Dushanbe “Pugus Dacha”
November 5, 2004
Thursday, November 4, 2004 – Arrival of delegations
17:30Arrival and housing
19:00Registration and informal reception for all participants followed by private dinner for Heads of Delegations hosted by the World Bank
Friday, November 5, 2004
7:30Departure to Dacha “Pugus” (Varzob Valley) from Hotel “Avesto”
Opening session
9:00-9:10Welcoming of participants by the meeting co-chairs:
Mr. Akil Akilov, Prime-Minister, Republic of Tajikistan
Mr. Dennis de Tray, Country Director, Central Asia Regional Office, The World Bank
9:10-9:25Opening Statement by His Excellency Emomali Rakhmonov, President of the Republic of Tajikistan
9:25-9:35Opening Statement by Mr. Shigeo Katsu, Vice President, Europe and Central Asia Region, The World Bank
Session 1: Poverty Reduction through Sustainable Economic Growth: PRSP Implementation Results. Plans for the Future Poverty Reduction Efforts
Issues to be addressed:
- PRSP implementation progress
- Growth and its sustainability
- Key future reform priorities and measures for poverty
9:35-10:05Presentation by Government
-Mr. Faizullo Kholboboev, State Advisor on Economic Issues, Office of the President
-Mr. Khakim Soliev, Minister of Economy and Trade
-Ms. Nozigul Khushvakhtova, Head of PRSP Monitoring Unit, Office of the President
10:05-10:30Presentation by Donors
International Monetary Fund: Growth sustainability and poverty reduction
Asian Development Bank: Farm Privatization and Farm Debt – the way forward.
10:30-11:00Coffee break
11:00-12:30Comments by other donors and discussion.
Lead commentator -- UNDP
Session 2: Public Expenditure and Investment Program, Aid Coordination, and Implementation of Donor Commitments
Issues to be addressed:
- Medium-term budget framework as a means of accelerating disbursements
- Coordination of policies and of donor inputs
- Review of donor commitments
14:00-14:15Presentation by Government
-Mr. Safar ali Najmuddinov, Minister of Finance
-Mr. M. Isakov, Head of ACU, Office of the President
14:15-14:25Presentation by Donors
-World Bank: Public expenditure reforms and prioritization of investments
14:25-15:30Comments by other donors and discussion
Lead commentator -- DFID
15:30-16:00Coffee break
16:00-16:30Closing Statements by the Co-chairs
Mr. Akil Akilov, Prime Minister
Mr. Dennis de Tray, Country Director, Central Asia Regional Office, The World Bank
16:30-17:00Press Conference
Mr. Akil Akilov, Prime Minister
Mr. Dennis de Tray, Country Director, Central Asia Regional Office, The World Bank
17:00Departure to Dushanbe
19:00Reception on behalf of the Government
Saturday, November 6, 2004
Departure from Hotel to Airport
Departure to Bishkek (or Almaty)