Ref; 16-3657
Date: 5th February 2016 / Information Governance TeamC/O Jagjivan Chagger
Trust Headquarters
St James’s University HospitalBeckett Street
Direct Line (0113) 2064102
Dear Mr Sarney
Re: Freedom of Information request
I am writing in response to your e-mail received on the 8th January 2015 for information held by the Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust (“the Trust”) under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (“the Act”). It is the responsibility of my team to respond to such requests on behalf of the Trust. Please find your query reproduced below along with our response.
I would like to request the following information about the
software that you currently have in use.
Please note:
o It is not possible to answer the questions about how long each of the systems took to implement, as many implementations are phased in line with resource availability.
1. Do you currently have endoscopy reporting software installed? -
1.1. If the answer to question 1 is yes, who is the provider of
this software?
The software was provided by Fujinon.
1.2. If the answer to question 1 is yes, how long did implementing
the system take?
See above
2. Do you currently have cystoscopy reporting software installed?
2.1. If the answer to question 2 is yes, who is the provider of
this software?
2.2. If the answer to question 2 is yes, how long did implementing
the system take?
3. Do you currently have bronchoscopy reporting software installed? ?
3.1. If the answer to question 3 is yes, who is the provider of
this software?
3.2. If the answer to question 3 is yes, how long did implementing
the system take?
4. Do you currently have any software installed to support the
tracking of long term gastroenterology patients (eg. IBD patients)?
4.1. If the answer to question 4 is yes, who is the provider of
this software?
4.2. If the answer to question 4 is yes, how long did implementing
the system take?
4. Do you currently have order communications software installed?
5.1. If the answer to question 5 is yes, who is the provider of
this software?
Sunquest Information Systems (Europe) Ltd
5.2. If the answer to question 5 is yes, how long did implementing
the system take?
See above
5. Do you currently have a patient administration system installed?
6.1. If the answer to question 6 is yes, who is the provider of
this software?
CSC (Computer Sciences Corporation)
6.2. If the answer to question 6 is yes, how long did implementing
the system take?
See above
7. Do you currently have an unscheduled care/emergency department
system installed?
7.1. If the answer to question 7 is yes, who is the provider of
this software?
System originally supplied by Ascribe Ltd, but the product now belongs to EMIS
7.2. If the answer to question 7 is yes, how long did implementing
the system take?
See above
8. Do you currently have an integration platform installed?
8.1. If the answer to question 8 is yes, who is the provider of
this software?
8.2. If the answer to question 8 is yes, how long did implementing
the system take?
See above
9. Do you currently have any business intelligence systems
9.1. If the answer to question 9 is yes, who is the provider of
this software? (If there is more than one provider for different
departments please include each provider and the department their
solution is used in)
Qlik IT - Informatics
Dr Foster - Patient Administration
9.2. If the answer to question 9 is yes, how long did implementing
the system(s) take?
See above
10. Do you currently have a pharmacy stock management system
10.1. If the answer to question 10 is yes, who is the provider of
this software?
JAC Computer Services Ltd
10.2. If the answer to question 10 is yes, how long did
implementing the system take?
See above
11. Do you currently have an eprescribing solution installed?
Yes (although only partly implemented)
11.1. If the answer to question 11 is yes, who is the provider of
this software?
CSC (Computer Sciences Corporation)
11.2. If the answer to question 11 is yes, how long did
implementing the system take?
See above
12. Do you currently have an electronic document and records
management solution installed?
12.1. If the answer to question 12`is yes, who is the provider of
this software?
Civica UK Ltd
12.2. If the answer to question 11 is yes, how long did
implementing the system take?
See above
13. If possible, please provide the associated costs of installing
and supporting each system individually.
The Trust can confirm that we hold this information, however as the pricing for this is current, the Trust is declining to disclose it under Section 43(2) of the Act, which states that information is exempt if “its disclosure under this Act would, or would be likely to, prejudice the commercial interests of any person (including the public authority holding it).”
This is a qualified exemption, which means that its application is subject to the public interest test set out in section 2 of the Act.
Having applied this test, the Trust has concluded that the public interest lies in favour of withholding the information requested because, whilst disclosure would facilitate accountability and transparency, it would also prejudice the commercial interests of a third party (for example, the ability of providers to successfully participate in commercial activities) and would adversely affect the Trust’s ability to achieve best value for money when securing services as the pricing is current.
I would like to draw your attention to the provisions of the Re-use of Public Sector Information Regulations 2005. I should point out that the information we have supplied is the property of the Trust and subject to Intellectual Property and Database Rights. Any commercial application or use of this information may be subject to the provisions of the above Regulations. This means that if you wished to re-use any of the information provided for commercial purposes you would need to ask us for permission to do so. Should we agree that you can use the information it will be subject to the issue of a licence which may or may not involve a fee.
If for any reason you are unhappy with the service you have received in relation to your request, please contact the Information Governance team in the first instance using the details shown above.
If you continue to be dissatisfied, you have the right to contact the Information Commissioner. Generally, the Commissioner cannot make a decision until you have exhausted the Trust’s complaints procedure. Should you wish to contact the Information Commissioner, you can do so by writing to The Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF.
Yours sincerely
Lorna Edwards
AHR Manager / Senior Information Governance Officer