Judging in the 2012 Cobb County Science Olympiad Guidelines
1112 S O Judging in the 2012 …
1. First of all, thank you all for doing this for us this year. We literally could not have this CobbCounty Olympiad without you.
2. The Bottom Line: Your challenge is, at the end of all 3 sessions, is to have a score for each team that participated, and those teams to be ranked in order from #1 to # last.
3. All teams will get one point for just showing up.
4. Some schools have multiple teams per the attached session time sheet. A score is needed for each team of each school. Please make sure you know exactly what team of what school or what school you are judging.
5. You can have ties at levels below 3rd place, but please, no ties in 1st, 2nd or 3rd place. You need to figure some way to break the ties in those 3 places. You may use who finished first, neatness, completeness of answers. Please use your discretion as a judge.
6. Please start on time. If a child/team shows up late you may let them in as long as it will not disrupt you or the others. In other words if you have already given 5 minutes of directions and everyone is working you may decide to not allow late arrivals. Again, use your judge’s discretion.
7. Please stick to the session times that are attached. You may let students out early if they finish, or you can keep the whole group until the end. Use your judge’s discretion.
8. At the end of the 3 sessions please deliver your JudgesScoreSheet with your name on it and any tests you collected and any sheets the students generated and turned in (i.e. Rock Hound)to the Central Judges Room, G 120, where your results will be compiled.
9. If you have any parent want to take issue with you about your event, please direct them to Sally Creel or Jim Morris. You do not need to deal with them.
10. The teams and Olympians have practiced per the Coaches Manual (5th Edition). If you are not conducting your event exactly by thatmanual, please do 3 things:
A) Inform all the Olympians of the change before they begin.
B) Apply the deviation from the rules evenly and fairly for all who compete.
C) Have a good reason why you are deviating from the published standard.
11. Please clean up your area completely and leave the space in the exact same order you found it in when you arrived.
12. Again, thank you. This Olympiad would not take place with out your help.