53rd Annual Meeting, Kansas-Oklahoma Conference

Embracing the Future: Retool, Renew, Rekindle

Thursday Afternoon and Evening

1:00 Boundary Training: (Consulate 2&3)

6:00 Banquet for Authorized Ministers: (Salon 4)

Friday, Morning

8:30 Boundary Training Continues (Consulate 2&3)

9:00 Registration Opens

10:00 Bookstore and Fair Trade Store Open (Salon 1)

11:30 Lunch for Members in Discernment (Consulate 1; Invitation Only)

Friday, Afternoon

12:45Gathering Music (Salons 2-4)

1:00: Opening Prayers

1:15 Call to Order, establish Quorum, Adopt Rules of Procedure and Agenda

1:20Approve Minutes

1:25 Introduction of Conference Council and Guests

1:30Privilege of Voice without Vote for Guests

1:35Conference Minister Report

2:00Report of the Nominating Committee

2:10Introduction of Keynote Speaker

2:15 Keynote, Rev. Stephen Sterner

3:00 Break

Friday Afternoon Workshops 3:15-4:45

(Workshop Descriptions and Bios of Presenters on Page _____)

Open and Affirming, 001 (Media Room)

Music for the Not So Large Church, (Salon 4)

Effective Church Websites (Salon 2)

The Jail Connection (Salon3)

6:00 Dinner Salons

6:00 Junior High Youth Program Begins A Taste of OWL, Our Whole Lives

Friday Evening Plenary and Worship

7:00Call to Order

7:01Financial Report

7: 20Introduction of 2015 Proposed Budget (Report Only; Hearing Saturday Morning)

7:30 Music and Centering

Rev. Caela Simmons Wood

After Hours Entertainment

Saturday Morning

7:30Budget Hearing

8:45Gathering Music

9:00 Youth Program Continues, Control Tower

9:00Opening Prayers

9:15 Call to Order

9:15Greetings from United Church Funds

9:20 Keynote/ Questions and Response

10:00 Song Break /Barbara Hamm

10:15 OCWM and 5 for 5 Recognitions

10:30Action on the 2105 Proposed Budget

10:45 Break

Saturday Morning Workshops


Open and Affirming 2.0 (Media Room)

Music for the Not So Large Church (Salon4)

In their Shoes (Salon 2)

Thinking Outside the Building (Salon 3)

Effective Church Websites (Boardroom)


TABLE CONVERSATIONS Led by Authorized Ministers new to KO (Salon 3)


Saturday Afternoon

2:00 Call to Order / Centering Prayers

2:15 Speak Outs

2:30 Proposed Changes to the Constitution and Bylaws

3:15COM Reports and Actions Needed

3:30 COM C Church and Anniversary Recognition

COM D: Update on Processes

COM A: Recognition of Ordination Anniversaries

Introduction of Authorized Minsters New to KO


4:00 Action on the Report of the Nominating Commission

4:10Welcome a New Conference Partner/ WMC Management Company

4:30 Thanks to the Event Planning Commission and Others

4:50Installation of Officers and Commission Members

5:00 Announcements and Motion to Adjourn

Saturday Evening

6:30 Banquet and Concert featuring ARISE

Sunday Morning

10:30 Worship at Fairmount UCC, 1650 N. Fairmount, Wichita, KS;