205Motsinger Road

Winston-Salem, NC 27107

Phone: (336) 769-2921

Fax: (336) 769-0967

Web Site: wal.davidson.k12.nc.us








Showing Quality in All We Do.


Wallburg Elementary is a nurturing and collaborative community that uses data-driven instruction and high standards to prepare students to become life-long learners in a global society.


2015-2016 School Calendar

August 24 / First Day for Students
September 7 / Labor Day Holiday
September 25 / Early Release at 12:00
October 26-27 / Teacher Workdays
November 4, 2015 / Report Cards Issued
November 11 / Student Holiday
November 25-27 / Thanksgiving Holidays
December 22 / Early Release at 12:00
December 23-January 1 / Winter Break
January 18-20 / Student Holidays
February 12 / Early Release Day for Students-12:00pm
February 15 / Student Holiday
March 25 –April 1 / Student Holiday
May 30 / Student Holiday
June 7 / Last Day/Early Release at 12:00 noon


School Begins at 8:00 a.m.

School Dismisses at 2:30 p.m.


No child should arrive at school before 7:30am. Upon arrival, the students will wait quietly in the hallway

outside of their classroom until 7:45am. Students will be participating in our Wake-up and Read Program during this time. One staffmember will be assigned to monitor each hallway.Students who eat breakfast should report to their classroom first and then head to thecafeteria. They needto be present in their classrooms by 8:00 a.m.


School begins promptly at 8:00 a.m. and ends at 2:30p.m. A student is considered late if they are not in the classroom by 8:00 a.m. Due to safety concerns, if there is not an adult supervising car duty, do not let your child walk in the building unsupervised. Excessive tardies will be dealt with by the principal and/or school social worker. Parents are encouraged to drop their child off in the car line. Parking is limited and school personnel will supervise all children during this morning time. Parents are not permitted to walk their child to class after the tardy bell as this creates a disruption to the normal classroom routine.


If it is necessary to pick up your child before 2:00 p.m., please use the following procedures:

1. If your childrequires an early dismissal, pleasesend a note to the teacher that morning including the name of the person that will be picking up the child and the time the child will be picked up.

2. Report to the office, not the classroom.

3. Someone from the office will call for your child.

4. Sign the student out and give the reason for the early dismissal.

Due to safety concerns, no early dismissals will be accepted after 2:00 p.m.You will need to pick your child up through the car rider line. All students will be dismissed via bus or car rider line. No walk-up dismissals will be permitted except for students living in the trailer park community located directly beside the school.


Attendance in school and participation in class are an in integral part of academic achievementand the teaching-learning process. Regular attendance develops patterns of behavior essentialto professional and personal successin life. Regular attendance by every student is mandatory: "Every parent, guardian or other person inthis state having charge or control of a child between the ages of seven (7) and sixteen (16)years (or) under age seven (7) who is enrolled in a public school in grades K-2... shall causesuch child to attend school continuously for a period equal to the time which the public schoolto which the child is assigned shall be in session..." (Public Schools Laws of N.C.: G.S. 115-C-378)

1. Attendance Records:

School officials will keep an accurate record of attendance, including accurateattendance records in each class under procedures developed and enforced by the StateBoard of Education and published annually in the Student Attendance and StudentAccounting manual. A child shall be present at least one-half (1/2) of the school day inorder to be recorded as present for that day.

2. School-Related Activities:

All classroom activities are important and difficult, if not impossible, to replace ifmissed. It is the intention of the Board of Education that classes missed are kept to anabsolute minimum through close scrutiny and a monitoring system on the part of theprincipal. The following school-related activities will not be counted as absences fromeither class or school:

A. Field trips sponsored by the school

B. School-initiated and scheduled activities

C. Athletic events requiring early dismissal from school

D. In-school suspension

Students will complete assignments missed for these reasons. The teacher willdetermine when work is to be made up. The student is responsible for finding out whichassignments were missed and completing them within the specified time period.

3. Lawful Absences:

When an absence occurs due to any of the following circumstances, the absence shallbe coded as lawful:

A. When an illness or injury occurs that prevents the student from beingphysically able to attend school.

B. When quarantine is ordered by the local health officer or the State Board ofHealth to isolate a student from the general population.

C. When there is a death in the immediate family (including but not limited to thegrandparents, parents, brothers and sisters) of the student.

D. When the absence is due to a medical or dental appointment, appropriatedocumentation is required. Appropriate medical documentation if presented bythe student would include:

• Dated doctor’s statement on letterhead.

• Diagnosis by physician - clarifying whether illness is a prolonged illnesscontributing to, or which could contribute to, a pattern of absences requiring a

student to be out of school and further clarifying when student should be able toreturn to school.

• Dated parent’s note stating clearly the reasoning for the student’s absenceand/or referencing a previous written diagnosis rendered by a medicalprofessional and submitted to the principal.

E. When the student is a part of a court proceeding or administrative tribunal if thestudent is a party to the action or under a subpoena as a witness(documentation verifying the student’s participation or required presence atsuch court proceeding or tribunal is required).

F. When the student participates in a religious observance. Each student shall beentitled to two (2) absences each academic year for religious observancesrequired by the faith of the student or the student’s parents. The student’sparents must give the principal written notice of the request for an excusedabsence at least three (3) days prior to the scheduled religious observance. Thestudent shall be given the opportunity to make up any tests or other workmissed due to such an absence for a religious observance.

G. When the student is involved in a valid educational opportunity. The absenceand activity must have prior approval from the principal/designee.

4. Pattern of Absences: Referral and Waivers:

When a pattern of absences exists (i.e., once a student reaches six (6) daily absenceswithin a semester relating to illnesses), school officials should be alerted to thepossibility of a disability and referral is made to the Problem Solving Team to gathermultiple sources of data for the purpose of determining possible eligibility under Section504 and/or IDEA. The Problem Solving Team wouldthen share this data with the Principal, or his/herdesignee, for consideration should a waiver for such absence be requested.

The student shall submit appropriate documentation as to the reason for the absence(s)within three (3) days of returning to school (see above for examples of requireddocumentation). Failure to submit appropriate documentation will result in the absencebeing coded as unlawful.

5. Make-up Work for Lawful Absences:

Students are permitted to make up all work missed during an absence. All work mustbe made up within five (5) days following the student's return to school unless theprincipal/designee determines that extenuating circumstances might support anextension of this time restriction. (See Section 6, this policy.)

6. Maximum Number of Absences:

There will be a maximum of sixteen (16) absences allowed for students participating inyear-long programs (all elementary and middle schools) and eight (8) absences allowedfor students participating in semester length programs (all high schools). Students whoexceed these absence limits for any reason shall not receive grade/course credit or bepromoted (if applicable) to the next grade level unless they:

A. Are granted a waiver from the attendance policy by the principal for anabsence(s) which falls outside the previously stated guidelines (See Section 7,this policy.)-or-

B. Attend and successfully complete an extended day program to make-up timemissed during the school term in which the excessive absences occurred(semester for high schools and the year for elementary and middle schools). Thistime can only be made up within the available make-up program limitations.

C. Make up time for elementary school students shall be at a rate of three hours foreach day missed and the rate for middle school students shall be four hours foreach day missed. The rate for high school students shall be one hour for eachninety-minute high school class missed.

D. NCHSAA (North Carolina High School Athletic Association) regulations requireabsence make up to be on an hour for hour basis, i.e. high school attendanceclass period make up for athletic purposes will be at a rate of 90 minutes perclass.

7. Waiver Procedures:

A student may apply to the principal for a waiver for lawful absences due to extenuatingcircumstances, examples of which may include a chronic medical condition for whichprevious documentation has been submitted, attendance in a court proceeding, etc.

This request shall be submitted in writing (i.e.: a written letter) and may be submittedonly after the student has reached twelve (12) absences for year-long courses/programsand six (6) absences for semester-long courses/programs. The principal/designee will review waiver requests on a monthly basis and provideimmediate written notification to the parent of the decision. Although the principal mayappoint a waiver committee to review waiver requests and make recommendations forconsideration, the principal/designee will make the final determination as to theappropriateness of the waiver request. The Principal, or his/her designee, woulddocument the rationale for his /her decision as to waiving any such absences. Parentand student will be informed in writing of the final decision and rationale for waiversthat are denied. Parent and student may appeal any such final decision pursuant toSection 1.6 of Davidson County Board of Education policy.The superintendent will provide the Board with an annual report on the number ofattendance waivers approved by the school principals. The local school publishes a student handbook with detailed guidelines for handlingattendance, make-up work and waiver appeals procedures. Questions concerning theattendance policy should be addressed to the appropriate administrative staff memberat the student's school.

Legal Reference: G.S. 115C-47, -84, -288(a), -378 to -383.

Adopted/Revised: April 15, 1999; June 5, 2000; September 9, 2000; August 5,2002; September 2, 2003; October 3, 2005;

November 7,2005, October 6, 2008; November 1, 2010

Absence Excuses

Please send in a note after each absence. The note should be sent in within 3 days and should state the date(s) of the absence(s) and give a reason for the absence(s). When the absence is due to a medical or dental appointment, appropriate documentation is required. Once a student reaches 12 absences, a doctor’s note will be required for the absence to be excused.


We welcome visitors to our school and are happy to have you with us whenever you can be a part of our school routine. We do, however, ask that every visitor report to the office — not the classroom — and we will notify the classroom of your presence. All visitors and volunteers are asked to wear a pass, issued in the office for security reasons. If you are able to join us for lunch, we need to know this by 9:00 a.m. in order for our cafeteria staff to prepare adequate food. Send a note with your child that morning. After stopping by the office for a visitor's pass, you may wait for your child's class in the lunchroom.When you visit the cafeteria for lunch, please sit with the child you are visiting at one of the visitor tables.Due to limited space, classmates are not allowed to join your child. It is important for our parents, grandparents, and community people to share the educational process with us. Please do not use the lunchtime as a time for a conference. Lunch visits should end in the cafeteria. Visitors are not expected to return from lunch to the classroom, as this tends to disrupt the normal routine. According to Davidson County policy 7.11, students should purchase lunch in the cafeteria or bring a lunch from home. Food prepared atrestaurants/fast food establishments is prohibited. This policy is in keeping with federal guidelines.


According to Davidson County policy 7.11, students should purchase lunch in the cafeteria or bring a lunch from home. Food prepared at restaurants/fast food establishments is prohibited. This policy is inkeeping with federal guidelines. Soft drinks are not allowed. The Elementary School cafeteria offers three (3) meal selections each day for lunch: a hot lunch, a sandwich lunch, and a salad lunch. Computerized cash registers permit daily, weekly, monthly, etc., payment. Parents can send money to the cafeteria through their child, bring it into the cafeteria personally, or use the PayPal account accessed from the Wallburg website.

Menus are sent home on a monthly basis or can be viewed on-line. Please call the cafeteria manager, Debbie Anderson to discuss any questions or concerns. The phone number is 769-9744. Supplemental items are available at extra cost.

Student Breakfast: $1.50

Student Lunch:$2.75

Adult Breakfast: $2.00

Adult Lunch: $3.75 (includes iced tea)

7.11 Davidson County Wellness Policy

At the elementary, middle, and high school levels all foods and beverages made available on campus during the school day (including vending, a la carte, student stores, and parties) must be consistent with the current Dietary Guidelines for Americans. Meals and/or snacks are not to be used for punishment or reward. No outside restaurant food is to be brought in during the school day and consumed in the cafeteria. Adopted/Revised: June 30, 2007/August 6, 2007


Each child should return the Student Emergency Card,filled out. Please inform the school if your address, telephone number, etc., changes during the year.


Parents of children with custody papers should update the school each year to make sure all appropriate legal documents are current.

Parents of children with serious or chronic medical conditions should update the school each year with pertinent information regarding treatment.


Elementary students in the Davidson County Schools pay a $7.00 school fee to help cover the costs of librarybooks, instructional supplies/materials, physical education, and first aid supplies.


Returned checks received by Davidson County Schools will be turned over to the District Attorney’s office. The criminal process will be issued if needed in order to collect restitution for the amount of the check. A $25.00 returned fee will be applied for all returned checks.


Accident insurance is offered. A brochure describing the coverage and the premium is sent home with each student. The application and the premium are to be mailed directly to the company by the parents.


The school is not responsible for any loss of personal property. Personal belongings should be clearly marked with the student's name. The lost and found is located in the office. (Every yearseveral bags of lost clothing items are donated to charity because they are not identified or claimed.)


Toys, electronic games/devices, cell phones, or any other similar items are not permitted at school. If a student brings any of these items, the item will be kept in the administrative offices until a parent comes to school to retrieve it.


Rolling book bagsare not allowed at Wallburg Elementary except for medical reasons because they present a safety hazard in the hallways, in classrooms, and on buses. Heelys with wheels are also not allowed at Wallburg Elementary.


Each year as part of the N. C. School Health Program, students in selected grades receive a health screening

by the Davidson County Health Department at their school. Screenings include: height, weight, dental, vision and hearing. Parents are notified if a follow up screening by a physician is recommended. If a parent does not want their child to receive the screening, they should inform the school office in writing at the beginning of the school year by September 1st . High school students enrolled in Allied Health Science programs may be assisting school nurses. All students will be under the direct supervision of their Allied Health Science instructor. All information about your student is confidential.


Please do not send flowers or balloons to yourchildren because they cannot be sent to the classroom or go home on the bus.


The school phone is for business purposes.Students can use the phone for emergencies only.


A decision to delay or close school is made byDavidson County Central Office staff and will usually be announced by 6:30 a.m. Check your local television, radio or website news on school delays and closings. NO ANNOUNCEMENT means that school is running on a normal schedule. A two-hour delay means that school begins at 10:00 a.m. The school doors will open at9:30 a.m.


Any time you have a problem or a concern aboutsomething that has taken place at school, please contact the school. We welcome the opportunity to speak with you.Teachers prefer to be the first contact about problems occurring in their classrooms. Administrators can be reached at the school during the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.Teachers may be reached between 7:45 a.m. - 8:00 a.m.and 2:30 p.m. - 3:15 p.m. Phone calls during instructional time will be put through to teachers’ voice mail. Our telephone number is (336)769-2921. You may also contact administration through e-mail. Our website is: davidson.k12.nc.us/Wallburg.