Handling “Acclaro File not found” issue
Document History
Version / Date / Description / Prepared By / Reviewed by1.0 / 10Jul, 2012 / Daily SWS -Handling “Acclaro File not found” issue / Raghavender Y / Vinit Bhardwaj
Document Review Criteria:If there are any changes in the process and contact details
A.Daily SWS Report
C.Current Process
1.At 5.00 AM EST:
2.At 6.30 AM EST:
3.At 07:00AM EST
D.Handling “Acclaro File not found” issue
Actions to be taken:
A.Daily SWS Report
This report is an automated report that is circulated to Churchs ZDOs and MLs every morning by 07:00AM EST. This report shows the average / pickup service time (Drive Thru orders) for all the Zones with the given Bench mark for past 28 days.
Role / ResponsibilityAgents /
- Needs to monitor if
(2)There was any alert email with subject ‘Acclaro File not found’ from at 06:30AM EST
Shift-Leads /
- Need to monitor above and take action in case there was any issue.
C.Current Process
There are two schedulers involved in this functionality.
1)Acclaro Import Data.
2)Chart Extractor.
These schedulers are located at
1.At 5.00 AM EST:
Acclaro will place the yesterday’s csv file with the format Export_YYYYmmDD_1.csv (ex: - on 10th Jan, 2012 the file name will be Export_20120109_1.csv) at the churchs FTP location.
2.At 6.30 AM EST:
The scheduler Acclaro-Importdata runs and copies the yesterday Acclaro CSV file data into the database.
3.At 07:00AM EST
An email (as below) is sent to the below designated group. This is an automated email sent from . Shift-leads/Agents need to monitor if the email was sent successfully.
TO: / ;CC: / Look at the most recent email list and any new changes
D.Handling “Acclaro File not found” issue
If helpdesk gets the email (as below) – this means that the ‘previous day file’ does not not exist (for some reason/issue at Acclaro end).
Actions to be taken:
1)Shift-lead needs to login to server and disable the schedulers before 7:00 AM EST (1) Acclaro-Importdata and (2) Chart Extractor.
Procedure to disable schedulers:
- Open windows schedulers.
- Right click on Acclaro Import DataScheduler and uncheck ‘Enabled….’ Checkbox (as in screenshot below) and click on OK.
- Right click on Chart Extractorscheduler and uncheck ‘Enabled….’ Checkbox (as in screenshot below) and click on OK.
After disable the schedulers they will be marked with red color, shown in the below image.
2)Helpdesk shift-lead should communicate this to Acclaro (Texas digital) that we have not received the Acclaro CSV file to churchs FTP.
TO: /CC: / ; ; ; Raghavender Y
3)Acclaro team needs to check the issue from their side and place the csv file into churchs FTP.
4)After receiving the confirmation from Acclaro people, helpdesk people need to follow below steps.
Note: - Acclaro team must place the file in FTP before 11.59 PM EST. If the file(s)is/are provided on the next business day (after 12:00AM) – Please go to step no. 10.
5)Once Acclaro team confirms that the file is placed – Right-click on Acclaro Import Datascheduler and run it.
6)Right click Acclaro Import Dataselect properties and check the ‘Enabled….’ Checkbox (as in screenshot below) and click on OK to enable the scheduler.
7)Right click Chart Extractorscheduler and run it.
8)Right click Chart Extractorselect properties and check the ‘Enabled….’ Checkbox (as in screenshot below) and click on OK to enable the scheduler.
After enabling, the schedulers look as shown in below image.
9)The email will be sent to the designated group (Similar to Step 3 under Current Process section). [[[[End of the process]]]]
If the files are provided on the next business day (by Acclaro team)
10)Acclaro team will provide the previous day’s file(s). Few important points to be considered are:
- Acclaro Import DataScheduler runs on the .csv file that has previous day’s date only.
- It is mandatory to run all the pending .csv files that were not run using the automated process.
Let’s assume that Acclaro provides 1 file for the previous day – we need to ensure that the scheduler should run on 2 files (1 for the previous day and other for today’s file as usual).
11)For the pending .csv files, we need to rename the file as Export_YYYYmmDD_1.csv where Date should be previous day’s date only. Follow the instructions in step 5 to 8.