University Department of Maithili
L.N. Mithila University
Kameshwarnagar, Darbhanga
Post Graduate Programme
(Courses of Study)
M.A. (Maithili) Examination
Under Semester System
W.E.F. Academic Session - 2014-15 & Onwards
University Department of Maithili
L.N. Mithila University, Darbhanga
Post Graduate Programme
(Courses of Study)
M.A. (Maithili) Examination
Under Semester System
W.E.F. Academic Session - 2014-15 & Onwards
The Programme (Courses of Studies) of P.G. Maithili will be two years duration divided into two academic sessions Called M.A. previous & M.A. Final respectively. First and Second Semester shall cover the previous year, whereas third & fourth semester shall be extended over the final year consecutively.
There shall be Sixteen Papers in P.G. (Maithili) Programme Comprising four papers in each semester. The Papers shall be of two categories (a) compulsory / Core Courses & (b) specialized / Elective Courses. No. of papers of compulsory / core courses shall be twelve & Specialized / Elective Courses shall consist of four papers. Sixteenth paper shall consists of project work in which there shall be provision of 50 marks for dissertation and 50 marks for viva-voca. exam.
The students shall be required to study the different topics as per rules and regulations given in different papers.
1.The durations of M.A. (Maithili) Semester System Courses shall be of two academic session / four semsesters. Each semester shall be of 16 to 18 weeks of actual study.
2.The Examinatioins for Master's degree in Humanities (Maithili) Subject shall consist of four semesters of six months each.
3.Each academic session shall consist of two semesters I & III : from July to December and II & IV from January to June.
4.The M.A. Course shall consist of 16 papers spread over four semesters with four papers each semester, carrying 100 marks each paper. The entire curriculum shall be of 1600 marks taken together.
Evaluation of performance under semester system :
5.The performance of a student in each paper will be assessed on the basis of Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA) of 30 marks and the End of Semester Examination (ESE) consisting of 70 marks.
6.The components of CIA shall be
(a)Two Mid-Semester written tests of one-hour duration each-15 marks
(b)Seminar / Quiz-05 marks
(c)Assignments -05 marks
(d)Regularity, Punctuality &Conduct-05 marks
Total-30 marks
7.The concerned teacher of the course/paper shall be responsible for conducting the mid-semester tests and other components of the CIA in addition to CIA, The ESE, which will be written examination of 3 hours duration, would also form an integral component.
(A)The End-Semester-Examination will be conducted by the University. The two mid-semester Tests will be conducted and marked by the teacher concerned. The teacher shall show the answer scripts of the first mid-semester tests to the students of the class.
(B)The End of Semester Examination (ESE) shall be named as follows :
(a)M.A. Part - (I) - I Semester Examination and II semester Examination respectively.
(b)M.A. Part (II) - III Semester Examination & IV Semester Examination respectively.
(c)Syllabus for each paper shall be divided in to 5 units, bases on this. The question paper pattern shall be as follows.
Part - A : Ten objective type Question -10 x 2 = 20 marks
(Two Questions from each unit)
Part - B : Five short Answer Question -4 x 5 = 20 marks
(Four to be answered)
Part - C :Three long answer Questions out
of five to be answer - 3 x 10 = 30 marks
(One Question from each unit)
9.The Examination of I and III Semester, shall be generally held in the month of November-December and that of II and IV Semester, shall be held in the month of May-June.
10.In formulating the entire Programme of studies, Department shall be guided by the Consideration that at the Post Graduate Level. Students shold be familiar with all the sub-disciplines, trends and paradigms of the subject keeping this in view the Department will decide 12 core papers in semester I, II & III and electives (Optional) papers in semester IV including project-work and viva-voce Examination.
11.There shall be no supplementary examination in any of the Semester Cuurses. (I, II, III &IV)
12.Those who have appeared at the CIA and attended the required minimum Percentage (75%) of attendence of lectures shall be permitted to appear in the ends Semester Examination. After appearing at the Semester Examinatin, the Candidates can be placed in the following categories in the context of declaration of the results of the semester Examination.
To be decleared passed in End Semester Examination, a candidate must secured at least 40% marks in each paper seperately both in theory as well as continuous internal assessment and a minimum of 45% in total.
(i)However if a candidate passes in at least two papers in his/her First, Second and Third End semester Examinatioin, he shall be promoted to next higher Semester.
(ii)Candidates shall have to clear their backlog paper in the next End Semester Examination of that Semester Whenever it is available.
(iii)Even if a student is promoted to fourth semester, his final result will only be declared when he/she has cleared all their backlog papers.
(iv)Final result of M.A. Course shall be published on the basis of candidates performance in all the 16 papers spread over forth semester.
(v)The final result will be Published only after he has cleared all the 16 papers securing minimum qualifying marks.
(vi)Since it is a continuous evaluation progreamme, student shall be awarded. Great Point (G.P.) at the End of each Semester Examination and cumulative Great Point (GP) at the End of Final End Semester Examinations in 10 Point Scoring System.
(vii)There shall be no supplementary examination. A student has to secure minimum 40% marks in his CIA. Failing to secure minimum marks he will have to repeat the CIA along with the students of the same semester of the next academic session.
(viii)If students Fail to secure minimum 40% marks in CIA of any Paper his result will be decleared as fail in that paper. Students will have to reappear in that paper in the same Semester of next academic session. The name of the promoted candidate/candidates will not be included in the merit list of that subject.
(ix)A promoted candidate, if he has passed in CIA but fails in theory paper/papers, he/she shall retain his/her. CIA award and will reappear in the theory paper only of the Semester whenever available. However, if a candidate is declared fail in any End Semester Examination shall retain nothing and will have to redo the course work of failed semester again and he has to appear again in CIA as well as theory paper or its alternate papers. Particularly for the students of Maithili Literature.
Improvement of Result
If candidate passes in End Semester Examinatioin, he/she may apply for the improvement of his/her result in maximum of two papers of the semester. He/She can avail this facility only twice during the duration of whole course. Better of the two results will be treated as final result of candidates in those papers.
Course Strurcture : P.G. Maithili Programme
Semester – I
Paper / Course Component / Name of the Course / Credit / CIA / End Semester Exam / TotalI / Core / History of Maithili Litt. / 5 / 30 / 70 / 100
II / Core / Philology / 5 / 30 / 70 / 100
III / Core / Basic Language / 5 / 30 / 70 / 100
IV / Core / Blank verse / 5 / 30 / 70 / 100
Post Graduate Programme
M.A. (Maithili)
CR (T + P) / PAPER
Paper – I / eSfFkyh lkfgR;d bfrgkl (vkfndky ,oa eè;dky) / 70 + 30 / 5 (5 + 0) / MTL 511
Paper – II / Hkk"kk foKku / 70 + 30 / 4 (4 + 0) / MTL 512
Paper – III / vk/kjHkwr Hkk"kk / 70 + 30 / 6 (6 + 0) / MTL 513
Paper – IV / eqDrd dkO; / 70 + 30 / 5 (5 + 0) / MTL 514
Total- / 400 / 20 (20+0)
Paper – V / eSfFkyh lkfgR;d bfrgkl (vk/kqfud dky) / 70 + 30 / 5 (5 + 0) / MTL 521
Paper – VI / x| ,oa ukVd / 70 + 30 / 4 (4 + 0) / MTL 522
Paper – VII / dkO;'kkL=k / 70 + 30 / 5 (5 + 0) / MTL 523
Paper – VIII / lekykspuk ,oa i=k&if=kdk / 70 + 30 / 6 (6 + 0) / MTL 524
Total- / 400 / 20 (20+0)
Paper – IX / çcU/ dkO; / 70 + 30 / 5 (5 + 0) / MTL 531
Paper – X / dFkk miU;kl / 70 + 30 / 6 (6 + 0) / MTL 532
Paper – XI / fo|kifr ,oa frjgqrk
Group – A fo|kifr
Group – B frjgqrk / 70 + 30 / 5 (5 + 0) / MTL 533
Paper – XII / laLd`r ,oa çkd`r / 70 + 30 / 4 (4 + 0) / MTL 534
Total- / 400 / 20 (20+0)
Paper – XIII / yksd lkfgR;
Elective Special - A
Elective Special - B
gfjeksgu >k
Elective Special - A
Elective Special - B / 70 + 30 / 4 (4 + 0) / MTL 541
Paper – XIV / lqjsUæ >k ^lqeu*
Elective Special - A
Elective Special - B
oS|ukFk feJ ^;k=kh*
Elective Special - A
Elective Special - B / 70 + 30 / 5 (5 + 0) / MTL 542
Paper – XV / Elective Special
vuqokn ,oa i=kdkfjrk / 70 + 30 / 6 (6 + 0) / MTL 543
Paper – XVI / çkstsDV odZ
,fg i=k es fMlVsZ'ku fyf[kd, foHkkx es lefiZr dj, iM+rfu A
50 vadd fMlVsZ'ku rFkk 50 vadd ekSf[kdh gks;rfu A / 70 + 30 / 5 ( 0 + 5) / MTL 544
Elective Total- / 400 / 25 (25+0)
The following grading system has been used :
Letter Grade / Percentage Range / Numerical of letter Gramde / Description of GradeA / 100-90 / 10 / Outstanding
B / 80-89 / 9 / Excellent
C / 70-79 / 8 / Very Good
D / 60-69 / 7 / Good
E / 50-59 / 6 / Average
P / 40-49 / 5 / Pass
F / Less than 45 / Less than 5 / Fail
Post Graduate Programme
M.A. (Maithili)
(iksLV xzStq,V çksxzke)] ,e-,- (eSfFkyh)
Semester – I
Paper / Paper Code / Subject Type / Topic / Total Marks(ESE + CIA)
Paper- I / MTL 511 / eSfFkyh lkfgR;d bfrgkl (vkfndky ,oa eè;dky) / vkfndky
Unit - I
1- fl¼&lkfgR;d foLr`r ifjp;] ,sfrgkfld i`"BHkwfe
Unit - II
2- çeq[k fl¼x.k
3- Mkd&opu
4- fl¼&lkfgR;d tu&thou ij çHkko
5- fl¼d dky&fu.kZ;
Unit - III
6- T;ksfrjh'ojd ifjp;
7- T;ksfrjh'ojd d`fr
Unit - IV
8- ^o.kZjRukdj*d egÙo
9- ykspu ,oa gqud jkxrjafx.kh
Unit - V
fo|kifrl¡ y,] xksfoUnnkl] mekifr] eucksèk] g"kZukFk çHk`fr pUnk >k¡ iwoZ /fj / 70 $ 30 ¾ 100
Part - A – Ten objective type question - 10 x 2 = 20 marks
(Two question from each unit)
Part - B – Five short Answer question - 4x5 = 20 marks
(Four to be answered) one question from each unit)
Part - C – Three Long answer question out of five to be answered - 3 x 10 = 30 marks
(One question from each unit)
lgk;d xzaFkµ
1-eSfFkyh lkfgR;d vkfndky& jkts'oj >k
2-fgLVªh vkWiQ eSfFkyh fyVjspj& Mkú t;dkUr feJ
3-fefFkyk rÙo foe'kZ& e-e- ijes'oj >k
4-fgLVªh vkWiQ fefFkyk& Mkú misUæ Bkdqj
5-usikyd eSfFkyh lkfgR;d bfrgkl& Mkú çiqQYy dqekj flag ^ekSu*
6-eSfFkyh lkfgR;d bfrgkl& Mkú nqxkZukFk >k ^Jh'k*
7-bfrgkl niZ.k& Mkú oh.kk Bkdqj
8-dky&ik=k& Mkú HkheukFk >k
9-okf.kuh& Mkú oh.kk Bkdqj
10-Hkk"kk&Vhdk& foHkwfr vkuUn
Post Graduate Programme
M.A. (Maithili)
(iksLV xzStq,V çksxzke)] ,e-,- (eSfFkyh)
Semester – I
Paper / Paper Code / Subject Type / Topic / Total Marks(ESE + CIA)
Paper- II / MTL 512 / Hkk"kk&foKku / Unit - I
Hkk"kk foKkud ifjHkk"kk] Hkk"kk foKkud vU; 'kkL=k l¡ lEcU/
Unit - II
Hkk"kkd mRifÙk] Hkk"kkd oxhZdj.k] Hkk"kkd ifjoÙkZu'khyrk] vFkZ ifjorZu vks dkj.k
Unit - III
èofu&fu;e] Hkk"kk vks cksyh] Hkkjksih; Hkk"kk&ifjokj
Unit - IV
eSfFkyhd mn~Hko vks fodkl] eSfFkyh 'kCnd fodkl&Øe
Unit - V
eSfFkyhd lEcUèk& caxyk] vlfe;k] mfM+;k rFkk fgUnhd lax / 70 $ 30 ¾ 100
Part - A – Ten objective type question - 10 x 2 = 20 marks
(Two question from each unit)
Part - B – Five short Answer question - 4x5 = 20 marks
(Four to be answered) one question from each unit)
Part - C – Three Long answer question out of five to be answered - 3 x 10 = 30 marks
(One question from each unit)
lgk;d xzaFkµ
1-iQkWjes'ku vkWiQ eSfFkyh ySaXost& Mkú lqHkæ >k
2-Hkkjrd Hkk"kk losZ{k.k& eSfFkyh vdkneh] iVuk
3-eSfFkyhd mn~xe vks fodkl& ia- xksfoUn >k
4-eSfFkyh Hkk"kk dk fodkl& ia- xksfoUn >k
5-mPprj eSfFkyh O;kdj.k& ia- xksfoUn >k
6-eSfFkyh Hkk"kk&'kkL=k& Mkú /hjsUæ ukFk feJ
7-Hkk"kk foKku dh Hkwfedk& çksú nsosUæ ukFk 'kekZ
8-n ySaXost& CywefiQYM
9-Hkk"kk&foKku& HkksykukFk frokjh
10-eSfFkyh Hkk"kk foKku& Mkú uohu pUæ feJ ,oa Mkú f'kokdkUr Bkdqj
11-eSfFkyh Hkk"kk % losZ{k.k vk fo'ys"k.k& Mkú v'kksd dqekj >k
Post Graduate Programme
M.A. (Maithili)
(iksLV xzStq,V çksxzke)] ,e-,- (eSfFkyh)
Semester – I
Paper / Paper Code / Subject Type / Topic / Total Marks(ESE + CIA)
Paper- III / MTL 513 / vk/kjHkwr Hkk"kk / Unit - I
1- ^j?kqoa'k* egkdkO;d oSf'k"V~;]
^j?kqoa'k*d f}rh; lxZd fo"k;oLrq]
ijoÙkhZ egkdkO; ij ^j?kqoa'k*d çHkko]
Unit - II
^j?kqoa'k* egkdkO;d çd`fr]
^j?kqoa'k*d vk/kj ij egkdfo
dkfynkld dfoÙo&çfrHkkd ewY;kadu]
Unit - III
^j?kqoa'k*d uk;dd pfj=k&fp=k.k
2- ^dhfÙkZyrk*d fo'ks"krk]
Unit - IV
^dhfÙkZyrk*d ,sfrgkfld egÙo*
^dhfÙkZyrk*d o.;Z&fo"k;
^dhfÙkZyrk*d vk/kj ij fo|kifrd nwjnf'kZrkd ewY;kadu]
Unit - V
^dhfÙkZyrk*d vk/kj ij thoud fofo/ i{k ;Fkk jktuhfrd] lkaLd`frd] lkekftd] uSfrd vkfn i{kd fp=k.kA / 70 $ 30 ¾ 100
Part - A – Ten objective type question - 10 x 2 = 20 marks
(Two question from each unit)
Part - B – Five short Answer question - 4x5 = 20 marks
(Four to be answered) one question from each unit)
Part - C – Three Long answer question out of five to be answered - 3 x 10 = 30 marks
(One question from each unit)
fu/kZfjr xazFkµ
1-j?kqoa'k (f}rh; lxZ ek=k)& dkfynkl
2-dhfÙkZyrk& fo|kifr
Post Graduate Programme
M.A. (Maithili)
(iksLV xzStq,V çksxzke)] ,e-,- (eSfFkyh)
Semester – I
Paper / Paper Code / Subject Type / Topic / Total Marks(ESE + CIA)
Paper- IV / MTL 514 / eqDrd dkO; / Unit - I
1- ^fo|kifr xhrkoyh*d vk/kj ij fo|kifrd dkO;&çfrHkkd ewY;kadu] fo|kifrd Ük`axkj&o.kZu] fo|kifrd HkfDr&o.kZu] fo|kifrd fojg&o.kZu] vfHklkj] eku] fo|kifrd mxuk] fo|kifrd jpukd çHkko] fo|kifrd yksdfç;rk] fo|kifr cgqeq[kh çfrHkkd dfo] fo|kifr cgqnsoksikld A
Unit - II
2- ^xksfoUnnkl Hktukoyh*d vk/kj ij egkdfo xksfoUn nkld dkO;&oSHkod ifjp;] xksfoUnnkld jpukes HkfDr&Hkkod mæsd] xksfoUnnkld jpuk ukfjdsj iQy lfEer] xksfoUnnkld jpukes jk/k&d`".kd Hkko A
Unit - III
3- ^fp=kk*d fofHkUu dforkd Hkkod fp=k.kµ
^fp=kk*d vk/kj ij ^;k=kh* thd dfoÙo&çfrHkkd ewY;kadu&
^fp=kk*d oSf'k"V~;&
^fp=kk*es tkxj.kd Loj
Unit - IV
4- ^lw;Zeq[kh*d vk/kj ij egkdfo vkjlh çlkn flagd dkO;&çfrHkkd ewY;kadu] ^lw;Zeq[kh*d vk/kj ij çd`fr&fp=k.k] ^lw;Zeq[kh* uked lkFkZdrk A
Unit - V
5- ^lkvksu&Hkkno*d fofHkUu dforkd Hkko&fu:i.k] ^lkvksu&Hkknod vk/kj ij lqeuthd dkO;&lkS"Bo ij çdk'kA / 70 $ 30 ¾ 100
Part - A – Ten objective type question - 10 x 2 = 20 marks
(Two question from each unit)
Part - B – Five short Answer question-
4x5 = 20 marks
(Four to be answered) one question from each unit)
Part - C – Three Long answer question out of five to be answered -
3 x 10 = 30 marks
(One question from each unit)
fu/kZfjr xazFkµ
1-fo|kifr xhrkoyh& eSfFkyh vdkneh] iVuk (ikB~;ka'k& vkfnl¡ chl in ek=k)
2-xksfoUn nkl Hktukoyh& eSfFkyh vdknseh] iVuk
3-fp=kk& oS|ukFk feJ ^;k=kh*
4-lkvksu&Hkkno& lqjsUæ >k ^lqeu*5-lw;Zeq[kh& vkjlh çlkn flag
Post Graduate Programme
M.A. (Maithili)
(iksLV xzStq,V çksxzke)] ,e-,- (eSfFkyh)
Semester – II
Paper / Paper Code / Subject Type / Topic / Total Marks(ESE + CIA)
Paper- V / MTL 521 / eSfFkyh lkfgR;d bfrgkl
(vkèkqfud dky) / Unit - I
vk/qfud dkyd çkjaHk] doh'oj pUnk >k vk/qfud dkyd tud] pUnk >k vk ykynkld jkek;.k
Unit - II
pUnk >kd fofHkUu jpuk] vk/qfud dkyd çeq[k dfo] ukVddkj] dFkkdkj] miU;kldkj] fuca/dkj] lekykspd
Unit - III
thouh] laLej.k] ;k=kk&lkfgR;] i=k&if=kdk] dFkk] miU;kl] ukVd] fuca/ vkfnd ewy vks ifjoÙkZu'khy ço`fÙk
Unit - IV
leL;kewydvk lek/kuewyd n`f"V×ks jpukd ewY;kadu] ukjh&mRihM+u] ToyUr fofHkUu leL;k vkfn ij dsfUær jpuk]
Unit - V
lkfgR; vdkneh] vks eSfFkyh vdknehd ;ksxnku eSfFkyhd çxfrd fn'kk gsrq A / 70 $ 30 ¾ 100
Part - A – Ten objective type question - 10 x 2 = 20 marks
(Two question from each unit)
Part - B – Five short Answer question - 4x5 = 20 marks
(Four to be answered) one question from each unit)
Part - C – Three Long answer question out of five to be answered - 3 x 10 = 30 marks
(One question from each unit)
lgk;d xzaFkµ
1-eSfFkyh lkfgR;d bfrgkl& Mkú t;dkUr feJ
2-eSfFkyh lkfgR;d bfrgkl& Mkú ckyxksfoUn >k ^O;fFkr*
3-okf.kuh& Mkú oh.kk Bkdqj
4-vk/qfud eSfFkyh lkfgR;d i`"BHkwfe& Mkú vejukFk >k
5-lkekftd vlarks"k vks eSfFkyh lkfgR;& Mkú uhrk >k
6-Hkk"k.k=k;h& Mkú nsosUæ >k
7-ifjpkf;dk& Mkú HkheukFk >k
8-, losZ vkWiQ eSfFkyh fyVjspj& çksú jk/kd`".k pkS/jh
9-f'k[kfj.kh& psruk lfefr] iVuk10-fHkUu&vfHkUu& Mkú je.k >k
11-fefFkyk{kj f'k{kk& eSfFkyh vdkneh] iVuk12-fefFkyk{kj vH;kl iqLrd& çksú fo'oukFk >k
13-bfrgkl niZ.k& Mkú oh.kk Bkdqj
Post Graduate Programme
M.A. (Maithili)
(iksLV xzStq,V çksxzke)] ,e-,- (eSfFkyh)
Semester – II
Paper / Paper Code / Subject Type / Topic / Total Marks(ESE + CIA)
Paper- VI / MTL 522 / x| ,oa ukVd / Unit - I
1- ^o.kZjRukdj*d lkexzh] eSfFkyhd çFke x|&xzUFk] dkO;s ufg] dkO;ksi;ksxh xzUFk] xzUFkd mikns;rk] T;ksfrjh'ojd dky] ^o.kZjRukdj*es Hkk"kkfoKku] O;kdj.k] vks lkfgfR;d lkexzhd lekos'k A
Unit - II
2- ^[kV~Vj ddkd rjax*d fo'ks"krk] ,fg iksFkhd ekè;es¡ gfjeksgu >kd jpukd m|s';] :f<+okn] va/fo'ol vks fefFkykd dqjhfr ds¡ nwj djckd fn'kkes iksFkh drsd liQy \
Unit - III
3- ^ikfjtkrgj.k* ukVdd dFkkoLrq] ikfjtkrgj.kd fofHkUu ik=k] ,dj f'kYi] 'kSyh] xhr vFkok ind lekos'k dksu
:is¡ \] ,fg ukVdd ekè;es¡ ukVddkjd :ies mekifrd ewY;kaduµ
Unit - IV
4- ^,dkadh laxzg*d fofHkUu ,dkadhd leh{kk] ^,dkadh*d y{k.k vk ç;kstu&
Unit - V
5- ^ifl>Sr ikFkj*d ,dkadh lHkd leh{kk vk jpukdkjd ,fg ifjçs{;es ewY;kadu / 70 $ 30 ¾ 100
Part - A – Ten objective type question - 10 x 2 = 20 marks
(Two question from each unit)
Part - B – Five short Answer question - 4x5 = 20 marks
(Four to be answered) one question from each unit)
Part - C – Three Long answer question out of five to be answered - 3 x 10 = 30 marks
(One question from each unit)
fu/kZfjr xzaFkµ
1-o.kZjRukdj& T;ksfrjh'oj
2-[kV~Vj ddkd rjax& çksú gfjeksgu >k
3-ikfjtkrgj.k& mekifr
4-,dkadhlaxzg& eSfFkyh vdkneh] iVuk
5-ifl>Sr ikFkj& Mkú jkenso >k
Post Graduate Programme
M.A. (Maithili)
(iksLV xzStq,V çksxzke)] ,e-,- (eSfFkyh)
Semester – II
Paper / Paper Code / Subject Type / Topic / Total Marks(ESE + CIA)
Paper- VII / MTL 523 / dkO;'kkL=k / Unit - I
1- dkO;d y{k.k
2- dkO;d gsrq
3- dkO;d ç;kstu
Unit - II
4- 'kCn'kfDr
5- dkO;xq.k
Unit - III
6- dkO;nks"k
Unit - IV
7- vyadkjµ vuqçkl] ;ed] 'ys"k] miek] :id] mRçs{kk] foHkkouk] fo'ks"kksfDr] vçLrqr ç'kalk] leklksfDr] fun'kZuk] dkO;fyax] n`"VkUr] vuUo;] vfr'k;ksfDr] çrhi] lUnsg] HkzkfUreku] vFkkZUrjU;kl] viguqfr] ladj ,oa lal`f"V
Unit - V
8- NUnµ nksgk] lksjBk] pkSikb] jksyk] dq.Mfy;k] Hkqtaxçikr] eUnkØkUrk] 'kknwZyfoØhfM+r] ekfyuh] f'k[kfj.kh] gfjxhfrdk] vuq"Vqiµ / 70 $ 30 ¾ 100
Part - A – Ten objective type question - 10 x 2 = 20 marks
(Two question from each unit)
Part - B – Five short Answer question - 4x5 = 20 marks
(Four to be answered) one question from each unit)
Part - C – Three Long answer question out of five to be answered - 3 x 10 = 30 marks
(One question from each unit)
lgk;d xzaFkµ
1-dkO;çdk'k& eEeV
2-lkfgR;niZ.k& fo'oukFk
3-jlxaxk/j& iaú txUukFk
4-eSfFkyh dkO;'kkL=k& Mkú fnus'k dqekj >k
5-eSfFkyh dkO;'kkL=k& Mkú bUædkUr >k
6-vyadkj niZ.k (Hkkx&1 ,oa 2)& dfooj lhrkjke >k
7-dkO;'kkL=kd :isj[kk& Mkú /hjs'oj >k ^/hjsUæ*
8-jl&ifjp;& Mkú fd'kksj ukFk >k
9-dkO;ehekalk& Mkú t;/kjh flag
10-vyadkj&HkkLdj& Mkú je.k >k
11-NUn % 'kkL=k& iaú xksfoUn >k
12-eSfFkyh dkO;es vyadkj& Mkú je.k >k
13-bfrgkl niZ.k& Mkú oh.kk Bkdqj
Post Graduate Programme
M.A. (Maithili)
(iksLV xzStq,V çksxzke)] ,e-,- (eSfFkyh)
Semester – II
Paper / Paper Code / Subject Type / Topic / Total Marks(ESE + CIA)
Paper- VIII / MTL 524 / lekykspuk
i=k&if=kdk / Unit - I
lekykspukd ifjHkk"kk] ,dj Lo:i A
Unit - II
eSfFkyh vkykspukd fodkl
Unit - III
eSfFkyhd çeq[k vkykspd vks gqud vkykspuk lkfgR;
Unit - IV
eSfFkyh i=kdkfjrkd Lo:i] egÙo ,oa fodkl ¯dok ßkl] eSfFkyhd çeq[k i=k&if=kdk (eSfFky fgr lk/u] fefFkyk eksn] fefFkyk fefgj] fefFkyk Hkkjrh]
Unit - V
Lons'k] oSnsgh] lkfgR;i=k] fefFkyk n'kZu] fefFkyk&niZ.k] ?kj&ckgj] eSfFkyh n'kZu] eSfFkyh vdkneh if=kdk] eSfFkyh ('kksèk&if=kdk)] eSfFkyh if=kdkd Lo:i) / 70 $ 30 ¾ 100
Part - A – Ten objective type question - 10 x 2 = 20 marks
(Two question from each unit)
Part - B – Five short Answer question - 4x5 = 20 marks
(Four to be answered) one question from each unit)
Part - C – Three Long answer question out of five to be answered - 3 x 10 = 30 marks
(One question from each unit)
lgk;d xzaFkµ
1-lekykspuk 'kkL=k& Mkú t;/kjh flag
2-çca/ laxzg& çksú jekukFk >k
3-vkykspuk fl¼kUr& ckyd`".k >k
4-lUnHkZ& lq/ka'kq 'ks[kj pkS/jh
5-vuqla/ku vks vkykspuk& Mkú fnus'k dqekj >k
6-eSfFkyh i=kdkfjrkd bfrgkl& iaú pUæukFk feJ ^vej*
7-eSfFkyh i=k&if=kdk& eksgu Hkkj}kt
8-vkpk;Z jekukFk >k jpukoyh& 1&4
Post Graduate Programme
M.A. (Maithili)
(iksLV xzStq,V çksxzke)] ,e-,- (eSfFkyh)
Semester – III
Paper / Paper Code / Subject Type / Topic / Total Marks(ESE + CIA)
Paper- IX / MTL 531 / çcU/ dkO; / Unit - I
1- d`".ktUed dFkkoLrq] d`".ktUed fo'ks"krk] egkdkO;d dlkSVh ij ^d`".ktUe*d ewY;kadu] d`".ktUed Hkk"kk&'kSyh vk lkekftd ifjos'k A
Unit - II
2- ^,dkoyh&ifj.k;* egkdkO;d dFkkud] ,dkoyh ifj.k;d uk;d vks ukf;dkd fp=k.k] egkdkO;d fud"k ij ^,dkoyh ifj.k;*] egkdfod :ies dfo'ks[kj cnjhukFk >k A
Unit - III
3- ^pk.kD;* egkdkO;d fo"k;oLrq] egkdkO;d fo'ks"krk] egkdkO;es jl] vyadkj] egkdkO;d Hkk"kk&'kSyh] xq.k] NUn ij fopkj] ^cU/q*d egkdfod :ies ewY;kadu&
Unit - IV
4- ^iru* [kaMdkO;d fo"k; oLrq] [kaMdkO;d lkekU; ifjp;] O;klthd çfrHkk ij ^iru*d ifjoçs{;es fopkj
Unit - V
5- ^mÙkjk*d dFkkud] ^mÙkjk*d fo'ks"krk] uk;d&ukf;dkd pfj=k&fp=k.k] lqeuthd dkO;xr oSf'k"V~;&lanHkZ ^mÙkjk* A / 70 $ 30 ¾ 100
Part - A – Ten objective type question - 10 x 2 = 20 marks
(Two question from each unit)
Part - B – Five short Answer question - 4x5 = 20 marks
(Four to be answered) one question from each unit)
Part - C – Three Long answer question out of five to be answered - 3 x 10 = 30 marks
(One question from each unit)
fu/kZfjr xzaFkµ