EPC Exhibit 130-2, page 1
November 18-19, 2008
Item No.Exhibit No. & Date Mailed
1.Call to EPC Meeting 130130-1 (7/11/08)
2.Proposed Agenda130-2 (7/11/08)
2a.Proposed Order of Discussion130-2a (10/22/08)
3.*Minutes of Meeting 129130-3 (7/30/08)
3.1*Minutes of Meeting 129A130-3.1 (7/30/08)
6.Editorial Work Plan130-6 (10/22/08)
8.Table 1. Standard Subdivisions + Groups of people
8.1Table 1 & 305-306:Link to PDF on Dewey web site130-8.1 (7/30/08)
8.2Table 1 & 305-306:Comments130-8.2 (11/6/08)
8.3Table 1 & 305-306: Revised PDF130-8.3 (11/6/08)
9.Table 2.Areas, Periods, Persons 130-9 (10/8/08)
(Link to PDF of complete Table 2)
9.1Ancient world130-9.1 (9/10/08)
9.2Great Britain130-9.2 (9/24/08)
9.3Switzerland130-9.3 (9/24/08)
9.4Mexico130-9.4 (9/24/08)
9.5Brazil130-9.5 (9/24/08)
10.Table 3. Subdivisions for the Arts, for Individual130-10 (10/8/08)
Literatures, for Specific Literary Forms
(Link to PDF of complete Table 3)
10.1Table 3A130-10.1 (10/8/08)
10.2Table 3B130-10.2 (10/8/08)
10.3Table 3C130-10.3 (10/8/08)
Proposed for pre-Meeting 130 discussion on EPC-L during October 2008
12.Table 5. Ethnic and National Groups130-12 (9/10/08)
(Link to PDF of complete Table 5)
13.Table 6. Languages130-13 (9/10/08)
(Link to PDF of complete Table 6)
14.001Knowledge; 002 The book130-14(9/10/08)
15. Computational linguistics130-15 (9/10/08)
16.150 Psychology130-16 (9/24/08)
17.200 Religion: Browserno exhibit
19.330 Economics130-19 (8/22/08)
20.340 Law: Selected Topics130-20 (10/8/08)
20.1340 Working Group (Progress Report)130-20.1 (10/8/08)
21.370 Education
21.1370 Education: Preliminary Issues130-21.1 (9/24/08)
21.2370 Education Working Group (Progress Report)130-21.2 (9/24/08)
22.390 Customs, etiquette, folklore 130-22 (10/8/08)
(Link to PDF of complete 390)
22.1391.1-391.4; 394.1Clothing, eating, drinking130-22.1 (10/8/08)
23.400 Language130-23 (9/10/08)
24.*510 Mathematics130-24(8/22/08)
25.610 Medicine and health130-25 (10/8/08)
26.640 Home and family management 130-26 (10/8/08)
27.650 Management and auxiliary services130-27 (8/22/08)
28.660 Chemical engineering related technologies130-28 (10/8/08)
29.670Manufacturing; 680 Manufacture of products130-29 (10/8/08)
for specific uses
30.690 Buildings130-30 (10/8/08)
Proposed for pre-Meeting 130 discussion on EPC-L during October 2008
31.710Civic and landscape art; 720 Architecture;130-31(8/22/08)
730 Sculpture and related arts; 740 Drawing and
decorative arts; 750 Painting and paintings
32.780 Music130-32 (9/24/08)
33.*790 Recreational and performing arts130-33 (8/22/08)
33.1*Made-for-television vs. theatrical release films130-33.1 (8/22/08)
34800 Literature (Belles-lettres) and rhetoric130-34 (10/8/08)
35.900 History, geography, and auxiliary disciplines130-35 (10/8/08)
36.Flexible versions of the DDC
36.1Rethinking the abridged edition130-36.1 (10/22/08)
36.2Mixed translation models 130-36.2 (10/22/08)
36.3Improving Dewey captions for browsing and display in130-36.3 (10/22/08)
online environments
36.4DDC ResearchDiane Vizine-Goetzno exhibit
37.1Relative Index Project130-37.1(10/22/08)
37.2Dewey in ontological representation130-37.2 (10/22/08)
38.New Editorial Support Systemno exhibit
39.DDC Training130-39 (10/22/08)
40.EPCCaroline Kent
41.ALADeborah Rose-Lefmann
42.CILIPCaroline Kent
43.1Semiannual Report to OCLC (January-June 2008)130-43.1 (9/10/08)
Proposed for pre-Meeting 130 discussion on EPC-L during October 2008
44.DDC Reports
44a.Editorial Report, November 2007 – April 2008130-44a (10/22/08)
Joan S. Mitchell
44b.DDC Marketing and AdvertisingLibbie Crawford 130-44b (distributed
at meeting)
45.LCBeacher Wiggins
46.EPCReports from other EPC members
50.DDC Bibliography130-50 (distributed
at meeting)
51.Place and Date ofMeetings131 and 132