands School received additional funding through Priority Schools Program, which was used to support student learning in literacy, numeracy and participation. Through PSP, the school also received an extra teacher one day per week. This teacher supported students in integrating into support unit settings.

Aboriginal education

Aspects of Aboriginal culture were experienced across the school through a variety of interactive classroom activities this year. Primary students explored Aboriginal culture through their KLA units of work ‘Identity & Values’ and ‘Meeting Needs’ in which they looked at Aboriginal heritage and lifestyles in comparison to their own lives. Students completed artworks, listened to music, read stories and used the internet to develop and share their knowledge.

Multicultural education

Multicultural education has involved creating an awareness of cultural differences and learning about other cultures. This was done in class lessons that include cooking, art, human society and geography. The senior class studied other cultures as a part of the Life Skills Syllabus. As a whole school we celebrated Harmony Day.

National partnership programs

Every Student Every School

This new initiative called Every Student, Every School is an integrated strategy for building capacity to improve outcomes for students with disabilities and additional learning and support needs in every NSW public school. It will provide a structure for learning and support in our schools.

Our project is focusing on establishing Five Islands School and Lakeside School as centres of expertise. Focus is on case management and support of students with complex needs including high health care needs, behaviour difficulties and collaborative interagency practice to support students and their teachers. Our major focus is Autism.

Progress on 2012 targets

Increased use of I-pad and Smartboard Technology to enhance communication across all settings.

Target 1

·  Students are using ICT to increase engagement in learning outcomes as set in their Individual Education Plans

·  Increased use of ipad and Smartboard Technology to enhance communication across all settings.

Our achievements include:

·  Training and Development for staff in school, at Special Education Conference and Staff Development Days.

·  Identified and shared apps appropriate for our students.

·  Purchased and using 15 ipads and child friendly cases.

·  Installed extra wi-fi hubs to improve internet access.

Improve overall student engagement through reduced incidents and inappropriate behaviours.

Target 2

·  Students will demonstrate an increase in positive behavior in the classroom/playground by achievement of goals set in their Individual Education Plans.

Our achievements include:

·  Creation of modified playground activities designed to suit individual students.

·  Introduction of “You Can Do It” program.

·  Formation of a Student Welfare Committee.

·  Transition officer engaged to assist with the changing needs of students as they mature.

Better student engagement in learning.

Further develop school profile in school and

local community.

Target 3

·  Students will meet individual goals for communication as set in Individual Education Plans.

Our achievements include:

·  Increased ipad usage to assist in expressive communication.

·  Professional Learning Opportunities supported staff to implement Quality Teaching framework across curriculum.

·  Increased Five Islands school profile through relationships with HMAS Tobruk, Lake Macquarie High School, Student Volunteer programs and our Bi-annual Art Exhibition.

·  School webpage updated with current events.

·  Every School Every Student project initiated in partnership with Lakeside School.

Better manage school purchasing, energy, water consumption and waste disposal.

Increased student awareness of environmental issues – Reduce, Re-use and Recycle.

Target 4

·  Students will demonstrate a greater awareness of environmental issues by achievement of Environmental Education goals in their Individual Education Plans.

Our achievements include:

·  Shredding and recycling program.

·  Purchase of Hills hoist clothesline to up-skill students in living skills.

·  Evolution of School Environmental Management Plan.

·  Acknowledgement of National Tree Day in conjunction with a whole school excursion to Shortland Wetlands.

·  Development of a worm farm.

School evaluation

NSW public schools conduct evaluation to support the effective implementation of the school plan. In 2012 our school carried out evaluation of Planning for school improvement and Technology.

Planning for School improvement.


The strongest influence on student learning is a strong school culture of providing students with quality teaching and learning. An evaluation of this was conducted by executive and followed up with parent surveys.

Findings and conclusions

·  All staff have an understanding of the school’s 3 year plan for school improvement- this was discussed in a whole staff meeting.

·  93 % of staff understand their role in working towards achieving the schools improvement targets.

·  93% of teachers and 100% of SLSOs understand that the quality of teaching is the greatest variable in improving learning outcomes for students.

Future directions

·  Professional development will be continually offered to staff to ensure sustained and continuous improvement of quality teaching programs.

·  Leadership development will continue to ensure all staff have a role in implementing school improvement and support quality teaching practice.



Every day new technology is changing our lives in ways we never imagined. For individuals with autism, some new technologies can improve communication, assist in the development of social skills, and enhance the ability to learn.

Findings and Conclusions

·  All staff have an understanding of the impact that current technology can have on students’ access to curriculum.

·  Executive need to ensure that all students have access to new technology, up to date equipment and programs.

·  All staff have opportunities to attend professional development activities that have a technology focus.

Future directions

·  Professional development will be continually offered to staff to ensure sustained and continuous improvement of technology.