Call to Order- Dawn Kalata: Called the 10/20/12 meeting to order at 9:00 AM.
Roll Call–Tom Cotter:
Board Members present: Dawn Kalata, Bob Budjac, Laura Treul, Paul Weber, Doug Wickersham, and Tom Cotter.
Board Member absent but excused: Dwight Gilbert
Pledge of Allegiance
Approval of July2012 and the September 2012 Meeting Minutes.
Dawn Kalata asked for a motion to approve theminutes from the July and September 2012 meetings. Moved by Laura Treul, second by Bob Budjac. AYES – 6; NAYS – 0; MOTION PASSED
Treasurer’s Report – Laura Treul:
September 2012
Income – $2,535
Expenses - $7,842
Cash On-Hand / petty cash and checking - $9,204
Money Market Key Savings - $63,827
2nd Money Market Key Savings - $17,817
CD in Nekoosa Port Edwards State Bank - $31,815
CD in Key Savings Bank - $53,417
TOTAL ASSETS - $176,082
LLC/TavernYear to-date accounting as of 9/30– Laura Treul:
Revenue - $39,549
Total Cost of Goods Sold - $10,878
Gross Profit - $28,671
Other Expenses - $19,054
Net Profit - $9,616
Cash On-Hand / petty cash and checking - $60,951
Money Market Key Savings - $103,585
TOTAL ASSETS - $181,000
Approval of the Treasurers Report.
Dawn Kalata asked for a motion to approve the Treasurers Report of the LCPOA and the Tavern/LLC. Moved by Tom Cotter, second by Bob Budjac. AYES – 6; NAYS – 0; MOTION PASSED
Committee Reports.
Firewise & Reforestation– There were a few open Firewise permits that were more than three years old. Tom and his maintenance staff went around and cleaned-up and chipped away all of the debris and closed those Firewise permits. That work was paid for with Firewise Funds.
Building and Grounds – Tom Deckow reports he and his crew are almost done for the season. They have a few minor chipping projects left. The in-ground sprinkler system has been winterized and purged of all water. All of the mowers and other equipment has been winterized. President Kalata commented that the maintenance trucks are all clean and look great.
Beach Club Committee – Nothing to report.
Tri-Lakes & Water Quality– On October 25th at 6:00pm at the Rome Town Hall LCPOA Member Don Ystad will be giving his presentation to everyone on the Tri-Lakes area water levels and water quality.
Town of Rome / Political Action –The Town’s Halloween party will be on the 31st from 6-8pm. The LCPOA is donating candy to that party. Camelot on the Lake will donate popcorn. October 27-28 the Town of Rome is holding “snowmobile safety courses” for kids 12 and older for $10.00. The Fire Protection charge for properties will remain the same next year as it is this year. Dan Bauman from the DNR was at last Thursday’s Town meeting and spoke about water quality and water levels.
Neighborhood Watch/Security– nothing to report.
Member Services / Lodge – nothing to report.
Camelot on the Lake –Mike Core reports a new dart and billiards league starts soon. Next Saturday is the Halloween Party. The Bar has hired Drew Hamil and his “Bubbles Entertainment” to run the Karaoke evenings every other Friday. The Fridays when there is no karaoke there will be a live band. On November 17th, the band “PCP” will be playing. The hot soup and sandwich lunch special at Camelot on the Lake is going very well.
Website – nothing to report.
New Business
Tom Deckow announced that revenues from the Frolic were used to purchase four new picnic benches.
Asked for items for next agenda.
Adjournment: Motion by Paul Weber seconded by Bob Budjac. MOTION PASSED, meeting was adjourned at 10:00am.
Submitted this 20th Day of October, 2012
Tom Cotter
LCPOA Board of Directors