Hyman Fine PTO Meeting Notes – Thursday, January5, 2017
Guest Speakers – Citizens Against Rehoboth Compressor Station (CARCS) – Rob and Lucy
** For more information see also their website at **
- Rob and Lucy provided a presentation regarding the proposal by Spectra Energy to build a compressor station In Rehoboth, the location being in close proximity to both the Attleboro and Seekonk lines (Estimates from the proposal show the station would be located approx. 1.5 mi. from Hyman Fine,1.0 mi from Wamsutta and under a mile from the Poncin-Hewitt fields)
- What is a Compressor Station?
- An engine that powers the natural gas lines, helping the gas to move through the pipeline
- There are periodic blowdowns that are needed to relieve the pressure, venting natural gas into the atmosphere.
- Why does Spectra want to add the station?
- To increase their output for international export
- The increase is not needed by Massachusetts
- What are the concerns?
- Health Risks from Toxic Emissions
- Noise pollution from the station and from the blowdowns
- Environmental Hazards and Damage
- Safety concerns (natural gas pipes in this area are +60 years old and would need to handle an additional 35% increase in pressure)
- Falling property values
- What can you do?
- Go to the CARCS website for additional information
- CARCS also meets every other Wednesday (next meeting 1/18) at the Rehoboth Public Library
- Contact your government officials to let them know your opposition of this project
- Mayor Dumas
- City Councilors
- State Representatives/Senators
- Senators Warren and Markey
- Congressman Kennedy
- Governor Baker
President’s Update – Lynn Porto
- Red Sox Game Friday, May 26th – More information to come on ticket purchases/prices
- Chocolate Rose Pops will be for sale in early February for Valentine’s Day
- Erin Chace has stepped down from the Secretary position. There will be a special election to vote for a new Secretary to complete Erin’s term for the remainder of this school year through the end of the 2018 school year.
Principal’s Report– Mrs. Martin
- The new Chromebooks have been delivered to the teachers
- ACCESS testing for English language learning students begins next week
- Upcoming events
- A screening of the movie “Most Likely to Succeed” will take place on Wednesday, 1/25 at 6:30pm at the AHS Auditorium. The movie shows how education is looked at in new ways.
- After School Enrichment program is scheduled for Wednesday, 1/25
- BINGO Night will be held on Thursday, 1/26
- Spirit Day on Friday, 1/27 will be classroom color day as voted on in each class by the students.
Treasurer’s Report - Denise
- Received checks from Briggs Dine-In Nights, Scripps Fundraiser and Box Tops
- Want to appropriate some $ towards supplies for the STEM based Maker Space
Book Fair–Diana Richard
- The next book fair is scheduled for 2/6-2/10
- This is an in-school event
- Discussed ways to better promote the February book fair
Other Business
Mrs. Fisher
- Penny Wars is coming in February, this time as a school philanthropy event
- All $ will go toward the charity “Caring for a Cure” to help provide items for the children’s area in thevisitorswaiting room at the MGH Cancer Center
Nicole Vassar
- Prior to the Super Bowl there will be the TV Raffle. Includes 50in. Samsung television and Briggs Corner Pizza Gift Certificate
- This year’s “Someone Special” dance is set for Friday, 3/10
- DJ, Photographer have been booked
- A “Save the Date” e-mail will be going out
Seri Batkin
- Boosterthon Fun Run will be held in May. The run is during school hours and volunteers will be needed to assist.
- Looking at potential Dine In Nights for 99, Bliss Dairy, Bertucci’s