MONDAY, May 8th, 2006


2:30 P.M. in CSSC 101/102

I.  Call to Order - - 2:35 PM

Officers Present – Jeannette Redding, Elissa Caruth, David Magallanes, Robert Cabral.

Voting Senators – Mark Bates, Bret Black, Scott Corbett, Chris Mainzer, Gary Morgan, Andrew Cawelti, Shant Shahoian, Tom Barth, Carolyn Dorrance for Gloria Guevara, Amy London, Jerry White, Ana Marie Valle, Mary Pinto-Casillas, Michael Abram, Greg Kaapuni, Anthony Rodriguez.

Non-voting Faculty – John Norbutas, Tom Stough, Alan Hayashi

Guests – President Lydia Ledesma-Reese, EVP Ramiro Sanchez

II.  Additions to the Agenda

The addition of the minutes for April 17th was included under V. Action Items.

President J. Redding called for the approval of the agenda as presented with noted addition.


III.  Public Comments/Announcements

·  Comments by Lydia Ledesma-Reese

OC President Ledesma-Reese led a formal discussion with the Academic Senate on her time as President of Oxnard College. She acknowledged all the hard work of Academic Senate and the privilege of being our President. EVP Sanchez provided the Senate a 2002 -2006 President’s Summary report highlighting her accomplishments and magnitude of work. President Ledesma - Reese commented specifically that the budget cuts and layoffs were directives from two chancellors. The President additionally commented that any criticism received may be due to her following the rules. She asked that as a college we look at ourselves, the fighting within ourselves prevents the college from being a united front. The President commented that she will continue to advocate for this college, she plans on staying in this community and attend board meetings.

President J. Redding presented on behalf of Academic Senate a plaque to honor and celebrate her leadership at Oxnard College.

·  Recognition of Retirees for 2005-2006 (Colleen Ryan, Vince Flocco, Joyce Parkel, MaryEllen Kazmark)

President J. Redding recognized the following retirees:

Colleen Ryan – Math

Vince Flocco – Art

Joyce Parkel – Health Services

MaryEllen Kazmark – Theater Arts/Communications

A round of applause and appreciation was given by the Academic Senate.

President Redding announced that a reception will be held at the President’s Conference room on May 9th.

·  Public Recognition of Senators for their Service during 2005-2006

President J. Redding recognized the following Senators for the service during the current 2005 -2006 term:

Mary Pinto Casillas – Business

Ralph Smith – Counseling

Ana Marie Valle – Counseling

Tom Barth – EAC

Amy London – Letters

Shant Shahoian – Letters

Anthony Rodriguez – Letters

Brett Black – AFT

John Norbutas – Math

Mark Bates – Math

Jerry White – Athletic Director

Christian Mainzer – Physical Sciences

Gary Morgan – Public Services

Paul Houdeshell – Public Services

Scott Corbett – Social Sciences

Greg Kaapuni – Social Sciences

Andy Cawelti – Auto Tech

Gloria Guevara – Political Science

Carolyn Dorrance - History

Alan Hayashi - Math

·  Public Recognition of Senate Exec Team for their Service during 2005-2006

President J. Redding recognized the Senate Exec Team for service during the current 2005 -2006 term:

Elissa Caruth – Vice President

David Magallanes – Treasurer

Robert Cabral – Secretary

Lyn Fauth – Past President

IV.  AFT Report

No Report Given.

V.  Action Items:

·  Approval of Minutes of April 17th & April 24th, 2006

The minutes for the meeting of April 17th were approved as submitted.


The minutes for the meeting of April 24th were approved as submitted with modifications.


·  Approval of List of Senators for Summer 2006 Participation in Hiring Committees, District-wide Business, Campus-Level Participatory Governance Committee Meetings

President J. Redding led a discussion on the Senators List for summer. The Senate was encouraged to sign up for any Summer Academic Senate participation. The list was updated and amended. President J. Redding called for the approval of the Senate list.


·  Approval of Monies to pay for Today’s Recognition Cake, Cards, etc.

President J. Redding called for the approval of $240.00 payment for today’s Academic Senate celebration and recognition.

The following items and costs were approved for reimbursement by Academic Senate:

Cake $100.00

Cards $17.00

Plaque $123.00

Total $240.00


VI.  Treasurer’s Report

President J. Redding provided to the Academic Senate the current cash balance of $1,908.96.

VII.  Old Business

·  District-Level Committee Reports – J. Redding

No Report Given.

·  Status of Participatory Governance Manual

No Report Given.

·  Review of 2005-2006 Goals for Academic Senate

President J. Redding led a discussion on 2005 -2006 goals for the Academic Senate. A handout of the 13 point goals was distributed to all Senators in attendance for a discussion and feedback on each objective accomplishment.

VIII.  New Business

·  Report on Spring Academic Senate Plenary

President J. Redding led a discussion on the Spring Academic Senate Plenary. A handout was provided to all Senators in attendance. President Redding commented on 3 major concerns at the state level that were presented;

1)  Support for a statewide initiative for funds to support the California community colleges,

2)  Opposition to a legislative proposal to raise the part time 60% level to 80%, and,

3)  Expressed resistance and confusion to WASC’s accreditation standards involving the institutionalization of SLO’s.

·  Review of Governance Committee Self-Appraisal Forms

President J. Redding led a discussion on the new Governance Committee Self-Appraisal Forms. A handout was provided to all Senators in attendance. The 4 question self appraisal form includes committee self-appraisal on the following areas:

1)  When did you meet this academic year?

2)  List major accomplishments by the committee.

3)  How would you assess you functionality and/or success?

4)  Any other comments to forward to PCC/FRC for its consideration?

·  Scholars Series Presentation – Shelley Savren

President J. Redding introduced Professor Shelley Savren who led a discussion on the Scholars Series. A handout was provided to all Senators in attendance. Savren commented on the growth of the Scholars Series and the request for the following support;

1)  The recommendation to form a committee with department representatives,

2)  A commitment from faculty to bring their classes to certain events,

3)  The recommendation to promote IDS R107 for Fall 2006.

In addition a series of tasks were provided and discussed as well. The following Senators agreed to volunteer their time in supporting next years Scholars Series;

Amy London

Scott Corbett

Ana Marie Valle

Savren encouraged all Senators to go back to their departments and encourage other faculty members to participate. Savren’s presentation concluded with a round of applause from Academic Senate.

IX.  Committee Reports

·  Technology Committee – Bret Black

No Report Given.

·  Professional Development Committee

No Report Given.

·  Campus Use, Development, and Safety – Mary Jones

No Report Given.

·  Student Services – Ana Maria Valle

No Report Given.

·  Program Review –

No Report Given.

·  PCC/FRC – Jenny

No Report Given.

·  LOT (Learning Outcomes Team) – Scott Corbett

No Report Given.

·  Curriculum – Jenny Redding

No Report Given.

X.  For the Good of the Order – Elissa Caruth

E. Caruth presented from the Academic Senate Executive Board a recognition award to President J. Redding. This was followed by a round of applause from Academic Senate.

XI.  Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 3:42 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Robert Cabral

Academic Senate Secretary 2005-2006

FOR 2005-2006

Monday, Aug. 22nd - 2:30 p.m.

Monday, Sept. 12th - 2:30 p.m.

Monday, Sept. 26th - 2:30 p.m.

Monday, Oct. 10th - 2:30 p.m.

Monday, Oct. 24th - 2:30 p.m.

Monday, Nov. 14th - 2:30 p.m.

Monday, Nov. 28th - 2:30 p.m.

Monday, Dec. 12th - 2:30 p.m.

Monday, Jan. 9th - 2:30 p.m.

Monday, Jan. 23rd - 2:30 p.m.

Monday, Feb. 13th - 2:30 p.m.

Monday, Feb. 27th - 2:30 p.m.

Monday, March 13th - 2:30 p.m.

Monday, March 27th - 2:30 p.m.

Monday, April 24th - 2:30 p.m.

Monday, May 8th - 2:30 p.m.