Host Information Packet
Effective Internet Safety Presentations for School Resource Officers
Proposed Dates of Course:
Alternative Dates of Course:
Course Location (city):
Local hosts will be the liaison to NASRO for this course. NASRO asks that either the local host or a designated contact be available at all times during the course to assist with troubleshooting, equipment needs, directions, transportation needs and other logistical arrangements.
NASRO also asks that the local host assist in promoting the training at the local and regional level. This can be accomplished through word-of-mouth, regional meetings and other forms of communication to agencies in the area. This course would also be of interest and benefit to school administrators, guidance counselors, facilities staff (especially maintenance), district administrators, architects and facility planners. NASRO will promote the training on the NASRO website and by e-blasting our membership.
The course must be held in a computer laboratory. A high school computer laboratory is NOT an appropriate setting due to the social networking filters in place. Any college level or library would be a fitting host site. The host must downloadtwo programs vital for the flow of the course: The Search Investigative Tool Bar and the software SNAG-IT designed by, which will be provided by BSC and licensed to the hosting site or two days prior to the class, a free trial may be downloaded to the computer systems.
Local host will need to be available for communications with the course instructor to discuss logistics and properly preparing the computer laboratory.
Local Host Information
Host Agency:
Agency Address:
Host Contact:
Office Phone: Cell:
Training Site
The computer laboratory should have the capacity to seat 20 participants comfortably for the duration of the course.
If the training site is different from the host agency site become complete the follow:
Training Site:
Room Capacity:
Audio Visual Equipment
NASRO courses utilize a variety of audio-visual equipment in the classroom. Instructors also utilize PowerPoint during lectures as a teaching tool for the attendees. Use of the LCD projector will be required and at least a six foot projection screen or appropriate backdrop.
Lodging Information
Depending on the training site, we ask local hosts to assist NASRO in making hotel information available to attendees. If the course will be held at a hotel or academy, please provide the information for that location below. If the course will be held “off site,” such as a police department training room or police academy we ask that the local host provide information on at least two nearby hotels for those needing lodging for the course duration. Local host should contact local hotels to request a discounted rate for NASRO training participants.
Hotel #1
Phone Number:
NASRO Training Discount:
Hotel # 2
Phone Number:
NASRO Training Discount:
Hotel #3
Phone Number:
NASRO Training Discount:
Breaks and Refreshments
Although NASRO is not in a position to dictate what refreshments the local host provides, we do ask you to consider helping to create an environment that is conducive to adult learning and networking. Attendees are provided breaks at the discretion of the instructors depending on the activity conducted at the time. Participants will need unrestricted access to restrooms in close proximity to the training site. It is NASRO’s suggestion that the local host provides coffee/juice service in the morning and considers water service or soft drinks in the afternoon for the attendees.
Lunch will be at the expense of the attendees unless otherwise indicated. Arrangements can be made to eat lunch at the training site or time can be allowed for the attendees to drive off site depending on local services. NASRO will not enter into agreements with local hotels to provide lunch in exchange for room rental. The local host should be able to provide information to out of town guest as to on-site or nearby restaurants and eating establishments. Attendees are provided approximately one hour for lunch. Please provide information on local dining establishments relative to the training site:
On siteWalking distanceDriving distance
Lighting and Temperature
Temperature and lighting in the classroom need to be controlled by the instructors. NASRO courses utilize multiple audio/visual aids, which will require immediate adjustment in lighting levels. Windows need to have shades or blinds and lighting that can be adjusted to various levels is preferred. Instructors need to have access to adjust the temperature of the classroom or have someone on site that is available throughout the duration of the course to accomplish this with minimal interruption to the class.
Host Welcome
NASRO extends the opportunity for the host agency to greet the attendees at the beginning of the course. This could include (but is not limited to) a welcome from your Sheriff, Police Chief, Mayor, Unit Supervisor or Hotel Spokesperson. This is an opportunity for the host to welcome the attendees, make some introductory comments and point out local items of interest and speak about the host agency. Please keep us informed as to who will be speaking so we may adjust the course agenda accordingly and provide appropriate recognition to the guest speakers. The local host may provide door prizes to the attendees in an effort to promote their department or community.
Activities and Maps
The local host is under no obligation to organize extracurricular activities for the attendees. The local host or agency may provide additional opportunities for the attendees such as workout facilities, ride-a-longs, social hours, theme parks, sports events, tours or golf.
Course Fees for Local Host
The local host agency will receive one registration free of charge per every tenpaid participants. All other participants from the local host agency will be charged full registration fees.
Legal Contracts
Any legal contracts drawn up for the purposes of conducting NASRO Training must be forwarded to NASRO at least 30 days prior to the start of the course. This would include, but is not limited to contractual agreements for the purposes of renting training space or equipment. Original copies of all contractual agreements should be mailed to the attention of:
Mo Canady
2020 Valleydale Road, Ste. 207A
Hoover, AL 35244
Return Information
Email or Fax to:
Kerri J. Williamson
NASRO Training Director
651-286-0804 Fax