Lasswade Parent Council


13 September 2010


Graeme Monteith, Leigh Miller, Lorna Alexander, Ann Morrison, Simon Wooton, Lisa Watt, Lorraine McGuire, Janet Hanley, Elaine Higgs, Gillian Lyall, Pauline McGrath, Louise Donaldson, Susan Birkett, Julie Fox, Gilly Marshall, Yvonne Dickson

AGM date

The date for the next AGM meeting was arranged for Thursday 14th October 2010.

The P1-3 children will be invited to sing.

New Office Bearers

Pauline McGrath agreed to take on the roll of Chair and Lorraine McGuire agreed to take on the roll of Vice Chair. Lorna Alexander has already started to take on the roll of Treasurer and Gilly Marshall that of Secretary. All these roles will need to be proposed and seconded at the upcoming AGM.

It was also discussed that we should try to encourage other individuals to take over positions of Office Bearers more frequently and that those who take on the roles do not feel that they have to remain in these roles for as long as they are on the Parent Council.

Events for the Coming Year

1 November 2010Autumn Fancy Dress

29 November 2010Christmas Fair (to be held at LHSC)

7 February 2011 or

31st January 2011Scots Night

(need to check the availability of Tommy Lawson, Jenny

and Dorothy Peat)

28th March 2011Chick Drive

17th June 2011Lasswade’s Got Talent (to be held at LHSC)

The above dates are subject to let availability

Other ideas for the coming year are to do the calendars again and the spree books have gone out once again.

Treasure hunt on bikes? Easter egg hunt?

Meeting Dates for Coming Year

14 October 2010 - AGM - 6.30pm

15 November 2010- 7pm

10 January 2011 – 7pm

21 March 2011 - 7pm

30 May 2011 – 7pm


£1,722 in treasurer’s account

£500 left in school uniform account

Files for 2004 – 2007 have been handed to Mrs Fox.

Last years accounts are about to be audited.

We need to get new signatories organised for the bank accounts.

It was agreed to once again pay £2 per child for the panto buses and

£50 per class for enterprise for the Christmas Fair

Attracting New Parents

Elaine Bannerman agreed to talk to the parents at the forthcoming P1 Parent evening to see if she could rustle up some new members.

Due to previous members leaving, Mrs Fox asked for volunteers to act as parent council representatives. The following people have agreed to be parent council reps.

Gilly Marshall

Gillian Lyall

Yvonne Dickson

Elaine Bannerman

Ann Morrison

Lisa Watt

Simon/Jenny Wooton

Lorna Alexander

Mrs Fox will allocate each person to a year and will let us know who is being paired with what class.

Coloured PE T-Shirts

Coloured PE T-shirts in house colours have been sourced by Lynette Stevenson at a cost of £2.80 each. Letters have just gone out to parents to order these.

Scottish Parent Teacher Council Conference

These meetings are coming up shortly and forms were passed round to see if anyone was interested in attending. (Copies attached) The dates are as follows:-

Parent Council Essentials meetings 6.30 – 9pm

4th October - Dalkeith

13 October - Loanhead

27th October - Penicuik

6th November – Annual Conference in Dundee

I have application forms for these if anyone is interested.


Yvonne has been working on this over the summer and this is now up and ready to go, the only thing that needs added is the logo.

The website address is: (no

The website is in the corporate colours, has an online calendar with all school events and dates in it, a section for the parent council, details of after school clubs and contact info

We need to advertise the website address so that all parents and children know it and can access it.

Yvonne informed us it is a very flexible website and asked for ideas on what else can be added.

Some ideas put forward were to put pupils work or achievements on it.

Poems, artwork. To use it as a showcase?


Uniforms It was discussed whether we should use other suppliers? It was discussed that we should send out a short survey to see what parents think of the quality etc.

Bear Factory Jumpers– Out of some old purple sweatshirts Anne has made up some Lasswade Primary Jumpers for Bear Factory Bears and was going to sell them at the Christmas Fair

Next Meeting: AGM 14 October 20106.30pm and meeting afterwards in staff room.