Minutes of the Council Meeting held on Thursday 1st November 2012 in the St Keverne Methodist Hall at 7.00pm.
The following Councillors were present:-
Cllr A R Peters (Chairman) / Cllr D LambrickCllr R Hobson (Vice-chairman) / Cllr A Carey
Cllr A Richards / Cllr W Frisken
Cllr R Hocking / Cllr Mrs S Lyne
Cllr D Kevern / Cllr R Combe
Cllr Mrs D Kemp
Also present: - C Cllr W Sanger, N Perry (West Briton), Emma Ferguson (Helston Packet) and 7 members of the public.
1 Apologies for absence
Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs R Richards and Mrs A Basher and the Police.
2 Members to declare personal and prejudicial interest (including details thereof) in respect of any item on this agenda
Cllr Mrs S Lyne – Planning Item 7d) – near neighbor.
3 To receive PCSO Julia Berry’s report.
Please accept my apologies for not attending the meeting this evening.
During October there have been six crimes reported to the Police. These crimes include:
A burglary, this burglary which involved a car being stolen and burnt out at a local quarry is still currently under investigation.
There was also an attempted burglary to a shed. This crime has been filed pending any further information coming forward.
There was an attempted theft of lead from a roof at a remote farm house. This crime was possibly foiled due to a very vigilant member of the public who disturbed two males; he noted the registration number of their vehicle. This vehicle was later stopped and one of the males arrested for driving offences.
There was the theft of mobile phone from the Masked Ball. This crime has been filed with minimal information to proceed with enquiries.
There have also been reports of both criminal damage and a theft from the Parish Hall. These crimes are currently under investigation.
There were a number of calls from members of the public with complaints regarding noise following the Masked Ball; these complaints have been passed on the Council’s licensing department.
With regards to Halloween, I am delighted to inform you that this has passed without any anti-social behaviour calls within the Helston sector. We would like to thank everyone for their consideration for other people.
If you have any crimes you would like to report please telephone 101, or should you have any concerns which you would like to discuss please call me on 01326 555158, this is an answer machine service, please leave a message and I will get back to you.
Cllr A Richards reported that the crime at the Parish Hall was the apparent theft of a cigarette butt bin and thanked the Police for being attentive.
4 Public Question Time
A member of the public raised the poor condition of the Trevalsoe road, which, it was claimed, had been neglected for 24 years. Cormac had filled a few holes the day before. Two rubbish carts had turned over, blocking the road, the only way in and out for residents. It was stated that a bid for funding was needed in order to repair the road. Cllr W Sanger had taken up the matter. He had walked up there with Highways. They had stated that it was a capital job. Cormac could send the paperwork to him but he felt that the Parish Council could apply and Cllr W Sanger would support that. The Chairman questioned why the Parish Council needed to apply. At present Highways deemed that it was wide enough to drive along and they also stated that they could not be held responsible for people who could not reverse. Cllr Mrs S Lyne asked whether there would more weight behind it if the application came from the Parish Council. Cllr A Richards proposed that as soon as Cllr W Sanger received the application form then he consult with the Chairman and Clerk to see whether it was feasible, seconded by Cllr W Frisken who wondered whether this might be a first time application by a Parish Council and that St Keverne ought to get in first before others applied and the funds ran out. The Parish Council was the nearest elected Council. The proposal was carried unanimously. Cllr D Lambrick asked C Cllr W Sanger if he could find out what the policy was vis-à-vis the Parish Council versus Highways with regard to the capital grant application.
C Cllr W Sanger requested that the Chairman bring forward item 14 as he had to leave shortly. With reference to hedge trimming investigations that he had been making on behalf of Cllr D Lambrick, he stated that hedge trimming and overhanging trees were the responsibility of the landowner on whose land they stood. If someone else trimmed them i.e. Cornwall Council – then thank them. Cllr D Lambrick stated that there two Cornwall Council trimmers in Porthallow trimming, so why did they do some still? C Cllr W Sanger replied that Cornwall Council was responsible for trimming the verges. Cllr D Kevern observed that the verges were all in a mess. Cllr D Lambrick proposed that C Cllr W Sanger’s item be brought forward regularly on the agenda, if he needed to leave – at no 3, above the Police. Seconded and agreed.
Tim Pickett mentioned that he would be bringing forward to the next meeting a plan to convert a barn at the end of Tregisky Lane in Coverack, behind Rocklands, to enable a business owner to live in the village. It was noted.
5 To confirm the minutes of the previous meeting
It was RESOLVED that the Chairman sign the minutes of the previous meeting as a true and correct record.
6 To receive any pre-planning applications (to be in the hall by 6.45pm to enable members to view)
There were no pre-planning applications.
7 To receive the following planning applications
a) PA12/09373 Extension of time, residential development (PA09/00748/O), Thornhill, North Corner, Coverack, Mr P Wiltshire
Cllr W Frisken stated that some people were concerned at the number of dwellings accessing the main road between two blind bends and that the Parish Council should re-iterate concern at not having too many vehicles exiting. However, this was just an extension of time on a previous planning permission, which Council had supported, so it was RESOLVED to support the application.
b) PA12/07091 Retention and extension of artists workshop, Porthbean, Trewillis, Coverack, Mr T Coventry
This was re-submission of an application that Council had approved a couple of months earlier, but reworded to state ‘retention’ because the workshop was already in existence. It was RESOLVED to support the application.
c) PA12/09429 Erection of two storey rear extension, Treleaver Cottage, Coverack, Mr & Mrs A Chubb
The proposed extension was not very big and it was RESOLVED to support the application.
d) Erection of extensions and alterations to dwelling, Mears Cottage, Sunny Corner, Coverack
Cllr Mrs S Lyne left the meeting. Members felt the application was very similar to the previous one and still overdevelopment. It was RESOLVED NOT to support the application, with 9 in favour.
8 To receive planning decisions
15.10.2012 PA12/05561 APPROVED
Applicant: Mr Kevin Tripconey
Location: Arrowan Farm Coverack Helston Cornwall TR12 6SH
Proposal: Erection of an agricultural building to milk dairy cattle
10.10.2012 PA12/07793 APPROVED
Applicant: Mr and Mrs Julian
Location: The Anchorage North Corner Coverack Helston Cornwall
Proposal: Formation of garage with terrace above and alterations to existing ancillary accommodation
05.10.2012 PA12/08332 APPROVED
Applicant: Mr and Mrs Grimes
Location: Morgwel, Penwartha Coverack Helston TR12 6RS
Proposal: Erection of domestic workshop/garage extension to dwelling house
28.09.2012 PA12/08128 APPROVED
Applicant: Mr & Mrs Beasley
Location: Waterside, Ponsongath Coverack Helston TR12 6SQ
Proposal: Erection of conservatory
9 Matters arising from the minutes not covered elsewhere on this agenda (for information only)
Cllr R Hobson advised that he had received a copy of a letter from the Roskilly’s reference the accident at Traboe Cross. It stated that the offending vehicle travelling from Kennack was visitors and they made no attempt to brake. Council had attended a site meeting with Highways at Traboe Cross, which was actually arranged before the accident. Highways personnel wished to wait to hear the official Police report into what happened before deciding on what action to take. The accident emphasized the danger of the junction. Cllr A Richards proposed that Council asks Natural England if it could get rid of the willows that obscure the visibility for vehicles approaching from Kennack and also for vehicles on the main road to see anything was potentially not going to slow down. This could be a first step in making the area safer. Highways had already taken that on board at the site meeting. Seconded Cllr D Kevern and carried.
10 To receive advice on submission of planning application by Parish Council for Lambeage Hall
Legal advice from Cornwall Council stated that:
If the Parish Council as a body corporate has elected to submit the application on behalf of the hall Committee this does not create an interest for each individual Councillor. However, there is a potential for the Councillors to be considered either biased or predetermined when it come to voting on the application. While this does not come under the Code of Conduct and it would require an action to be taken through the courts there is a potential for the support of the Parish Council to be tainted by them submitting the application.
Cllr W Frisken stated that he fully supported the hall. However, if it would put the Parish Council in a position as biased, then he though the Parish Council should not submit the application. Cllr D Lambrick stated that Council did not pay for the Porthallow Hall planning application and Cllr Mrs D Kemp stated that Council did not pay for Porthoustock hall planning permission. Cllr Mrs S Lyne stated that she would like to be able to have a vote on the Parish Council behalf. Cllr A Richards felt that to be on the safe side, Council could not do it. It was RESOLVED to take the matter no further, with 1 abstention.
11 Cllr Frisken – to discuss state of footpaths – coast and inland
To start with, where Polcoverack Lane path met Chymbloth Way path the lane was undermining, which could produce problems. It was RESOLVED that a nice letter be sent to a resident there, with 1 abstention. Lowlands coast path was very wet. The Cornwall Council ranger knew of this and was in discussions with the National Trust (NT) over it. The Clerk read out an email detailing what action the NT had taken with regard to cattle being on the coast path at Treleaver/Blackhead. Volunteers had managed to help round up the cattle and put them back into a field. They had since been back and repaired much of the path surface, as well as cutting back much of the gorse and blackthorn either side of the path to improve access. It was agreed that a letter of thanks be sent to the NT for being positive.
12 To discuss state of cast-iron finger-posts in parish and what to do about them – list of sites as well. Lizard Peninsula Heritage Trust surveying them all and willing to attend a meeting to discuss. See enclosed article on Roseland signage and how they tackled the issue
It was felt that this should be taken seriously and agreed to invite Lizard Peninsula Heritage Trust to the next meeting.
13 To consider response received from BBC re poor TV reception in Coverack since going digital
Members were disappointed with the response. It was very non-committal and did not admit to a problem with digital TV. It was agreed that, as suggested in the response, a letter be sent to the Secretary of State for Culture, Media & Sport. Cllr A Richards felt the letter was very condescending, addressing the Clerk personally with an off-the-shelf response rather than recognizing that it was addressing the whole parish.
14 To receive Cornwall Cllr Walter Sanger’s report
This had already been dealt with.
15 Street lights still on following upgrade work
Council was not paying for extra electricity due to the lights being on all day, because it was an un-metered supply. It was noted.
16 Correspondence
a) Remembrance Sunday – 11th November, Parade assembles 10.40 Doctor’s Hill
b) Thanks from Churchyards Committee for precept
c) Thanks from Porthoustock Village Hall for precept
d) September 2012 Porthoustock Quarry monitoring report
e) Local Council Planning Forum Thursday 15th November, Pool, Redruth 5.30pm
It was all noted.
17 To receive the financial statement
Current account: £11,476.79 Business tracker account: £29,771.96
18 To adopt the second quarter accounts (enclosed)
It was RESOLVED that the second quarter accounts be adopted.
19 The cheques to be signed by Councillor A Richards
20 To approve the following outstanding accounts
It was RESOLVED that the following accounts be approved and cheques prepared:
a) Clerk’s pay (including 5 additional hours) 417.47
b) Clerk’s expenses 112.01
c) Susan Roberts 60.00
d) Mr B Lugg 62.00
e) St Keverne Methodist Chapel 20.00
f) J Clayton 1579.50 (paid)
g) SSE – non routine maintenance 48.00 (paid)
h) SSE - annual routine maintenance 472.54 (paid)
21 Any other business (for information only)
There was no other business.
22 The next meeting of the Council will be held on Thursday 6th December 2012 in the St Keverne Methodist Hall, at 7.00pm.
23 In view of the nature of the following items, it was resolved to exclude members of the press and public under the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960 (Standing Order 68)