AP Spanish Language – Summer Reading 2016
Summer Reading Assignment: 200 points, MAJOR grade.
The AP Spanish Language exam is a performance-based exam that tests four skills: listening, reading, writing and speaking. The exam consists of the following sections:
1) Listening Comprehension (20%)
2) Reading Comprehension (30%)
3) Interpersonal & Presentational Writing (30%)
4) Interpersonal & Presentational Speaking (20%)
It is very important that you practice these skills as often as you can this summer. This summer reading assignment has been designed to help you practice each of these skills. There are four parts to the summer reading assignment. All of your responses should be in Spanish (exception, movie quotes translated to English). If you have trouble with any of the steps, please e-mail me (). I will check my e-mail at least once a week.
Tarea #1: Correo Electrónico - Before July 1, write an e-mail in Spanish to Sra. York () explaining why you want to be in the AP Spanish Language Class. Then, tell her what plan to do this summer to practice your Spanish reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills. (20 pts. writing)
Tarea #2: Película - Watch ONE of the following biographical movies. Choose one that you haven’t seen before. Please discuss your movie choice with your parents. Your parent must write a note that you will turn in on the first day of class to confirm that you discussed this choice with him or her and received his/her permission before watching the movie. You can rent most of these movies from Amazon for $2-$3 but you may be able to check them out for free from your local library or find them on Netflix* or Hulu^.
a) As you watch the movie, take notes about people, places, culture, customs, etc. Type your notes and save them on a Word document titled “Película.” (20 pts. culture)
b) As you watch the movie, write down 15 direct quotes in SPANISH from the movie (minimum 10 words each.) Translate these quotes into English. Save these quotes and translations to your “Película” file. (30 pts. listening)
c) After watching the movie, answer the following questions in paragraph format in Spanish. Save these responses to your “Película” file, which will be submitted to Turnintin.com on the first day of class. 1) Describe por lo menos tres de los personajes, cada uno con un párrafo completo. 2) Escribe una crítica de la película. ¿Qué te gustó? ¿Qué no te gustó? (Mínimo de 200 palabras) y 3) Describe tu escena favorita y explica porque te gustó. (20 pts. culture, 20 pts. writing)
d) Prepare a two-minute video presentation about the person whose life was portrayed in your chosen movie. You should do additional research to find pictures and to add to the facts presented in the movie. Upload the video to YouTube and paste the link in your “Película” file (30 pts. speaking).
Películas: Cesar Chavez (2014) Cantinflas (2014) The Liberator/Libertador (2013)
Mar Adentro* (2004) Diarios de Motocicleta (2004) Romero (1989)
Tarea #3: Lectura - Choose TWO articles to read from the list of articles below. (Articles from http://veintemundos.com/en/library/)
1. Condorito y Mafalda íconos de la cultura pop 5. Superhéroes latinos
2. Violeta Parra 6. Personajes (Túpac Amaru II, Celia Cruz, Rigoberta Menchú, Rubén Blades)
3. Silvio Rodríguez 7. Los 80 la radiografía de Chile
4. El Chavo del Ocho: el reflejo de una cultura 8. Personajes (La Siguanaba, Ratón Pérez, El Chupacabras)
Vocabulary: As you read each article, write down at least six vocabulary words that you learned and that you think would be important to remember and incorporate in your own writing. For each word, write an original (created by you) sentence using that word. You will have a list of 12 sentences in Spanish – six from each article.
Summary: After reading each article, write a paragraph summary in Spanish of the main ideas in the article. Then, write a paragraph in Spanish comparing the cultural products, practices, and perspectives mentioned in the article with those of another culture (in the US or in another part of the Spanish-speaking world with which you are familiar. Save your twelve vocabulary sentences, two summaries and two reflections in a Word document titled “Comprensión de Lectura” to be turned in to Sra. York through Turnitin.com on the first day of class. (40 pts. reading, 20 pts. writing)
Tarea #4: Introducción - Before August 1, call Sra. York’s Google Voice account (469-248-5868) and leave a two-minute message in which you introduce yourself in Spanish. (20 pts. speaking)
Tarea #5: Culture Journal – Buy a composition notebook and begin filling it with cultural information. Your first four entries can be about 1) the movie, 2) your research, 3) Article #1 and 4) Article #2. Your culture journal can be in English or Spanish. You should have at least 10 entries (ideally 15) by the time school starts. Each entry should be about a paragraph in length. You should have at least two entries per page and you should use both sides of the paper. Make your journal visually appealing with highlights, large/bold/colorful headings, charts, sketches or pictures – whatever will help make the information stick with you. (30 pts. culture).
Possible resources for the Culture Journal can be found HERE or HERE.
AP Spanish Language Tarea del Verano 2016
Nombre del Estudiante: ______
Tarea #1: _____ / 20 pts. writing
Tarea #2: a) _____ / 20 pts. culture,
b) _____ / 30 pts. listening
c) _____ / 20 pts. writing, _____ / 20 pts. culture,
d) _____ / 30 pts. speaking
Tarea #3: _____ / 40 pts. reading, _____ / 20 pts. writing,
Tarea #4: _____ / 20 pts. speaking
Tarea #5: _____ / 30 pts. culture
Nota Final: ______/ 250 pts. = ______%
TAREA #1: Correo Electrónico (20 pts.)
Antes del 1 de julio, escribe una carta a la Profesora York ().
En tu carta es necesario…
- usar lenguaje respetuoso
- saludar a la profesora
- explicarle por qué quieres estar en la clase
- contarle tus planes para practicar leer, escuchar, escribir, y hablar español
- hacerle una pregunta
- escribir un mínimo de 120 palabras
- despedirte
AP Interpersonal Writing Rubric
1. Maintains the exchange; clearly appropriate. 5 4 3 2 1
2. Provides required information. 5 4 3 2 1
3. Understandable with clarity of expression; few errors. 5 4 3 2 1
4. Varied and appropriate vocabulary. 5 4 3 2 1
5. Accurate in grammar, syntax, usage; few errors. 5 4 3 2 1
6. Consistent use of register appropriate for situation. 5 4 3 2 1
7. Variety of sentence structures. 5 4 3 2 1
TAREA #4: Introducción (20 pts.)
Antes del 1 de agosto, llama a la cuenta de Google Voice de Sra. York (469-246-5868). Deja un mensaje de dos minutos en que te presentas. ¿Cómo te llamas? ¿Quién eres? ¿Cómo eres? ¿Cuáles cosas te importan? ¿Cuáles cosas te gustan? ¿Qué quieres que sepa Sra. York?
AP Interpersonal Speaking Rubric
1. Maintains the exchange appropriately. 5 4 3 2 1
2. Provides required information. 5 4 3 2 1
3. Fully understandable with few errors. 5 4 3 2 1
4. Varied and appropriate vocabulary. 5 4 3 2 1
5. Accuracy & variety in grammar, syntax; few errors 5 4 3 2 1
6. Consistent use of register appropriate for conversation. 5 4 3 2 1
7. Comprehensible pronunciation, intonation, pacing. 5 4 3 2 1
8. Clarification or self-correction improves response. 5 4 3 2 1