Ohio History Tax Check-Off
“Your Ohio tax return can Make History!”
Talking Points
- Donating to Ohio History on your state tax return is a simple way for you to support local history projects around Ohio.
- Funds generated from the Ohio History tax check-off go directly to a grant program for local communities and organizations throughout Ohio.
- Small donations make a big difference: For just $8—the average donation—you can help repair a roof, preserve rare color film footage, or stage a historical reenactment.
- It’s easy to make a tax-deductible donation to Ohio History: Look for "Ohio Historical Society" on your Ohio tax return and designate a dollar amount. That’s it! Your tax-deductible donation goes to support history projects in local Ohio communities.
- The Ohio History Connection (formerly the Ohio Historical Society) is about preserving and sharing Ohio’s heritage and we are pleased to offer Ohioans this opportunity to support their history through this program.
More information:
Ohio History Tax Check-Off
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Ohio History Tax Check-off?
The Ohio History Tax Check-off is way for Ohioans to contribute to state and local history projects by “checking off” a donation on the state personal income tax form. Donations are tax deductible.
How is the money from the tax check-off used?
Donations from the Ohio History tax check-off are used to fund local history projects throughout Ohio through the History Fund grant program.
The History Fund was created to support the preservation and sharing of Ohio’s heritage by funding local, regional, and statewide projects, programs, and events related to the broad sweep of the state’s history. Funded from Ohio tax returns, it is a competitive matching grants program that requires grant recipients to have a matching funding source. The Ohio Historical Society administers the program and cannot apply for a grant. For more information about the History Fund grant program and how to apply, visit ohiohistory.org/historyfund.
What projects have been funded through the Ohio History tax check-off?
The funds from the Ohio History tax check-off go into the History Fund Grant program. In its first year in operation, 11 History Fund Grants were given out to organizations throughout Ohio. Visit
How was the Ohio History Tax Check-off created?
The Ohio History tax check-off was created in the state’s two-year budget that was signed into law by Gov. John R. Kasich on June 30, 2011. The legislation allowing for the change in state tax forms was initially brought to the General Assembly by former State Rep. Kathleen Chandler (D-Kent) in 2005. State Rep. Randy Gardner (R-Bowling Green) reintroduced it in early 2011 before it was enacted in the state budget.
Who is eligible to apply for a History Fund grant?
Local historical societies, public libraries, genealogical societies, university archives and special collections, historic preservation groups, archeological societies, county records management offices, and incorporated “friends” groups of any of the above. The Ohio Historical Society is not eligible for a grant.
How can I find out more information?
Visit for more information on about the Ohio history tax check-off.