Min 225: Quantitative Methods in Mining Engineering

Course Information: 2+ 0 Credit hours, Pre-Req: MIN 103; MATH 107X and MATH 108X; MATH 200X or Equivalent; or Permission of the Instructor,

Fall, M & W, 8:00 AM – 9:00 AM

2010 Catalog Description: Introduction to ore reserve estimation, classical estimation methods and techniques, error in estimations and pitfalls, introduction to classical statistics, introduction to geostatistics, ordinary Kriging, Block Kriging, modeling the sample variogram, coKriging, & global estimation. Pre-Req: MIN 103; MATH 107X and MATH 108X; MATH 200X or Equivalent; or Permission of the Instructor,

Course Instructors: Sukumar Bandopadhyay, PhD., P.E., Professor of Mining Engineering, 311 Duckering Building, College of Engineering & Mines, Ph: 904-474-6876, Email:

Course Objectives: This course is designed to give the freshmen/sophomore students an introduction to concepts and practices in ore reserve estimation, using classical and geostatistical estimation techniques.

Text Books: (1) USBM IC 8283 (1966), (2) Practical Geostatistics 2000, By Isobel Clark & William V. Harper, Ecosse North America, LLC, Columbus , Ohio, USA, ISBN : 0-9703317-0-3.

Student Learning Outcomes: Fundamental knowledge Goals

1.1 An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering

1.2 An ability to analyze and interpret data

Student Learning Outcomes: Competency & Ability Goals

2.1 Be able to analyze data using simple statistical analysis

2.2 Be able to use classical estimation techniques to calculate ore reserve

2.3 Be able to use Geostatistical techniques such as simple kriging for ore reserve estimation.

Instructional Method: In class lectures, & case studies

Course Calendar:

Evaluating Mineral Deposits

September 6, 2010:Criteria for method selection

September 8, 2010Analysis of exploration data

September 13 2010:Basic Assumptions

September13, 2010:Principles of Interpretation

September13, 2010:Rule of Nearest Points or Equal Influence

September 13, 2010:Variability within Mineral Deposits

September13, 2010:Weighting in Reserve Calculations

Classical Methods of Ore Reserve Computations

September 15, 2010:Average Factors & Area Methods

September 15, 2010:Method of Analogy

September 15, 2010:Method of Geologic Blocks

September 15, 2010:Method of Isolines

September 15, 2010:Cross Sectional Methods

September 20, 2010:Method of Triangles

`September 20, 2010:Method of Polygons

September 22, 2010:Inverse Distance Square Methods

September 23, 2010:Cutoff Grade & Tonnage Factors

September 29, 2010:CASE STUDY # 1

Introduction to Statistics

October 4, 2010:Presenting & Summarizing exploration Data

October 4, 2010:Samples & Population

October 4, 2010:Frequency Distribution

October 6, 2010:Characteristic of Distributions & Central Tendency

October 11, 2010:Characteristics of Dispersion: Dispersion

October 11, 2010:Sample size calculation

October 13, 2010:Samples: Accuracy of the Mean

October 13, 2010:Comparison of Means

October 18, 2010:Comparison of Variances

October 18, 2010:Hypothesis testing

October 20, 2010:Data Analysis

October 20, 2010:Non-parametric methods

Introduction to Geostatistics

October 25, 2010:Spatial Description of Exploration data

October 27 2010:Contour Maps

November 2, 2010:Spatial Continuity

November2, 2010:Correlation Functions, Covariance Functions & Variograms, Distribution of grades ,

November 4, 2010:Relative variograms

November 8, 2010:Point Estimation

November 10, 2010:Ordinary Kriging

November 22, 2010Block Kriging

December 2, 2010Cokriging

December 6, 2010:Case Studies II

December 9, 2010:Case studies III

Course Policies: (1):No-make examination (In case of illness, make-up exam may be granted if a Doctor’s note is submitted). No early exams will be given.

(2) Plagiarism/Academic Integrity: As stated in UAF policies & Regulations

(3) Attendance is required for a passing grade.

(4) All home works, and project works need to be submitted electronically (MS word file). No hand written submission of homework or project work will be accepted.

(5) Late submission of any homework or project work will be checked but will not count towards the final grade for the class.

Course Evaluation: The students will be evaluated based on absolute scores. Two in-class examination (Mid-term & final) will be 60% of the total grade, class-home works will consist of 15% of the grade, class project will consist of 20% of the grade, and class-participation & attendance will count for 5% of the grade.

The project(s) will constitute 20% of the grade. The project such as “Estimation of Ore Reserve” for a given mining property using “classical techniques” or “Geostatistics ” will be assigned to the group. Each project will be of considerable difficulty, and an open-ended problem. A written report and presentation of the results will be required. The length of each report will vary depending on the problem assigned.
The project(s) will be assigned during the first/second week of the semester, giving students adequate time to complete the project. Drill hole data for a given mining property will be provided to the student. The project reports will follow the traditional formats in the mining engineering field, and at a minimum, will have (1) literature review, (2) Assumptions made, (3) Choice of the estimation method, (4) Volume and grade of the mining deposit (4) Grade-tonnage curve based on cut-off grade, (5) Conclusions, and (6) References.

Homework consists of 15 % of the total grade. A set of Homework will be assigned every two weeks , beginning the second week of the semester. A total of 5 sets of homework will assigned during the semester.

A student who receives 90% or above will get an “A” grade, 85-90% will get a “B” grade, 80-85% will count for a B-, etc.

Support Services: Student Tutors within CEM would be helpful.

Disabilities Services:Will follow UAF rules & regulations.