English B: Introduction to College Writing
Syllabus for Fall 2013
Section 6162:MW9:15 am –11:20 am
Section 6179: MW12:30 pm – 2:35 pm
in H101/H312
Instructor: Sara Blake
Phone: 310-660-3593 x 3185
Office: H221G (2ndfloor, Humanities Bldg.)
Office Hours:
Mondays & Wednesdays: 8:30-9:00 am
Tuesdays & Thursdays:7:30-8:00 am (via email)
- Constructing Paragraphs,3rd Edition, by Peppard
- USB flash drive
- Three-ring binder with paper & dividers
- Highlighter, black or blue pens
- Actively-checked MyECC email account
- College-level dictionary
( and also good resources)
- Stapler and hole punch
This classintroduces students to the processes of creating, developing, and revising paragraphs and short essays based on personal experiences, observations, and reactions to short reading selections. Students learn basic rules of grammar, mechanics, and usage. Students practice a variety of sentence types and paragraph structures. Students revise their writing with the assistance of weekly one-on-one tutorials.
- Read and apply critical thinking skills to pre-collegiate texts for the purposes of writing and discussion.
- Apply appropriate strategies from the writing process to create, compose, revise, and edit drafts.
- Demonstrate ability to participate in draft-review activities, such as peer review and one-on-one tutorials.
- Plan, write, and revise paragraphs based on personal experience and observations, including a topic sentence and supporting details, and avoiding grammatical and mechanical errors that interfere with meaning.
- Write and revise summaries of, and personal responses to, short magazine or newspaper articles.
- Compose a variety of sentence types and edit them for correct grammar, appropriate word choice, and accurate spelling.
Write a 200-350 word descriptive, reflective, or narrative paragraph(s) that has gone through multiple revisions and responds to a text discussed in class. Paragraphs should include a clear topic sentence and provide supporting details. Paragraphs should be logically organized and focused. Paragraphs should use basic rules of grammar, spelling, and punctuation so that a reader can understand the writer’s ideas; they should also be double spaced and follow MLA style for indentation, heading, title, and font.
If you feel you may need an accommodation based on the impact of a documented disability, contact the instructor to discuss your specific needs. You may also need to contact the Special Resource Center (SRC) at (310) 660-3296 to coordinate reasonable accommodations.
PLAGIARISM AND CHEATING : Plagiarism is passing off someone else’s words and/or ideas as your own, either by turning in an essay written by someone else orby copying sentences or paragraphs from a book or internet site into a paper of your own without identifying their source. Cheating includes copying off of someone else’s paper, having someone else do your work, or obtaining the answers to an exam. As provided for in the El Camino Standards of Student Conduct (Section I.B. of ECC Board Policy 5500), any evidence of plagiarism or cheating will be reported to the college and affected work will receive a grade of zero.
ATTENDANCE: Class attendance at both regular class meetings and labs is required. Attendance and participation in in-class activities areimportant factors in your course grade, so failure to attend class will negatively impact your overall course grade. Any student with more than 3 unexcused absences, or 5 absences for any reason, will be dropped from the course. Excessive tardies will be counted as an absence.Keep track of your attendance each day on the schedule.
COURSE STRUCTURE:During the lab session, you‘ll have the opportunity to work on your writing on a one-on-one basis with the instructor and a tutor from the Writing Center, to draft and revise your essays using computers in the lab, and to work on your grammar and vocabulary skills using computer-aided instruction. During the regular class meeting, you’ll learn about elements of the writing process, practice techniques for generating and developing ideas, practice expressing yourself in timed in-class writings, learn about college resources and support services, review elements of grammar and usage, and explore strategies for student success.
- Cell phones and other electronic devices:No cell phone conversations, texting, or
checkingmessages during class.You can check your phone during the break.
Cell phone use not only interferes with your own learning, but it’s also very distracting to
other students as well as the instructor.Show respect for others and for your own
learning bysilencingall distracting devices (e.g., cell phones, iPods, bluetooths, etc.) and and putting them away. - Materials: Bring Constructing Paragraphs and your English B binder to each class meeting.
- Late Work: Submitting work on time is a key component of student success. If you turn in your work after the due date, it will have points subtracted for lateness. (TIP: If you don’t have an assignment ready to submit, come to class anyway so you don’t get further behind. You can turn the paper in later in the day, and it will still be accepted as “on time.”)
- Tardiness: It’s important to be in class on time. However, if you can’t avoid being late, it’s better to come to class a little late than not to come at all. Just come in quietly and take a seat near the door to avoid distracting everyone else.
- Behavior: This is a college class, and college students are expected to beon task, to be alert with their heads off the desk, to havetheir own books and materials, and to participate appropriately and respectfully. Take offsunglasses, remove ear buds, refrain from personal grooming during class, and don’t do work from other classes during our class time. All behavior, language, topics, and essays must be appropriate to an academic setting.
- Missed Lab:If you miss a lab, go to the Writing Center for a conference. Be sure to take the assignment sheet and a lab sheet along with your essay.
- Computer Lab:No food or drink is allowed in the lab. Computers are to be used for academic work only, such as computer exercises, MyECC, word processing, and class research, not to visit non-course related web sites, update Facebook, or play games. Work only on class-related activities in the lab. If you finish the day’s class work, get started on your homework.
This is a PASS/NO PASS course. In order to pass, you must submitall of theessaysand earn at least 750 points overall. Points are assigned as follows:
Multi-Draft Essay 1 / 50Multi-Draft Essay 2 / 75
Multi-Draft Essay 3 / 100
Multi-Draft Essay 4 / 125
Multi-Draft Essay 5 / 150
Mid-Term In-Class Essay / 50
End-of-Term In-Class Essay / 75
In-Class Timed Writings / 50
Grammar Quizzes / 70
Townsend Online Learning Center / 80
Personal Error Log / 60
Binder Checks / 20
Class Activities / 95
Total Points Possible / 1000
- Going to college can change your life; make the most of it. Don’t sabotage yourself by failing to show up for class, coming to class without materials or failing to turn in assignments. What you get out of your experience depends on what you put into it.
- Ask yourself throughout the semester, “Why am I here? What are my goals? Am I doing everything I can to achieve these goals?”
- Have a positive attitude. You can succeed in this course! If you need extra help or if you get confused or overwhelmed by an assignment, visit the Writing Center, go to the Learning Resource Center, get connected with the Special Resource Center, or see the instructor. We are all here to support you and give you the assistance you need.
Important Dates:
Last day to add a classFriday9/6
Last day to drop with no notationFriday 9/6
Last day to drop with a “W”Friday11/15
MyECC: ______
Etudes: ______
Townsend Press Learning Center: ______
Fall 2013 / MW English B Weekly Scheduleof Activities and Homework /
Instructor: Prof. Blake
NOTE: Note: In-class presentations about student services and visits to on-campus resources will be added to the schedule when feasible. It’s your responsibility to bring your textbook, 3-ring class binder, and any other assigned materials to class. On lab days, bring your USB flash drive to save your computer work. On Mondays, class meets in the Computer Lab. On Wednesdays, class meets in a regular classroom. Unless otherwise indicated, assignments and homework are to be completed before class on the dates indicated.CP refers to your textbook Constructing Paragraphs. To keep track of your attendance, circle the appropriate letter (P=present, A=absent, T=tardy, E=left early).
Date / Classroom Activities / Assignments/Homework Due
Week 1 /
Mon. 8/26 in Lab P A T E
- Intro to Class: MyECC, syllabus
- Student Success: ECC English Sequence,MyECC Activity(5 pts)
Wed. 8/28 in Classroom P A T E
- Getting Acquainted: icebreaker activity
- Student Success: set up binder, preview Constructing Paragraphs, successful learners,campus resources scavenger hunt assigned
- Writing Process: overview of writing process
- Writing Practice: timed writing #1 - beginning college experience (5 pts)
Bring to class the textbook Constructing Paragraphs(5 pts)
Other homework/assignments due:
Wed. 9/4 in Classroom P A T E
- Writing Practice: timed writing #2 (college decision)(5 pts)
- Student Success: notetaking
- Grammar: Sentence Parts (nouns, pronouns, verbs)
- Writing Structure: one-paragraph essay structure
- Essay #1 assigned: one-paragraph essay on college decision
- Prewriting: brainstorming (reasons for college)
Other homework/assignments due:
Week 3 /
Mon. 9/9in Lab P A T E
- MyECC: check email
- TPLC:sign up for Townsend Press Online Learning Centerand record yourID and password(5 pts)
- Writing Conference: Essay #1 (must be typed before conference)
- Writing Structure: formatting a paragraph MLA style
Bring draft of Essay #1 for conference (college decision topic)
Other homework/assignments due:
Wed. 9/11in Classroom P A T E
- Campus Resources: Scavenger Hunt due
- Grammar: Sentence Parts (prepositions, adjectives, adverbs)
- Student Success: Time Management (activity assigned)
- Essay #2 assigned – Narrative paragraph on memorable incident
- Prewriting: Sentence Starters
- Writing Practice: timed writing #3(one sentence starter) (5 pts)
Bring completed scavenger hunt (5 pts)
Other homework/assignments due:
Week 4 /
Mon. 9/16 in Lab P A T E
- MyECC: check email
- Etudes: Etudes: log in, record your ID and password, review Gradebook, check acceptance of syllabus policies, post 3 favorites in Discussion Board(5 pts)
- TPLC: Chapter 1 Subjects and Verbs (10 pts)
- Final Draft of Essay #1 due by end of class
- Writing Conference: Draft of Essay #2
Draft of Essay #2 due
Revised and edited version of Essay #1 due (with first draft and conference check sheet)(50 pts)
Other homework/assignments due:
Wed. 9/18 in Classroom P A T E
- Writing Skill: Being Specific – “show, don’t tell”
- Student Success: Educational Goals, Educational Plan (counselor visit)
- Grammar: Sentence Parts (Regular and Irregular Verbs)
- Student Success: Flashcards
Time Management Activity Due (5 pts)
Other homework/assignments due:
Week 5 /
Mon. 9/23 in Lab P A T E
- MyECC: check email
- TPLC:Chapter 2 Irregular Verbs(10 pts)
- Etudes: Post in Discussion Board one sentence from Essay #2 containing dialogue (5 pts)
- Writing Conference: Revised Essay #2 with dialogue, strong verbs and specific details
- Grammar: Personal Grammar Log assigned
Bring revised draft of Essay #2 for conference
Other homework/assignments due:
Wed. 9/25 in Classroom P A T E
- Grammar Quiz1 (10 pts.): Standard English Verbs
- Grammar: Sentence Parts (Pronoun Types)
- Prewriting: Clustering (describe a person)
- Essay #3 assigned – Paragraph describing person with primary and secondary support
- Writing Practice: timed writing #4(5 pts)
Review principle tenses and irregular verbs for quiz (CP: Standard English Verbs)
Other homework/assignments due:
Week 6 / Mon. 9/30 in Lab P A T E
- MyECC: check email
- Grammar: EtudesResources>Grammar>Pronoun Types
- Final Edited Version of Essay #2 due by end of class
- Writing Conference: Essay #3 thesis and outline
- Compose and print draft of Essay 3 for peer review on Wednesday
Thesis and outline for Essay #3 due (can be handwritten)
Revised and edited version of Essay #2 due (with all drafts and conference check sheets) (75 pts)
Other homework/assignments due:
Wed. 10/2 in Classroom P A T E
- Grammar Quiz 2(10pts): Pronouns
- Grammar: Writing Clearly (fragments)
- Writing Skills: Transitionsfor Coherence
- Peer Editing: Essay #3
Bring outline and draft of Essay #3 to classfor peer editing (10pts)
Review Pronoun Types for quiz (CP: Sentence Parts: Pronouns)
Other homework/assignments due:
Week 7 / Mon. 10/7 in Lab P A T E
- MyECC: check email
- TPLC: Chapter 5 Fragments(10 pts)
- Writing Conference: Essay #3
- Completed Grammar Log for Essay 1 due by end of class
Bring revised draft of Essay #3 with peer review checklist for conference
Grammar Log for Essay 1 due (15 pts)
Other homework/assignments due:
Wed. 10/9 in Classroom P A T E
- Grammar Quiz 3 (10 pts):Fragments
- Grammar: Writing Clearly (run-ons and comma splices)
- Student Success: Writing Essay Exams
- Writing Practice: timed writing #5(5 pts)
- Prewriting: Brainstorming (holidays)
- Sign up for conference day and time
Review fragments for quiz (CP: Fragments)
Other homework/assignments due:
Week 8 / Mon. 10/14in Lab P A T E
- MyECC: check email
- TPLC:Chapter 6Run-Ons(10 pts)
- Final Draft of Essay #3 due by end of class
- Grammar Log Essay #2 due
Revised and edited version of Essay #3 due (with all drafts and conference check sheets) (100 pts)
Grammar Log Essay #2 Due (15 pts)
Other homework/assignments due:
Wed. 10/16 in Classroom P A T E
- Mid-Term In-Class Essay (50) – holiday paragraph with primary and secondary support
- Grammar Quiz 4: Run-ons and Comma Splices (10 pts)
- Student Success: submit binder for check, sign up for conference date and time
Bring bluebook and pens for in-class essay
Binder due for check (10 pts)
Review run-ons and comma splices for quiz (CP: Run-ons, Comma Splices)
Other homework/assignments due:
Week 9 / Mon. 10/21 in Office P A N/A
CONFERENCES IN H221G – No Regular Class / Check Gradebook in Etudes
Bring binder
Conference time:
Wed. 10/23 in Office P A N/A
CONFERENCES IN H221G – No Regular Class
/ Bring Constructing Paragraphs
Check Gradebook in Etudes
Bring binder
Conference time:
Week 10 / Mon. 10/28 in Lab P A T E
- MyECC: check email
- Essay #4 assigned – comparison/contrast paragraph
- Writing Skills: Comparison/Contrast
- Prewriting: Graphic Organizers
- Writing Practice: timed writing #6 (5pts)
- Complete Grammar Log Essay #3
Grammar Log for Essay 3 due (15 pts)
Other homework/assignments due:
Wed. 10/30 in Classroom P A T E
- Writing Practice: timed writing #7 (5pts)
- Grammar: Writing Clearly (Subject-Verb Agreement)
- Student Success: Tentative – Career Center Counselor
- Writing Skills: Transitions in Compare/Contrast
Ed Plan Due (10pts)
Other homework/assignments due:
Week 11 /
Mon. 11/4 in Lab P A T E
- MyECC: check email
- Writing Conference: Outline for Essay #4 – comparison/contrast paragraph
- TPLC: Chapter 11 Apostrophes (5 pts)
- TPLC:Chapter 4 Subject-verb agreement(10 pts)
Bring pt x pt and subj x subj outlines for Essay #4 for conference
Read in CP Chapter on Apostrophes
Other homework/assignments due:
Wed. 11/6 in Classroom P A T E
- Grammar Quiz 5: Subject-verb agreement (10 pts)
- Grammar: Writing Clearly (Sentence types)
- Writing Practice: timed writing #8 (5 pts)
- Active Reading: Reading for main ideas
- Vocabulary: Decoding words using context and a dictionary
Review subject-verb agreement for quiz(CP: Subject-Verb Agreement)
Other homework/assignments due:
Wed. 11/13 in Classroom P A T E
Essay #5 assigned: summary/response
Writing a Summary: in-class activity (5 pts)
Grammar: Writing Clearly (Pronoun Agreement and Reference)
Revising for Sentence Variety / Bring Constructing Paragraphs
Bring active reading article and completed worksheet for in-class activity
Other homework/assignments due:
Week 13 / Mon. 11/18 in Lab P A T E
- MyECC: check email
- TPLC:Chapter7Pronouns(10 pts)
- Etudes: Writing Conference: Essay #4
- Work on Summary
Bring draft of Essay #4 for conference
Other homework/assignments due:
Wed. 11/20 in Classroom P A T E
Grammar Quiz 6: Pronoun Agreement and Reference (10 pts)
Writing Practice: Timed Writing #9(5 pts)
Grammar: Writing Clearly (commonly confused words)
Punctuation: Commas
Writing Skills: Developing a Response Paragraph
Peer Review of summary paragraph / Bring Constructing Paragraphs
Review pronoun agreement for quiz (CP: Pronoun Agreement and Pronoun Reference 126-129)
Bring summary paragraph to class for peer review (5 pts)
Other homework/assignments due:
Week 14 / Mon. 11/25 in Lab P A T E
- MyECC: check email
- Etudes: Post in Discussion Board an example of 3 Types of Sentences from your Essay #4: a simple sentence, a compound sentence and a complex sentence (5pts)
- TPLC Chapter 14 Homonyms(10 pts)
- Writing Conference: Essay #5 summary paragraph
Bring draft of Essay #5 summary paragraph for conference
Other homework/assignments due:
Wed. 11/27 in Classroom P A T E
Grammar Quiz 7: Commonly Confused Words (10pts)
Punctuation: Commas
Writing Practice: timed writing #10 (challenge overcome)
Last day to submit late work
Last day to make up missed quizzes / Bring Constructing Paragraphs
Review commonly confused words for quiz (CP: Commonly Confused Words)
Bring USB flash drive to save work
Other homework/assignments due:
Week 15 / Mon. 12/2 in Lab P A T E
- MyECC: check email
- TPLC: Chapter 10 Commas(5 pts)
- Work on Grammar Log for Essay #4
- Last day to submit late work
- Last day for lab computer use
Other homework/assignments due:
Wed. 12/4 in Classroom P A T E
- Revised Essay #5 due
- Grammar Log for Essay #4 due
- Evaluate Class
- Sign up for end-of-semester conference day and time
- Final binder check
- End-of-Semester In-Class Essay (75 pts)
Bring bluebook for in-class essay
Revised and edited version of Essay #5 due (with peer review, all drafts and conference check sheets) (150 pts)
Complete Grammar Log for Essay #4 (15pts)
Bring binder for check (10 pts)
Other homework/assignments due
Week 16 / Mon. 12/9 in Office P A N/A
CONFERENCES INH221G– No Regular Class, Check Final Grade, Pick up Graded Essay #5 and In-Class Essay / Check Gradebook in Etudesfor accuracy
Bring binder
Conference time:
Wed. 12/11 in Office P A N/A
CONFERENCES INH221G– No Regular Class, Check Final Grade, Pick up Graded Essay #5 and In-Class Essay
/ Bring Constructing Paragraphs
Check Gradebook in Etudesfor accuracy
Bring binder
Conference time: