Fall2016– August 29- Meeting One
Quorum: Seven
Advisor: Dean DuJuan Smith
Student Trustee: Jauwan Hall
President: Flordalia Rodriguez- Garcia
Vice President: David Lin
Treasurer: TBD
Chairs: TBD / Legislative:
Speaker: TBD
Secretary: TBD
Pooja Baxi / Asha Binbek / Nancy Camacho
Chirs Anthony Ebisi / Christian Goddard / Dennis Ho
Zuka’a Joudeh / Deepika Kommineni / Kiana Narvaez
Pari Shah / Marlena Szymczak / Peter Varughese
Samrudhi Vaghmare / Shifa Zhong
/ Associate:
I. Call to Order – Roll Call President Rodriguez- Garcia
II. Reading and Approval of the Minutes: Assembly
III. Reading and Approval of the Agenda: Assembly
IV. Ceremonial Inductions: PresidentRodriguez- Garcia
V. Guest Speaker(s): Mr. Tolliver
VI. Reports
- Ex officio
Student Trustee of Board of Trustees
- Executive
Vice President
- Legislative
Jauwan Hall
Flordalia Rodriguez- García
David Lin
VII. Resolution Proposals
VIII. New Business
IX. Service Hours
X. Items for Discussion
XI. Public Forum and Announcements
XII. Voting in New Members
XII. Adjournment
Meeting Minutes #3
Undergraduate Student Government Summer Meeting Three
August 13, 2016 12:00 PM SCE 613
Call to Order- Roll Call
Regular Meeting of the Undergraduate Student Government called to order at 12:12 PM in SCE 613by President Rodriguez- Garcia
The following members were present:
Flordalia Rodriguez- García, David Lin, Asha Binbek, Dennis Ho, Peter Varughese, and Shifa Zhong.
The following members were absent:
Joel Alva, Benjamin Brown, Chris Anthony Ebisi, Deepika Kommineni, Pari Shah, Pooja Baxi, Nancy Camacho, Christian Goddard, Kiana Narvaez, Jashaun Bowens, Zuka’a Joudeh, and Marlena Scymczak.
Reading and Approval of the Minutes:
There was a motion to approve the meeting minutes. Meeting minutes have been approved.
Reading and Approval of the Agenda:
Motion to approve the meeting minutes. Meeting minutes for August 13 were approved.
Guest Speaker: Professor Sandy De Groote
Sandy De Groote came to speak with us about a USG representative in the Academic Services committee to revise the resolution for free open textbooks. If anyone would like to join and represent to contact her at .
President Rodriguez- Garcia: First USG meeting will be Monday, August 29. Still waiting for room reservations. Special committee timeline will be released for the new constitution and bylaws. Information sessions will be held for the following positions to prepare members for their positions.
Vice President Lin: Printing codes will be issued in person. Doodle poll for the involvement fair will be sent.
There was a motion to adjourn. Second has been recognized. The meeting adjourned at 12:40 PM.
Meeting minutes submitted by President Flordalia Rodriguez- Garcia
President: Rodriguez-Garcia’s ReportSummer Meetings: Since summer meetings were mandatory and attendance reflects the success of the meetings. Those who did not attend without a prior notice will be given strikes. This is a way to hold members accountable for summer meetings. The Speaker will have the names of those who did not inform us of their absence kept on the strike log.
Special Committees: Over the summer we had two special committees revamping the Constitution and Standing Rules. We have not gotten the chance to finalize the details and meet with Dean Smith so that everything that is written on the documents are according to the DOS regulations. Both the documents have increased in size and hold a lot of information. So once I meet with the committee members I will officially release the timeline we will view this documents. Brief overview, we will be dividing the documents into three- four different sessions where we get to informally discuss the documents.
Elections: Whoever gets elected into office we will be having our first cabinet meeting. We will be going over expectations, responsibilities, and setting the tone for this fall semester. Best of luck to all of those who are running. \
Vice President: Lin’s ReportOffice Keys: Members who need to pick their keys: Nancy, Pari, and Chris-Anthony. Please e-mail or text me your key number located the bottom right. Last semester’s new members’ key should be available by end of this week if not earlier. Members including: Samrudhi, Zuka’a, Shifa, and Dennis.
Office Inventory: I am finished with office inventories. I have printed the office inventory sheet, if you would like take a look at it. I have also labeled everything in the office and set supplies on every desk. Also I am throwing our personal items today after the meeting so if you have stuff in the office you might want to get them.
Printing Code:All members should have their individual printing code by now, if not please see me after the meeting and the newly elected directors too. Directors will have a new printing code. Please don’t share your printing code with other people or members. The printing code will track what you print and has a limited copies of printing allowed in the office.
Office Rules and Policies: I am still updating the office rules and policies. Once it is done, please read it over. The speaker will be charge of enforcing the rules and policies set for the office. Some major changes: guest policy, in the past guest(s) wasn’t allow in the office because items were going missing. So I am hoping with the new guest logs and member give away sheet will help eliminate that problem. Another major change, climbing over the wall will no long be acceptable. If you were to get caught, you will either hear it from me or the speaker. Please don’t make this hard on us.
Coffee maker and Fridge: As mention in pervious emails, I have threw out the coffee maker. I will order a new one and a new fridge. But I want to be clear that members who used the coffee maker have to clean up after themselves and no food is allow to stay in the fridge for over a week.
Fall Involvement Fair:Thanks to all the members who have sign-up for the fall involvement fall. If you haven’t yet please do so by Tuesday at 5pm. All promo items are ready to go in the office. The group that is in charge of setting up will bring them. The group that is in charge of cleaning up will bring them back and take inventory. If you can’t help out at the fall involvement fair, that is totally fine, just email me ASAP. To assure attendance of the members who sign up, there will be a sign-in sheet because it counts as a service hour.
Service Hour/ Kiosk: Since there are a lot of events and student org. meetings going on during the beginning of September, we will doing service hour during this week and the next week. I have a list of events, student org. meetings, and faculty meetings, if you are having trouble finding service hours to attend. I will be sending out a doodle poll in middle of this week to ask for everyone’s kiosk availability and make location reservations. Service hour and outreach forms are on the table in the office. (Spark in the park doesn’t count towards service hour).
Listserv: Since the old members have graduated and we have new members coming in, I will be updating the Listserv all this week.
Speaker of the Assembly: (Last Name)’s ReportTreasurer: (Last Name)’s Report
Assistant Treasurer: TBA / Members: TBA / Meeting Times: TBA
IRC Director: (Last Name)’s Report
Assistant Director:
TBA / Members:
TBA / Meeting Times:
SIC Director: (Last Name)’s Report
Assistant Director: TBA / Members: TBA / Meeting Times:
URC Director: (Last Name)’s Report
Assistant Director: TBA / Members: TBA / Meeting Times:
CRC Director: (Last Name)’s Report
Assistant Director: TBA / Members: TBA / Meeting Times: