The Secret – Ken Blanchard
S = See the Future – Help the people they lead to see the destination as well as the advantages of going there. Everyone needs to see who they area, where they are going and what will guide their journey.
E = Engage and Develop Others. First recruit and select the right people for the right job. Secondly, do what it takes to engage the hearts and heads of the people. Traditionally we’ve employed hands and nothing else.
R= Reinvent Continuously. A leader must be willing to reinvent on at least three levels.
Personal – How am I learning and growing as a leader? What am I doing to encourage others in my group to constantly learn and reinvent themselves?
Systems and Processes – Must ask ourselves and our people – How are we doing the work? How can we do it better? What changes would enhance our ability to serve our customers and each other?
Structure of the organization – What structural changes do we need to make to be more efficient and effective? Leaders must always ask these types of questions.
V= Value results and relationships. Build relationships and connect with people. Listen, invest time, care about them and recognize their efforts. Leading at a higher level includes both results and relationships.
E= Embody the Values. We must do more than articulate the values, we must show it. Don’t be a leader who “stumbles the mumble” but walk the talk.