No / Month / Branch
of Subject / Chapter No
& Chapter / Detailed
First Term
1 / April / Fiction / 1. How I Taught My Grandmother
To Read / Comprehension, Short Ans. Ques.,Long ans.Ques,Diary entry. / 6
Poetry / 1. The Brook / video clipping, p.pt. ,Comprehension, Short Ans. Ques.,Long ans.Ques / 6
Grammar / Rearranging of words, Articles, Subject verb agreement / various activity worksheets eg. Gap filling ,editing , omission ,dialogue completion / 6
Novel / Three Men In A Boat chapters 1,2 / Long Answer Questions, Character Sketches / 1
MCB / UNIT-1 PEOPLE / Picture description paragraphs,interviews,conversation,report writing,listening and speaking skills,dialogue completion ,Story writing, Practice for ASL / 6
2 / May & June / Poetry / The Road Not Taken / video clipping, p.pt. ,Comprehension, Short Ans. Ques.,Long ans.Ques / 5
Grammar / Verb Form / various activity worksheets eg. Gap filling ,editing , omission ,dialogue completion / 5
MCB / UNIT-II ADVENTURE / Picture description paragraphs, interviews,conversation,report writing,listening and speaking skills,dialogue completion, Story writing, Diary Entry, Article Writing, Practice for ASL / 7
Chapter 3,4,5 / Three Men In A Boat -6 chapters (During Summer Vacation) / Long Answer Questions, Character Sketches / 1
3 / July / Fiction / A Dog named Duke / Comprehension, Short Ans. Ques.,Longans.ques,Diary entry. / 6
Poetry / The Solitary Reaper / video clipping, p.pt. ,Comprehension, Short Ans. Ques.,Long ans.Ques / 6
Grammar / Modals / various activity worksheets eg. Gap filling ,editing , omission ,dialogue completion / 4
Grammar / Determiners / various activity worksheets eg. Gap filling ,editing , omission ,dialogue completion / 4
MCB / Environment / Picture description paragraphs, interviews,conversation,report writing,listening and speaking skills,dialogue completion, Article Writing , Diary Entry, Practice for ASL / 8
Novel / Three Men In A Boat chapter 7,8 / Long Answer Questions, Character Sketches / 1
4 / August / Poetry / Lord Ullin's Daughter / video clipping, p.pt. ,Comprehension, Short Ans. Ques.,Long ans.Ques / 5
MCB / The Class IX Radio & Video Show / Guide and prepare children for their own radio/ video show / 8
Drama / Villa for Sale / dramatization, video clipping, Comprehension, Short Ans. Ques.,Long ans.Ques / 7
Grammar / Future Time Reference / various activity worksheets eg. Gap filling ,editing , omission ,dialogue completion / 5
ASL / As and when CBSE directs
Novel / Three Men In A Boat chapter 9, 10 / Long Answer Questions, Character Sketches / 1
5 / September / Revision / 15
हिंदी(प्रथम सत्र ( अप्रैल से सितम्बर ) IX
क्रम.स0 / माह / गद्य / पद्य / कृतिका / व्याकरण / कालांश1 / अप्रैल / दो बैलों की कथा
ल्हासाकीओर / कबीर की
साखियाँऔरसबद / उपसर्ग, प्रत्यय, अलंकार / 23
2 / मई और जून / ------/ ------/ इसजलप्रलयमें / निबंध, पत्र, अपठितगद्यांशऔर पद्यांश / 17
4 / जुलाई / उपभोक्तावाद की संस्कृति
साँवलेसपनोंकीयाद /
वाख / मेरेसंगकीऔरतें / समास / 24
3 / अगस्त / रसखान के सवैये ,कैदी और कोकिला ,ग्रामश्री / अर्थकीदृष्टिसेवाक्यभेद / 24
4 / सितम्बर / पुनरावृत्ति / प्रतिवेदन / 24
द्वितीय सत्र
5 / अक्तूबर / नानासाहबकीपुत्रीदेवीमैनाकोभस्मकरदियागया| / चन्द्रगहनासेलौटतीबेर / रीडकीहड्डी / उपसर्ग, प्रत्यय, अपठितगद्यांश, पद्यांश / 11
6 / नवम्बर / प्रेमचंदकेफटेजूते ,मेरेबचपनकेदिन / मेघआए / माटीवाली / वाक्य भेद ( अर्थ की दृष्टि से )
अलंकार / 23
7 / दिसम्बर / एककुत्ताऔरएकमैना / यमराज की दिशा / प्रतिवेदन] lekl
गतिविधियॉ / 18
8 / जनवरी / बच्चेकामपरजारहेहैं / किसतरहमैंआखिरकारहिंदीमेंआया / मुक्तपाठअभ्यास] fuca/k] i= ys[ku / 15
9 / फरवरी / पुनरावृति / 23
10 / मार्च / पुनरावृति एवं सत्रांत परीक्षा
Social Science
No / Month / Expected
No.of working Days / Branch
of Subject / Chapter No
& Chapter / Periods for
class room Teaching / Computer Aided
Teaching Periods / Total No.of
First Term
1 / April / 23 / History / French Revaluation / 8 / 2 / 10
Geography / India Size and location / 2 / 3 / 5
Democratic Politics / Democracy in the contemporary world / 6 / 1 / 7
2 / May & June / 17 / Geography / Physical Features of India / 7 / 1 / 8
Economics / The story of Village Palampur / 8 / 1 / 9
3 / July / 24 / Democratic
Politics / What is Democracy and Why is Democracy / 7 / 1 / 8
Economic / People as a resource / 5 / 2 / 8
Geography / Drainage / 5 / 3 / 8
4 / August / 23 / History / Socialism in Europe and the Russian Revolution Or
Nazism and the Rise of Hitler
(any one ) / 10 / 2 / 12
Politics / Constitutional Design / 9 / 2 / 11
5 / September / 24 / Revision for SA 1 and SA 1 Exam / Revision of SA II / 24 / 24
FA 1- 2nd week of July (Every Monday and Thursday )
SA -1 – September(May be 9-22 September)
Second Term
6 / October / 11 / History / Forest ,society and colonialism Or
Pastoralists in the Modern World Or
Peasants and Farmers(any One) /
- Report writing: Impact of Forest law on Tribal people.
- Report Making: Report on an imaginary interview with a member of a pastoral community.
- Case Study: Prepare a case study on the life of a peasant .
Geography / Climate / Data Collection: Weather chart of a Week. / 1 / 1 / 2
7 / November / 23 / Geography / Climate / Data Collection: Weather chart of a Week. / 3 / 2 / 5
Democratic Politics / Electoral Politics / Mock Election: Election of Class monitor / 6 / 3 / 9
Economics / Poverty as a challenge / Make A Report: MNREGA 2005 / 6 / 3 / 9
8 / December / 18 / History / History and Sport: The Story of Cricket Or
Clothing: A Social History (any One) /
- Make a report: Role technology in Cricket .
- Dress Survey: Survey on dress habits in India over the last 50 years
Democratic Politics / Working Of Institution / Trip: Educational trip /Excursion of local Institution. / 7 / 2 / 9
9 / January / 15 / Geography / Natural vegetation and wildlife / Picture collection: Prepare a scrapbook on migratory birds visiting our country / 6 / 2 / 8
Democratic / Democratic Rights / Chart: Fundamental Rights. / 5 / 2 / 7
10 / February / 23 / Geography / Population / Survey: Juvenile laborers and unemployment level / 5 / 3 / 8
Economics / Food Security / Report: PDS and Government plans / 6 / 3 / 9
OTBA / OTBA(Climate) / As per CBSE publish . / 6 / 6
11 / March / 9 / Revision / Revision of SA II / FA 3 – First Week of December and SA 2- First Week of March / 9 / 9
Note: One Project Should be based on Disaster Management in FA 2 and 4 Activities
# These Activities are suggested not mandatory. Any similar activities may be taken up.
• India-States with Capitals, Tropic of Cancer, Standard Meridian, Southern most, northern most, eastern most and western most point of India (location and labelling)
Mountain Ranges: The Karakoram, TheZasker, The Shfvalik, The Aravali, The Vindhya, The Satpura, Wn & En Ghat.
Mountain Peaks - K2, Kanchanchunga, AnaiMudi,
Plateau - Deccan Plateau, Chotta Nagpur Plateau, Malwa plateau
Coastal Plains - Konkan, Malabar, Coromandal & Northern Circar (Location and Labeling)
Chapter-3: Drainage
• Rivers: (Identification only )
a) The Himalayan River Systems - The Indus, The Ganges, and The Satluj
b) The Peninsular rivers - The Narmada, The Tapi, The Kaveri, The Krishna, The Godavari, The Mahanadi
• Lakes: Wular, Pulicat, Sambhar, Chilika, Vembanad
Chapter: The French Revolution
Outline map of France (For locating and labeling /Identification)
• Bordeaux• Nantes• La Forte• Paris• Marseilles• Alsace • Normandy
Chapter-4: CLIMATE
1. Cities to locate: Tiruvananthpuram, Chennai, Jodhpur, Bangalore, Mumbai, Kolkata, Leh, Shillong, Delhi, Nagpur. (location and labelling)
2. Areas receiving rainfall less than 20 cm and over 400 cm (Identification only)
• Vegetation Type :Tropical Evergreen Forest, Tropical Deciduous Forest, Thorn Forest, Montane Forests and Mangrove-For identification only
• National Parks :Corbett, Kaziranga, Rantrfambor.’Shivpuri, Kanha, SimlipalManas
• Bird Sanctuaries :Bharatpur and Ranganthitta
• Wild life Sanctuaries :Sariska,Mudumalai,Rajaji, Dachigam (location and labelling)
Chapter-6: POPULATION (location and labelling)
• The state having highest and lowest density of population
• The state having highest and lowest sex ratio
• Largest and smallest state according to area
विषयः – संस्कृतम्
मासाः / पाठ्संख्या एवं पाठस्य नाम / कार्यदिवसाः संभावितकालान्शा: / व्याकरणम्SA-1
अप्रैल-मई / प्रथमः पाठः (तत्त्वमसि)द्वितीयःपाठः (अविवेकः परमापदां पदम्) / २८/३२ / वर्णविचारः,वर्णविच्छेदः,उच्चारणस्थानानि च
जून-जुलाई / तृतीय: पाठः(पाथेयम्) चतुर्थः पाठः(स्वस्थ वृत्तम्) / ३३/३८ / स्वरसंधिः,व्यंजनसंधिः,विसर्गसंधिः,लड.-लटलकारप्रयोगाभ्यासः च |
शब्दरूपाणि तेषां प्रथमा विभक्ते: चतुर्थीपर्यन्तं प्रयोगाभ्यासः |
अगस्त / पञ्चमः पाठः(भ्रातृस्नेहस्तु दुर्लभः) षष्ठः पाठः (विद्ययाभान्ति सद्गुणा:) / २४/२८ / क्त्वा,ल्यप्,तुमुन्प्रत्ययाः लृटलकारप्रयोगाभ्यासः च |
शब्दरूपाणि तेषां पंचमीविभक्ते: संबोधनम् यावत् अभ्यासः |
सितम्बर / प्रथमसत्र SA-1 परीक्षा आयोज्यन्ते | / १०/११ / पुनरावृत्तिः |
अक्टूबर / सप्तमः पाठः (तरवे नमोSस्तु) अष्टमः पाठः(कर्मणा याति संसिद्धिम्) / १७/२० / शब्दरूपाणि तेषां च अभ्यासः | प्रथमा विभक्ते: चतुर्थीपर्यन्तं प्रयोगाभ्यासः |
नवम्बर / नवमः पाठः(विजयतां स्वदेशः) दशमः पाठः(कोSहं वदतु साम्प्रतं) / २०/२३ / शब्दरूपाणि तेषां पंचमीविभक्ते: संबोधनम् यावत् अभ्यासः लोटलकारश्च |
दिसम्बर / एकादशः पाठः (न धर्मवृद्धेषु वयः समीक्ष्यते) / १९/२२ / अव्ययप्रयोगविधिः लिंगलकारप्रयोगः क्त,क्तवतु,शतृ, शानच् प्रत्ययानामाभ्यासः |
जनवरी / द्वादशः पाठः(कवयामि वयामि यामि) त्रयोदशः पाठः(भारतीयविज्ञानम्) / १५/१७ / पठितव्याकरणबिन्दूनां पुनरावृत्तिः |
फरवरी / चतुर्दशः पाठः(भारतेनास्ति मे जीवनं जीवनम्) / २३/२५
मार्च / ------ / द्वितीयसत्र (SA-2) परीक्षा आयोज्यते |
S.No / Month / Expected
No.of working Days / Branch
of Concerned
Subject / Chapter No
& Chapter / Detailed
Split-up / Periods for
class room Teaching / Computer Aided
Teaching Periods / Total No.of
First Term
1 / April / 22 / Physics / 8. Motion / 7 / 1 / 8
Chemistry / 1. Matter in our surroundings
Practical Activity
To carry out the following reactions and classify them as physical or chemical changes:
a. Iron with copper sulphate solution in water
b. Burning of magnesium in air
c. Zinc with dilute sulphuric acid
d. Heating of copper sulphate
e. Sodium sulphate with barium chloride in the form of their solutions in water / 6+1 / 1 / 8
Biology / 5. Fundamental unit of life
Practical Activity
To prepare stained temporary mounts of
(a) onion peel and
(b) human cheek cells and to record observations and draw
their labeled diagrams. / 7+1 / 2 / 10
2 / May &june / 16 / Physics / 8. Motion (contd.) / 5 / 1 / 6
Chemistry / 1. Matter in our surroundings(Contd.)
1.To separate the components of a mixture of sand, common salt and ammonium chloride (or camphor) by sublimation.
2. To determine the melting point of ice and the
Boiling point of water. / 3+2 / 0 / 5
Biology / 6. Tissues / 4 / 2 / 6
3 / July / 25 / Physics / 9. Force and laws
of motion / 8 / 1 / 9
Chemistry / 2. Is matter around us pure
To prepare:
a) a true solution of common salt, sugar and alum
b) a suspension of soil, chalk powder and fine sand in water
c) a colloidal solution of starch in water and egg albumin/
milk in water and distinguish between these on the basis of
• transparency • filtration criterion • stability / 7+1 / 1 / 9
Biology / 6. Tissues (contd.)
To identify parenchyma and sclerenchyma tissues in plants, striped muscle fibers and nerve cells in animals, from
Prepared slides and to draw their labeled diagrams. / 8+1 / 2 / 11
4 / August / 22 / Physics / 9. Force and laws of
motion (contd.)
To establish relationship between weights of a rectangular wooden block lying on a horizontal table and the minimum force required to just move it using a spring balance. / 5+1 / 1 / 7
Physics / 10. Gravitation / 5 / 0 / 5
Chemistry / 2. Is matter around us pure?
To prepare a) a mixture b) a compound
using iron filings and sulphur powder and distinguish
between these on the basis of:
i. appearance, i.e., homogeneity and heterogeneity
ii. Behaviour towards a magnet
iii. Behaviour towards carbon disulphide as a solvent
iv. effect of heat. / 5+1 / 1 / 7
Biology / 15. Improvement in
food resources
Practical Activity
1.To test (a) the presence of starch in the given food sample,
(b) The presence of the adulterant metanil yellow in dal.
2. To determine the mass percentage of water imbibed by raisins. / 3+2 / 2 / 7
5 / September / 23 / Physics / 10. Gravitation (contd.)
free fall / 1 / 0 / 1
Chemistry / 2. Is matter around us pure / 1 / 0 / 1
Biology / 15. Improvement in
food resources(contd.) / 2 / 0 / 4+2 / 1 / 7
Revision / Physics, Chemistry& Biology
Physics, Chemistry& Biology For SA-1 / 8 / 0 / 8
Second Term
6 / October / 16 / Physics / 10. Gravitation
Practical Activity
1.To determine the density of solid (denser than water) by using a spring balance and a measuring cylinder.
2.To establish the relation between the loss in weight of a solid when fully immersed in
a. tap water
b. strongly salty water, with the weight of water displaced by it by taking at least two different solids.
3. To observe and compare the pressure exerted by a solid iron cuboids on fine sand/ wheat flour while resting on its three different faces and to calculate the pressure exerted in the three different cases. / 4+2 / 1 / 7
Chemistry / 3. Atoms & Molecules
Practical Activity
To verify the law of conservation of mass in a chemical reaction. / 4+1 / 1 / 6
Biology / 7. Diversity in living organisms
Practical Activity
1. To observe and draw the given pictures/charts/models-earthworm, cockroach, bony fish and bird. For each organism and record:
a. One specific feature of its phylum.
b. One adaptive feature with reference to its habitat.
2. To study the characteristic of Spirogyra/Agaricus, Moss/Fern, Pinus ( either with male or female cone)
and an Angiospermic plant. Draw and give two identifying features of the groups they belong to.
7 / November / 18 / Physics / 11. Work & Energy / 4 / 1 / 5
Chemistry / 3. Atoms & Molecules (contd.) / 6 / 1 / 7
Biology / 7. Diversity in living organisms(Contd.)
Practical Activity
To study the external features of root, stem, leaf and flower of monocot and dicot plants. / 5+1 / 1 / 7
8 / December / 20 / Physics / 12. Sound
Practical Activity:-
2. To determine the velocity of a pulse propagated through a stretched string/slinky. / 5+1 / 1 / 7
9 / December / 20 / Chemistry / 4. Structure of Atom / 5 / 1 / 6
Biology / 13. Why do we fall ill / 5+1 / 2 / 8
10 / January / 15 / Physics / 12. Sound (contd.)
Practical Activity
1. To verify the Laws of reflection of sound. / 5 / 1 / 6
Chemistry / 4. Structure of Atom (contd.) / 6 / 1 / 7
Biology / 13. Why do we
fall ill (Contd.)
Practical Activity
To study the life cycle of mosquito. / 4 / 0 / 4
Biology / 14. Natural Resources
(Our Environment)
O.T.B.A/Practice through OTBA Booklet provided by CBSE / 7 / 1 / 8
11 / February / 22 / Physics / 12. Sound (contd.) / 2 / 0 / 2
Physics / Revision / Revision for SA-II / 6 / 0 / 6
Chemistry / 4. Structure of Atom (contd.) / 1 / 0 / 1
Chemistry / Revision / Revision for SA-II / 6 / 0 / 6
Biology / 14. Natural Resources (contd.) (Our Environment)
Revision for SA-II
Practice through OTBA Booklet provided by CBSE / 7 / 1 / 8