(Approved by the Academic Council and Board of Management vide Resolution No. AC.01/2006/1/6 dated 15-06-2006 and B.47/2006/2/3.12 dated 28-06-2006 respectively)


The university agrees in principle to admit Foreign/NRI students to the Post-Graduate, Undergraduate and Ph. D. programmes in different fields on full time basis to provide educational opportunities to Foreign/NRI students and thereby generate resources for funding the cost of education and development of facilities.

1.1Centre for Foreign/NRI students (CFNS):

There will be a Centre for Foreign/NRI students (CFNS) set up at TezpurUniversity as a single window to deal with admission and guidance of Foreign/NRI students. This Cell will not only control the admission of the students but will also provide necessary guidance for securing admission. All letters relating to Foreign/NRI students should be addressed to the CFNS Adviser of the Institution. The following officials shall constitute the cell:

  1. Dean of Students’ Welfare- Adviser
  2. Asst. Registrar (Acad)/ Deputy Registrar- Secretary

The adviser to this centre shall initially be a part time officer, however there shall be a full-time Adviser/Director of the centre as and when the authority so considers the up gradation proposal.

2.0Category of Foreign/NRI:

Foreign/NRI students are categorized as follows:

  1. Sponsored by the Govt. of India (through ICCR) on cultural exchange programme.
  2. Sponsored by the home country of the concerned Foreign/NRI students and/or funding agencies.
  3. Self-financing direct entry (with the clearance of Govt. of India)
  4. NRI students.

3.0Reservation of seats:

5% of the supernumerary quota fixed for foreign students will be earmarked to the children of India working in the Gulf or South East Asia and other foreign nations.

3.1For PG programmes:

15% of the total seats for each PG programme except for MBA shall be made available for Foreign/NRI students. These seats shall be additional to the readily available seats for a programme. However for MBA maximum number of seats for Foreign/NRI students will be 5.

3.2For Ph.D./Research programme:

A maximum of 30 (thirty) Foreign/NRI students in a year shall be admitted to Research/Ph.D. programme not exceeding two (2) in a department.



The qualifications required for eligibility for admission to different programmes can be checked in detail from the prospectus or university website. The minimum educational qualification for admission of Foreign/NRI in various programmes is same as for Indians.

Only those students who have qualified from ForeignUniversities or Boards of Higher Education, recognized as equivalent by the Association of Indian Universities (AIU) are eligible for admission. When required, a reference will be made to AIU to check the equivalent.

4.2Requirement of Visa:

4.2.1Full time programmes:

All the Foreign/NRI students will require a student visa endorsed to only TezpurUniversity for joining full time programmes. No other endorsement is acceptable. Students wishing to join a research programme will require a research visa endorsed to TezpurUniversity. The visa should be valid for the prescribed duration of the course. A visa is not required for NRI students.

4.2.2Part time programmes:

Students those who are doing full time courses, in some other institutions, do not require a separate visa for joining part time programmes provided that their current visa is valid for the entire duration of the course.


Foreign/NRI students do not require to submit a No Objection Certificate for joining professional courses, however all Foreign/NRI students willing to undertake any research work or join a Ph. D. or M. Phil. programmes will have to obtain prior security clearance from the Ministry of Home Affairs and the approval of Department of Secondary & Higher Education, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India and must be on the research visa endorsed to this Institution.

4.4Medical test:

All International/NRI students will have to undergo a medical fitness test including HIV test before taking final admission.

4.5Medical Insurance

It is advised that all Foreign/NRI students take a medical insurance policy to meet the expenses of medical treatments (which are not available in the university health centre) during the stay at the university. A copy of the said insurance policy should be submitted at the time of final admission.

4.6Proficiency in English:

A Foreign/NRI student who has been granted provisional admission to any of the programmes may require totake the Remedial English Language Course conducted by the university (see.7.0)


5.1Admission information:

Student willing to join the university for various programmes will get the information about the application form and the information on the eligibility requirements, courses available and admission procedure from the prospectus or the website of the university.

5.2Provisional admission form:

The application for provisional admission is to be submitted to the CFNS along with the prescribed fees on or before the last date specified. The Centre will then check the eligibility and issue the provisional eligibility letter. This is required to get the visa and to complete other formalities.

5.3Provisional Admission procedure:

5.3.1Apply for provisional eligibility in the prescribed form which can be downloaded from the university website. The prescribed eligibility fee has to be deposited along with the form before the last date specified.

5.3.2Attach with this application form Xerox copies of the statement of marks of the last qualifying examinations duly attested by:

  1. Indian Embassy in foreign country, or
  2. High Commissioner of students country in India, or
  3. Ministry of Education in foreign country.

In case of Ph.D. course enclose 6 copies of the outline of the proposed research along with the application form.

5.3.3Attach Migration Certificate in original with the application form. This is obligatory for those coming from any other StatutoryIndianUniversity.

5.3.4Attach affidavit to the application form relating to the gap between year of passing and the last qualifying examination and the date of application for admission to this university (This is not required for Ph. D. programmes).

5.3.5The CFNS will issue the provisional eligibility letter after scrutinizing the forms and on the basis of credentials verified by the university and the Association of Indian University.

5.4Final admission:

After obtaining the provisional eligibility letter the following requirements have to be fulfilled:

5.4.1Visa (See 4.2)

5.4.2No objection certificate (See 4.3)

5.4.3Fee (See 6.0)

5.4.4Medical test:

The students may conduct the following tests at their country failing which they will have to undergo these tests at India.

  1. HIV test
  2. Hepatitis surface Antigen (HBsAg)/ Australia Antigen before admission.

6.0Fee structure:

The following fee will be followed by the university for Foreign/NRI students:

Sl. No. / Fee / US$ / Mode of payment
1 / Eligibility fee / 50.00 / At the time of submission
2. / Course fee:
a. M.A/M. Sc.
b. MCA/ M. Tech./ MBA/B. Tech.
c. Ph. D. / 500.00
2000.00 / Per semester
Per semester
For the whole course
3 / Hostel fee:
a. Single accommodation
b. Shared accommodation / 60.00
40.00 / Per semester
Per semester
4 / RECIS / 40.00 / For the whole course

7.0English proficiency test:

Remedial English Course for Foreign/NRI students (RECIS) is a specially designed English Language Course in TezpurUniversity for the Foreign/NRI students to improve their proficiency in the English language. During the RECIS, the students will join the regular courses side by side. This course can be done simultaneously with the other regular courses or independently.

A Foreign/NRI student shall be exempted from this course provided –

i)The student has passed the qualifying examination in English medium


ii)The student has a valid score in Proficiency Test in English like TOFEL and ELTIS.


The university shall received scholarships if sanctioned and released by the sponsoring university and shall disburse to the awardees as per the terms and conditions of the university i.e. regularity in attendance, progress, good character and conduct.

9.0Special category of students: Short term research programme:

The Vice-Chancellor in consultation with the Concerned Dean and Heads of departments may decide the fees to be paid by the Foreign/NRI students doing short-term research project in the university.

10.0Discipline in hostel:

The discipline to be maintained by the Foreign/NRI students shall be governed by the existing hostel rules of the University.

11.0On all other matters not covered under the aforesaid rules, decisions of the competent authority (ies) shall be binding on the part of Foreign/NRI students.

Notwithstanding anything contained in the above clauses, the decision of the Government of India on admission of Foreign/NRI students shall be made applicable.

Form No.








Note: Read the guidelines carefully annexed herewith before filling the Application Form.


The Dean, Student Welfare


Napaam,( Tezpur)

Assam, INDIA Pin-784028


I wish to seek admission in TezpurUniversity and submit the following particulars for consideration:-

1. Name in full (Capital letters)……………………………………………………………………

2. Gender: (Male/Female)……………….. 3. Marital Status: (Married/Unmarried)…………………

4. Date and place of birth…………………………………………………………………………..

5. Nationality …………………………………………………………………………………………….

6. Permanent Address …………………………………………………………………………………..

………………………………………………..E-mail: ………………………………………………

7. Name of father /husband/ guardian ………………………………………Occupation...... …………

8. Permanent address of Father /Husband / Guardian……………………………………………………


9. Mother’s name………………………………………………………………………………………...

10. Mother’s occupation & Permanent address…………………………………………………………..

11. Address of contact person in India …………………………………………… ……………………..

…………………………………………………………………………………………. ……………...

Contact phone no.& e-mail (if any) …………………………………………………………………….

12. (a) Programme to which admission is sought( indicate choices in order of preference )

(i) ……………………………………………………………………………………………

(ii) ……………………………………………………………………………………………….

(iii) ……………………………………………………………………………………………….

(b)For admission to Ph.D. Programme

(i)Name of the Department ……………………………………..…………………………..

(ii)Name of the proposed supervisor……………………………………………………

(iiii) Topic for Research ………………………………………………………………………


(Attach two copies of Research Proposal/Synopsis)

(c)Category of Foreign / NRI students ( Pl. see the Guidelines): …………………………………...


(d) Are you presently employedYes / No

If yes, pl. give complete name and address of your employer……………….………..

………………………………………………………………………………………... …….. ……………………………………. ………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………

(e) Length of service ( with dates )……………………………………………………………………

13. Educational Qualifications

course passed / Board/
University / Duration of the exam / course passed / Year of passing / Marks/ Grade / Subjects
Gr./Marks obtained / Max
  1. Number of years completed in school (at the time of application) …………………………
  2. Have you applied for any course/programme of study in India prior to this? Yes / No

If yes, pl. furnish the following information

a. Name of the course/ programme ......

b. Name of the Board /University/Institute ……………………………………………..

  1. Year of admission ……….. year of completion ……….. other information, if any


16. Language (s) known ......

17. Proficiency in Spoken EnglishGood/Fair/Poor

18. Passport No…………………………………………………………………………………….

19. Date and place of issue of Passport…………………………………………………………….. 20.Score in English Proficiency Test like TOEFL / ELTIS ……………………………………

21. Details of Visa with date of issue……………………………………………………………….

  1. Declaration by the Applicant:
  2. The information provided above is true and accurate.
  3. All documents attached with this application are authentic.
  4. I further affirm that I have not been involved in any malpractice/use of unfair means in any examination given by me and no judicial proceeding is pending against me.
  5. I understand that in the event of my not fulfilling the requirements fully or partially, TezpurUniversity has right to reject/cancel my candidature.
  6. I declare that I shall submit myself to the disciplinary jurisdiction of the authorities of the University in the event of violation of discipline rules in the university campus or out side the campus during my stay as student in the university.
  7. I shall abide by the Act, Statutes, Ordinances, Rules and Regulations of the university which may be framed or amended from time to time.
  8. I have read and understood the guidelines given in Annexure.



Date: …………………..


Note: 1. Enclosures to be submitted alongwith the application:

a.Attested copies of the school and degree certificates

b.Attested copies of mark sheets / grade statements of all examinations.

c.Attested copy of the birth certificate showing date of birth.

2. If the certificates are not in English, certified copies of these certificates must be submitted.

3. The application form should be filled up with English Block letters and incomplete form will be

rejected summarily.

4. The prescribed eligibility fee ( 50 US dollar) must be sent along with the application.


I. Certified that the Board/University from which the applicant has passed the examination is legally constituted and dully recognized.

  1. Certified that the entries in the application form particularly about the examination passed, marks/ grades, division obtained, subject studied etc. are correct.


Signature with

Date……………………….. Designation & Official Seal