Part, the First
5 December 2012 =21st of Kislev, 5773
English philosopher Roger Bacon (1214–1294)wrote, "Many have died from not protecting themselves from the rays of the Moon." Well said, and nothing new in his lifetime. What he didn't say was that such information as to HOW TO protect themselves was then, as now, hidden from public knowledge by the Lodges: Knights of Columbus, Temple Israel and Masonic. Even the Knights of Malta spared no effort to keep the HOW TO from everybody but themselves. The Moon itself is rather harmless, it's what can be done with it that's the problem of their concern.
Understand that everything that orbits something else is NOT necessarily a Moon nor a planet, even if it is an individual sphere. The so-called asteroid belt, rings of Saturn, for example. There are planetoids orbiting planets that we call 'moons' in colloquial terms, but would be better titled "orbiters"regardless of size, track or makeup. Orbiters are made up of virtually every combination in creation, water, ice, sulphur, the list and combinations are endless. But a Moon is an entirely different creature and each are designed for their respective orbitee as per the specific system, which may or may not be a Solar – as in "with a sun"– System. And we Earthlings must live with the fact we have one in presence.
For ages, before recorded history on Earth, the Moon was considered to be a detriment to life in general because it was – and still is – a detriment to life in general. My own name, El Aku – incorrectly "moon god" as defamed in Babylonia – First of the Moon – He Who Brings Light to Dark Places – Son of Fire (Son of Light as opposed to Fire itself), – are all truths of Ancient Knowledge. Open secrets, if you must, but true as the very design of the Moon itself.
There are historical records of times before the Moon. Man was here before the Moon was there, and its arrival was a massive cataclysm that lasted for generations. Its gravitational effects on land and water took generations to stabilize to the point it is now and has been for several thousand years.
Contrary to most-taught delusions, the Moon rotates on its axis just like the Earth does, only at a different speed. Instead of having an average rotation of once every 23 hours 56 minutes as does the Earth, the Moon has ONE rotation a month; about 29.53 days; permitting it to keep the same side toward the Earth. In reality, the Moon rocks to and fro a bit permitting us to view about 55% of its surface over time.
The Moon takes 18.5996 years to complete a full cycle – thus those ancient pectoral Golden Hats of the Lunar Masters – – when deciphered properly give full account of the 365.2422 days per year for that 18.5996 years = 6,793.3588 actual days (or thereabouts). Thus a human life-cycle appeared to be 3.5 Lunar Cycles or 65.0986 years – a long time for people in those eras. That point was a major consideration in medical/health treatment and prognostication (outlawed for all but the Ruling Class) during the ages from Rome domination though the end of the Dark Ages. Those facts are still forbidden outside the Lodges even for the Nation of Islam.
The Moon displays some very clear indications over the years, from eclipses to its run through the Zodiac. Today's astrologers always give the Moon more favorable press than it has earned previously. Because the appearance of the Moon changes with the seasons, and that 18.5996-year cycle does not fall consistently within those Earth-seasons, the Moon is often, and rightly, considered an indicator of destruction and death. Even by theSun and Moon calendars of the Ancients, and their respective interlacing.
The Moon, despite Anunnaki and other Alien habitation, is the source of energies that are easily assigned to deliver misfortune and death. Moon Forces once set in motion, unlike virtually all other energies, are nearly impossible to stop, restrain or divert. So much so, I don't even try. It's part of the nature of the beast. When properly instigated, Moon forces can be as deadly as falling into a Black Hole! When jackassed, they can be worse as Moon forces seem to have no qualms about turning on an Idiot. THAT is why they were invoked very sparingly; kept secret from the population at large; and became the signature of insanity: Lunatic, Lunacy, et cetera, as a diversion of the abused populace as an 'evil' to avoid, lest that populace apply the deserved Damnations of the Moon upon abusive and corrupt leadership.
The Moon is a huge mystery. In fact, its name "Luna" in Latin is derived from the much-earlier "SELE′NE (Selênê)" (pronounced SE-LEE-NEA with the accent on the "LEE") a title that predates the Anunnaki. The term in Angelic means "attraction-to-death" as with respect to something beautiful to attract victims, and is used to describe certain colors, frequencies and hues of light. We often pronounce it SELENA or CELINE.
Nevertheless, the Moon is a great source of mystical forces and energies. When understood, and discerned properly, it can make or remove insanity; heal or destroy, as with all other forces and energies; and though extremely cold by nature can produce fire. The fox-fire of folk lore phenomenon was originally known as "moon sparks" or "luna fire" by virtually all native cultures. Nostradamus wrote, "we are ruled by the Moon" and he meant more than astrology. The 354-year Moon cycle under Gabriel was 28 years old when Nostradamus presented that script. Since 1881 we are under a 354-year Solar cycle under Michael. A fact about Nostradamus, he used astrology to date things as he knew man's many calendars would change.
NOW FOR A WARNING! Get out of line in a TEAM Invocation of the Death Moon and you've signed your own disaster warrant; and you will NOT be able to escape, avoid, hide or delay it. Think it's 'fun-nee' to inject your own 'know-so-much' and waste everybody else's effort to a lesser accomplishment? Try it in this Invocation of the Death Moon and the rest of us will be overjoyed at your demise of power, capability, fortune and perhaps even your existence. And we won't have to wait for very long, as the Moon delivers within it own phase, about 29.53 days followingdate of Invocation. Remember that when we unload an Invocation of the Death Moon on our targets.
BEFORE we begin learning Moon Invocations, each of you will have to spend a few hours in True Spiritual Discernment of fair Luna. The process is simple, but exacting. First you discern the Moon with your FULL BODY SUPER SENSE – and as always NEVER permit your FULL BODY SUPER SENSE to leave your physical body. You need to be able to relax, sitting or prone doesn't matter, and DISCERN THE ENERGIES OF THE MOON! I said, "DISCERN THE ENERGIES OF THE MOON!" not the inhabitants! There is nothing the Anunnaki or Nefilim can do about your discernment, except jackass your read if you permit it. THAT requires you to be absolute about your discernment – just so you won't be fooled or fool yourself in the process.
What you should find is a rather solid ball, still warm in the center from its previous molten core, and a near-surface series of tunnels and chambers, some dating back untold thousands of years, that make the entire surface ring like a bell when impacted. The Moon is made of some very exotic materials, hydrogen being one of the most prominent, even though the Moon has virtually no surface atmosphere. Those exotic materials are the source and force of all the Moon's various energies.
DISCERN IT! Let the energies tell you! Use that FULL BODY SUPER SENSE because THAT is what you made it for. READ THE MOON! It's more than a chunk of rock floating around our planet. It's an amazing source of forces, energies, and for those who know: POWERS! Understanding the Moon in itself is a full accomplishment education. Wee-Folk and Witches alike dance in its light to gain its powers just like sensible humans do in exposing themselves to the Sun for its healing and energetic remedies. The Moon is NOT some floating great-nothing: it is a POWER and a source of POWER to be reckoned with. Jackass with it and you're going to discover – the hard way – that all the information given above are absolute facts.
After – and only after – everyone has had time to DISCERN THE MOON and gained a better understanding about it, I'll teach the HOW TO that will do two things: make bloody mincemeat of our targets, and cure our jackass 'know-so-muches' of their damnable habit that wastes other Akurians' time, effort and energies.
El Aku.
Part, the Second
7 December 2012 = 23rd of Kislev, 5773
Akurians, global war is now inevitable. There isn't enough strength among the Akurians to do more than delay it and determine the eventual outcome – because we spent and spend more time fighting among ourselves than recruiting and training. With The Most High there is always hope, but not on anybody's terms but His Own; and those terms have not changed since He created them. They are not going to be changed now.
Akurians, we are already in a state of undeclared war, and its ramifications and horrors need not be limited to the intended victims, but may also be accomplished upon the manipulators, their fellows and all their progeny with just as much fury as they intend upon the soulless masses they caused to be created – and all other victims at large.
This is not a surrender, this is but another stage in the fight that will continue until Shiloh. This Instructional: Invocation of the Death Moonis going to accomplish one thing exclusively among the Akurians. It is going to clean out the self-inflicted idiots and make room for those who can and will properly obey The Most High and His Commanders over them. That's right. Either an immediate WAKE UP or an immediate ASS KICK as required. Our newbies need training, not abuse; our uninformed need information, not personal opinions; our unrehearsed need PRACTICE, that only they can give themselves.
Now all those who are prepared follow my preparation and instructions exactly as given. Do not rush ahead, do not lag behind. Nothing I am going to require is anything we all haven't done before. We're just going to do it with a lot more application of FirePower. Those of you who insist on jackass are tying your own hangman's noose around your own neck; and the rest of us will be overjoyed to be rid of you.
Akurians, we are about to address the Death Moon.
A bit more about our Moon. Planetary scientists unveiled new findings that will alter some long-held notions about our satellite's early history. Apparently the lunar exterior has been cracked and pulverized so violently and completely that it's a total jumble of rubble at least to a few miles down. Just as a rock pile on Earth is full of gaps and spaces, so too is the upper lunar crust. On average, this pulverized outer layer has a porosity of 12%,except the Maria – dark areas called "seas." The porosity is even greater, up to 20%, around relatively fresh mega-impacts … make that freshly dug installations. Of course, the scientific investigation does not account for Anunnaki and other ExtraTerrestrial presence and their installations – nor the recent damages inflicted by the Akurians.
Post-Apollo, the lunar crust was presumed to be 40 miles (60 km) thick. It now seems that nowhere is the Moon's rigid outer skin thicker than about 27 miles (43 km) and quite a bit less in many places and porous all the way down. The density is much lower than thought, averaging only 2.55g per cubic centimeter, making it a lot easier to mine. Of course none of the 'scientists' would dare reveal the fact that most of the Moon's porosity is due to massive tunneling by "guess who?"
The Invocation of the Death Moon is neither simple nor haphazard. It must be done correctly, and in an exacting sequence. If at any time during the preparations, should anyone fall behind, go on the air and say, "REPEAT PLEASE" and go back on mute. Once we are into the Invocation of the Death Moonif you fall behind, ABORT, go on the air give your name and say "ABORT" and go back on mute so the rest of us can continue. Clean yourself in the Sun and return to your physical body, and listen to the rest as an Instructional. We are going to use this Invocation of the Death Moon many more times in the future. You're going to need it like an endless supply of ammunition between now and Shiloh.
Those who have informed themselves as requested already know the Moon is not a very glamorous place nor a very pleasant creation. It's most predominate capability is to destroy, and to destroy to an all-but infinite degree. There is a good side to that. For instance, the Moon can be used to destroy disease and those who create and cause disease, just as effectively as it can destroy anything else. It is not a put-things-together type of object but more of a put-things-together-with-moon-powers so we can tear them all to hell type of object. Moon energies can be made to put-things-together as long as the end result is to really tear those things apart. That is what it will ultimately do to Earth unless some very massive interventions are enacted.
Now, let's take a look at something we know absolutely must be destroyed;any and all forms, titles and descriptions of Marxism, COMMUNISM, Fascism, Socialism and Progressivism. They are all the same thing; total enslavement of all mankind who have been deceived or are too stupid or gutless to question. Do not let the various names deceive you: they are different words for the same thing: infinite dedication to TOTAL Global Enslavement.
The fact all practitioners are DEMON DELUDED and ALL advocates and instructors are DEMON POSSESSED is beside the point. It doesn't matter which Demon leads the victim into the Depths of Hell. Upon arrival Hell is Hell and there are no variations or exceptions. The bottom level of the above five is COMMUNISM, and that is the term we will use throughout as it includes all the other four in full measure and without deviation or exception.
Our target: any and all forms, practitioners, advocates and instructors of COMMUNISM!
Akurians, follow my instructions exactly:
Akurians, on my command:
Akurians, make a BODY OF LIGHT. Disconnect from it and stand it a couple of feet away. Without leaving your own body, silently charge it with NEUTRALITY that it be totally pristine and uncontaminated with any energies including your own. Now endow that BODY OF LIGHT to see through its own eyes and report to you and you alone. When you can see what it is showing you, whatever its looking at, there will be a slight powder blue tinge, almost like a halo, around everything you'll see through its eyes.
It's that powder blue light you're going to judge by.
Now make a one-handed BELLY BALL, by holding the palm of either hand about four to six inches in front of your solar plexus. You'll note THAT energy is almost instantaneous! It's not like a blue sword's coolness, but warm almost like a regular BELLY BALL. Note too that this BELLY BALL has a hardness to it as if it had immeasurable strength. And it does, except it isn't as versatile as a regular BELLY BALL. FYI, no, they can't be thrown very effectively either. Float this one-hander out from yourself a couple of feet – disconnect yourself from it – and DECLARE it to be an infinite and uncompromising detector of COMMUNISM and to turn red when it detects any degree of COMMUNISM. For an instant, visualize a yellow hammer and sickle – the lying emblem of socialist workers – and your one-hander will turn bright red! The advantage of a one-hander is that they are very specific.
Our target: any and all forms, practitioners, advocates and instructors of COMMUNISM!
Float your one-hander into your standing BODY OF LIGHT and merge them into one energy and one entity. We're not through.
You should have a free and uncontaminated BODY OF LIGHT that can go anywhere and do anything as a BODY OF LIGHT, including infallibly detecting any and all presences, practitioners, advocates and instructors of any and all forms of COMMUNISM.
Using your FULL BODY SUPER SENSE detect the Moon wherever it may be from your actual location. You just want to know where it is. Nothing more for the moment.
Send your BODY OF LIGHT to the Moon and expand it lengthwise locating its head at the northern pole, its feet at the southern pole. You want the polar energies to come IN through the head and OUT through the feet of your BODY OF LIGHT. Now charge your BODY OF LIGHT with the polar-axis energies of the Moon. They are similar to our own North/South magnetic force fields except they are somewhat jagged and uncomfortable to the touch. You'll know when you've got it right by trying to make your BODY OF LIGHT spin on that axis either direction and can't do it! It should be as though your BODY OF LIGHT is frozen in place by some gigantic force: and if you've done things right, it is.