Peruvian ICT Integrator Mission 2012
Roundtable and 1:1 meetings
OTTAWA: June 8, 2012TORONTO: June 12th, 2012
Marshes Golf Club, Primrose Room Toronto Congress Centre South, Sutherland Room
320 Terry Fox Drive, Ottawa650 Dixon Rd, Toronto
Mr. Carlos Durand, from Data General Corporaciónwill be in Ottawa (June 8) and Toronto (June 12) to meet with highly innovative Ontario technology companies interested in exploring opportunities in this market.
Peru is a dynamic market-oriented economy with high growth potential, and currently Canada’s second largest partner in Latin America and the Caribbean. Peru's solid economic foundations and outstanding growth figures bode well for a continuing development of the ICT industry. According to the latest Latin Focus Consensus Forecast, Peru is expected to have the lowest inflation rate and highest growth in the region in 2012 and 2013.
Peru’s stability and the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) signed with Canada are triggering faster growth and generating business opportunities for Canadian suppliers. Wireless technology is significantly growing as an essential tool to bridge the digital divide with both Telefonica and America Movil (Claro), investing more than US$2 billion each for the 2010-2013 period, in addition to investment by emerging carriers such as Viettel and Yota. These investments will be mainly directed at developing 4G mobile broadband networks and a nationwide fiber optic network. Telcos are looking to expand, enhance their coverage and improve their technological infrastructure already in place, particularly in remote areas. In turn, the Peruvian Government has committed more than US$260 million through their Rural Investment Telecom Fund to expand broadband services to rural areas in Peru.
Mr. Durand is a renowned Peruvian integrator (Data General Corporación just ended his term as President of the Lima Chamber of Commerce and has been involved in a number of ICT projects throughout the past years. He is extremely well-connected and knowledgeable of key projects in the pipeline within the telecom sector as well as key vertical markets. He is presently targeting emerging carriers in Peru (Yota, Viettel) to meet their technology requirements and has also been previously selling to Telefonica and Nextel in Peru. His key focus for the mission will be on broadband, Wimaxandinnovative wireless technologies.Mr. Durand’s career background involves the following key positions:
- President of The Lima Chamber of Commerce – Period 2010-2012
- Member of the Board of Directors of OSIPTEL (Telco Regulator) - 2011
- President of the IT committee at the Lima Chamber of Commerce (1997-2002).
- Coordinator for the implementation of the Peru-US FTA Telecommunications and eCommerce Chapters.
- Private sector representative at the National Consultative Group within Peru’s Electronic Government Office (ONGEI).
- Consultant at the International Commerce and Integration Division of ECLAC.
- Member of the ICT Experts Committee at the ICT4BUS Program at the Inter-American Development Bank.
- Professor at the Universidad Cientifica del Sur, Systems Engineer Faculty (1999-present)
1. External plant infrastructure for the implementation of Wimax (802.16mHz)
2. Wimax network access devices (use of USBs or Routers)
3. Security devices for access to the network, both via Hardware as well as via Software
(Firewall type)
4. Infrastructure solutions for deployment of fiber optic network to be used for data transmission through fixed broadband and to complement last-mile wireless solutions.
5. Software solutions for the implementation of applications via mobile telephony, such as electronic banking, POS, etc.
Roundtable Agenda (subject to change)
8:30 am - 9:00 am Registration and breakfast
9:00 am – 9:10 amWelcome Remarks
Eleonore Rupprecht - Trade Commissioner Service
9:10 am – 9:25 amAttendees publicly introduce themselves - 30 seconds each
9:25 am – 10:25 amInteractive discussion on Peru’s ICT market and Mr. Durand’s company’s upcoming projects and technology requirements
10:25 am – 10:30 amOntario Ministry of Economic Development and Innovation – services
Closing Remarks – Maureen Angus
10:30 am - 4:00 pm* Pre-approved 1:1 meetings between Mr. Durand and Ontario companies (20 min. each)
*In order to ensure an appropriate match for the 1:1 meetings, your application will be forwarded to Mr. Durand for evaluation. You will be advised and receive more details once a match has been confirmed. Companies selected for one-on-one meetings must attend the morning session.
Deadline to submit applications: Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Please fill and process page 2
ACCESIBILITY: If you require alternative formats to ensure access to materials prepared in conventional print,have any food allergies, or have any accommodation needs to ensure your full participation, or to identify any assistance you may require in the event of an emergency evacuation, please provide your specific requirements in advance to Maureen Angus at
DEADLINEWednesday, May 30, 2012. Limited to 25 people
TO APPLYComplete and submit the attached application form to with a copy to
QUESTIONS?Maureen Angus, Ontario Ministry of Economic Development and Innovation
E: or T. (416) 325-9821
Date/location (select one) / ( ) Ottawa on June 8 OR ( ) Toronto on June 12Company Name
IT subsector / ( ) Wimax infrastructure
( ) Wimax network access
( ) Infrastructure solutions for deployment of fiber optic network/broadband/last mile
( ) Solutions for implementation of mobile apps via mobile telephony, such as electronic banking, POS
( ) Mobile apps
In 10 words, what is your technology
Participant & title
Telephone / Fax
E-mail / Website
Founding year / # of employees in Ontario (payroll) / Total annual sales
HQ (city) / Other offices (list cities)
Describe your company technologies / capabilities in 150 words or less-longer profiles will not be considered
List in bullets the key differentiators in 75 words or less - longer descriptions will not be considered
Describe your target market and list any key clients in 75 words or less – longer descriptions will not be considered