Regional Advisory Council Annual Report

Report Form

An annual report is to be submitted to DSHS, OEMS/TS no later than October 15th, and will report on/for the past fiscal year(September 1 thru August 31), as stipulated in the Tobacco RAC Contract. Additional information may also be entered or submitted as an attachment to this report.

RAC / Golden Crescent RAC - Trauma Service Area S
Report Period / FROM: 09/01/12 TO: 08/31/13
  1. On a separate form (Attachment A) provide current information forRAC Officers and Executive Committee/Board as of September 1st.
  1. Needs Assessments (Provide a narrative paragraph describing how needs were identified. Give details outlining the decision-making strategy the RAC used to meet identified needs and identify patterns of regional resource distribution. For example, what kind of equipment was allocated to whom, and for what purpose? What were the number topics and attendeesof education/trainingevents?How were they evaluated? Using a table like the one shown below may assist in this process.)

Example table:

Identified Need / Targeted Beneficiary
(EMS/Hospital) / How Were These Needs Met?
Education/Training / All EMS and hospitals had input on needs assessment and were invited to participate. / Emergency Care Conference (6 hours CE on topics developed in response to comments on participant evaluations, literature review, PI data, and needs assessment).
TNCC and ENPC courses were facilitated by the RAC in response to specific requests from hospitals.
Equipment / EMS, FROs, and Hospitals / Various supplies and equipment as requested for each service (See details in Tobacco and 911-1131-3588 reports).

Needs Assessment forms are available on the RAC website and may be completed and turned in at any time. In addition, comments from PI data, individuals, and agencies are forwarded to the Finance Committee which has the final determination of how resources are allocated. Costs associated with maintenance of the RAC website, the electronic survey system use for the collection of PI data, accounting, and clerical support benefitted the entire RAC as did the purchase of SOF tactical tourniquets and backboards and a contract for one year of multiple showings of injury prevention/stroke awareness PSAs through Cinemark Theatres. The finance committee prioritized the purchase of equipment requested on needs assessment forms and were able to fulfill all requests received by their June 30, 2013 deadline. Any requests received after that date will be considered in 2013-2014. Requests fulfilled were: Calhoun County EMS – batteries for Physio-control equipment used to transmit ECGs to receiving hospitals; Citizens Medical Center – 50% of the cost of an ICP monitor; DeTar Healthcare System – pressure monitoring system; ENA indirect fees, manuals and 50% tuition reimbursement for ENPC courses; Goliad EMS – Power Pro Ambulance Cot; Lavaca Medical Center – King Vision Kit and 50% tuition reimbursement for PALS and TNCC courses; Victoria Fire Department/EMS – Gateway device for Physio-control transmission and Thermal Angel EM packs; Victoria County - TurboFlare lights used to set-up landing zones for air medical support for all FROs and an AED; Yoakum EMS – Gateway for Physio-control transmission and an AED.

  1. Administrative/Operational & Clinical:

a. How has the RAC identified all healthcare organizations in the region that might be involved in trauma, injury prevention, emergency healthcare, rehabilitation, and disaster management? What efforts did the RAC make to maximize inclusion of its constituents into the RAC to continue to develop an integrated trauma system?

**All RAC members are encouraged to invite any potential members to join the RAC and/or participate in collaborative efforts.

**The RAC Secretary serves on regional disaster management and emergency healthcare committees and fosters collaboration among all relevant entities within the region.

Information on all RAC activities is provided on the RAC website and e-mail list.serv. Relevant information from State agencies and other entities is forwarded to all constituents. The quarterly RAC meetings provide an open forum for all constituents to voice their opinions and concerns.

b. Summarizethe need for and outcomes ofspeciallycalled RAC meetings. NA

c. Report any projected realignments of counties in trauma service areaNA

d. Describe the RAC’srole with facilities within the trauma service area prior to or during trauma center designations/re-designationsthat occurred within past twelve months. You may also describe the RAC’s role with facilities outside the trauma service area, if applicable.

**List re-designations during this period

02/29/13 Citizens Medical Center – Victoria Advanced Level III Trauma re-designation

07/29/13 Lavaca Medical Center – Hallettsville Level IV Trauma re-designation

The RAC Secretary attends all re-designation surveys per facility request as a representative of the RAC. All RAC members provide support and resources as requested, such as sharing templates for forms, protocols, and procedures.

e. Describe how the RAC administratively and operationally contributed to and participated in Injury Prevention initiatives within past twelve months. (Please provide a brief summary ofall injury prevention activities describing the RAC’s level of involvement.)

**Information from Holly?

Fire Safety House – Victoria Fire Department

Bicycle Safety

Water Safety

Motor Vehicle

Alcohol-Related Events – Designated Driver / Taxi Service during the holidays – Citizens Medical Center

Children’s Safety – Children’s Health and Safety Day – Citizens Medical Center; Pediatric CPR and First Aid – Citizens Medical Center;

High School Safety

Adult Fall Prevention

Babysitting Safety – Safe Sitters Classes – Citizens Medical Center and DeTar Healthcare System

General Public – Basic First Aid, Heartsaver CPR – Citizens Medical Center and DeTar Healthcare System

GCRAC Special Needs Car seat Loaner Program

Child Passenger Safety Seat education program – DeTar Healthcare System

Child Passenger seat replacement program funded by the GCRAC

Athlete Safety Education program – DeTar Healthcare System

f. Describe the most significant findings of the RAC's SQI/Performance Improvement Committee within past twelve months. What changed as a result of that/those findings?

**The lack of specialty physician coverage (neurosurgery, hand surgery, pediatric surgery) significantly impacts Trauma Service Area-S. This results in frequent transfer of patients out of the RAC and an extended time before reaching definitive care. Potentially, some unwarranted transfer of patients who could be referred to out-patient services also occurs. Continuing education activities have been facilitated for area physicians to address these transfer issues. Data continues to be tracked and shows some improvement. Additional EMS service received equipment to enable them to provide induced hypothermia post cardiac arrest as per the RAC protocol;

In response to comments made by participants, systems to improve communication were implemented

The transition to an electronic survey system has increased participation and data collection; this toll continues to be refined.

g. To what degree were physicians in the trauma service area involved in the resolution of adverse patient care findings identified by the RAC's SQI/Performance Improvement Committee.

Efforts are being made to recruit more physician involvement at the RAC level to deal with process and system issues. The resolution of adverse patient care findings are addressed at the hospital-level through Performance Improvement and Trauma Committee M&M review.

h. Describe activitiesthe RAC was involved in that assisted or encouraged EMS and FRO participation in the RAC within past fiscal year (e.g. teleconferencing, video/conference calls, etc.).

EMS and FRO members are encouraged to participate in the annual Golden Crescent Emergency Care Conference and Trauma and Critical Care Grand Rounds Series CE activities where their input is valued and they are provided the opportunity to identify areas of concern in a multidisciplinary and collaborative forum.

i. Identify problems orareas of concernidentified in past twelve months adversely impacting RAC operations.

Lack of physician participation in general. There has been a list increase in member participation during the past year but a core group continues to bear the burden of responsibilities for committee and other duties.

  1. Is the information identified on Texas Secretary of State/Comptroller of Public Accounts (

web site current? If not, what actions have been taken to ensure Certification of Franchise Tax Account Status (Registered Agent/Office) is current with the Texas Secretary of State/Comptroller of Pubic Accounts? Yes

  1. Summarize any issues/concerns that occurred in past twelve months that requiredtechnical assistance from the Office of EMS/Trauma System Coordination Group. NA
  1. What method will the RAC utilize to ensure member organizations receive a copy of this Annual Report? It will be posted on the RAC website.


RAC Chair Date Submitted

Complete and attach to the Annual Report the following:

Attachment A – Officers/Board Members

Attachment B –Annual Bylaws Affidavit

Attachment C – Annual Regional Trauma System Plan Affidavit

Attachment A

Officers/Board Members

Name / Office/Board Position / Term / Affiliation / Telephone / Fax / Email
Carolyn Knox / Chair / 2 years / Citizens Medical Center / 361-572-5128 / 361-574-1587 /
Robbie Kirk / Secretary / 2 years / Citizens Medical Center / 361-574-1519 / 361-582-5795 /
Patricia Henke / Treasurer / 2 years / Lavaca Medical Center / 361-798-1200 / 361-798-4200 /
Freddie Solis / Chair – Finance Committee / 2 years / Cuero Community Hospital EMS / 361-275-6191 /
Carl Voskamp / Chair – Education Committee / 2 years / Victoria College / 361-572-6447 /
Lisa Price / Chair – Bylaws Committee / 2 years / DeTar Healthcare System / 361-788-6683 / 361-788-6684 /
Donna Oldmixon / Chair – Stroke Committee / 2 years / DeTar Healthcare System / 361-788-6680 / 361-788-6684 /
A. J. Toscano / Chair, Air Medical Committee / 2 years / PHI Air Medical / 361-582-0988 /
Holly Smith / Chair, Injury Prevention Committee / 2 years / DeTar Healthcare System / 361-788-6683 / 361-788-6684 /
Open / Performance Improvement Committee / 2 years
Michael Pfeill / Pediatric Committee / 2 years / DeTar Healthcare System / 361-788-2635 /
Suzanne Stone / Cardiac Care Committee / 2 years / Citizens Medical Center / 361-573-9181 x1037 /
Henry Barber / Prehospital Care and Transport / 2 years / Calhoun County EMS / 361-552-1140 / 361-552-6552 /


Attachment B

The RAC shall document an annual review of its bylaws. (§ Rule 157.123: Essential Criteria Defined. A.12)

RAC NAME: __Golden Crescent RAC______has completed an annual review and/or revision of the RAC’s Bylaws with a documented date of and ratified by member organizations on ______03/13/2013______.

Is a current copy of the RAC’s bylaws available for review on the RAC’s web site?
[ x ] YES [ ] NO
If NO, is a copy is attached to this report?

[ ] YES [ ] NO

A page summarizing revisions/additions made to the bylaws this contract reporting year is attached to this report.

[ X ] YES [ ] NO





Attachment C

The RAC shall document an annual review of regional EMS/trauma system plan. (§ Rule 157.123: Essential Criteria Defined. A.12)

RAC NAME: _Golden Crescent RAC______has completed an annual review and/or revision of the RAC’s regional trauma system plan with a documented date of and ratified by approval from member organizations on ______.

Each essential component of the plan has a revision date of:


Access to the System______


Medical Oversight______

Pre-hospital Triage Criteria______

Diversion Policies______

Bypass Protocols______

Regional Medical Control______

Facility Triage Criteria______

Inter-hospital Transfers______

Designation of Trauma Facilities, Planning for______

Performance Improvement______

Regional Trauma Treatment Protocols______

Regional Helicopter Activation Protocols______

Injury Prevention ______

Is a current copy of the RAC’s regional trauma system plan available for review on the RAC’s web site?
[ x] YES [ ] NO
If NO, has one has been attached with this report?
[ ] YES [ ] NO

A page summarizing revisions/additions made to the regional trauma system plan this contract reporting year is attached to this report.
[ ] YES [ ] NO




(Rev. 08/2013)