Due October 4, 2013

Return to:
Joyce Martin
139 Ag Hall ● Stillwater, OK 74078
Fax: 407-744-5339

Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service Conference
Concurrent Session Proposal
January 22-24, 2014
Stillwater, OK

Area and State Specialists, as well as County/District Staff are invited to submit proposals for concurrent sessions at the Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service Conference on January 22-24, 2014. Please consider sharing subject matter topics or innovative programming for the concurrent sessions. You will be contacted about whether or not your proposal is selected by November 5.

Title of Concurrent Session: HACCP for Cow/Calf Herds______

Instructor(s) Name(s): ___Chris Richards (OSU), Divya Jaroni (OSU), Todd Brashears (TTU):, Mindy Brashears (TTU) ______

Full Mailing Address: __201 Animal Science___ Email Address: ______

Daytime Phone: ___4-6060______Fax Number: ______

Presentation Length: 1 hr could do 2 if needed

Number of Presentations (Would you be willing to present the session more than once?)

Rooms – Please indicate your preference and take the room into consideration when planning the workshop

Workshop Description (75 words or less) – Description will be used for conference publicity

______This workshop will be an introduction to the Best Management Practices that can be employed by Cow/Calf operations for reducing contamination with pathogens such as E.coli and Salmonella that have animal health and human food safety implications. It will also give an overview of potential on-farm contamination sources which have previously been identified on Oklahoma, Texas and Louisiana cow/calf operations by OSU Animal Science in collaboration with Texas Tech University. ______



Biography for each instructor – Attach additional pages if needed

Dr. Chris Richards is an associate extension professor in the Animal Science Department at Oklahoma State University. He has 14 years of experience conducting cattle grazing and feedlot research including federally funded projects for grass finishing systems from farm to fork. Over the last 6 years, Dr. Richards has been developing outreach programs for consumers, producers, and youth. His focus has been on developing and promoting cattle producer certification programs to add value to cattle production through management practices and record keeping. He has developed fact sheets, new articles, press releases, and TV/web video segments. He serves on the planning committees of numerous conferences and presented at producer and consumer conferences. He also serves as web master for BeefExtesnion.com which is Oklahoma State Universities’ web portal for beef production information.

Dr. Divya Jaroni is an Assistant Professor (Food Safety) in the Dept. of Animal Science at the Oklahoma State University. She received her graduate degrees (M.S. and Ph.D) from the University of Nebraska – Lincoln. Her master’s degree was in Animal Science and Ph.D in Food Science. Divya Jaroni has been involved in pre-harvest food safety research in beef cattle for the past eleven years with emphasis on intervention strategies to control foodborne pathogens. More specifically, her research has involved examination of management practices employed at the farm-level as a tool to reduce foodborne pathogens in livestock and poultry and evaluation of dietary intervention strategies such as competitive exclusion and direct-fed-microbials in cattle. __

Dr. Todd Brashears is an Associate Professor in the Department of Agricultural Education and Communications and Educational Specialist for the International Center for Food Industry Excellence (ICFIE) at Texas Tech University. His social science research agenda focuses on the components of educational programming and the interaction of personal characteristics, knowledge, and behaviors within the agricultural workforce. He holds a B.S. in Agricultural Economics and a M.S. in Agricultural Education from Oklahoma State University. His Doctorate is in Agricultural Education from Texas Tech. Dr. Brashears has received numerous teaching and research awards during his time at Texas Tech University including being named CASNR’s Outstanding Young Faculty Member and Outstanding Teacher. He has been recognized for the outstanding research paper in both the Southern and Western Regions of the AAAE and been first runner-up at the national level. He was recognized as the national award winner for the profession’s outstanding dissertation award in 2004.

Dr. Mindy Brashears is a professor of Food Safety and Public Health at Texas Tech University and the Director of the International Center for Food Industry Excellence. She has been conducting research for more than fifteen years in the area of food safety. Her work focuses on pre and post-harvest pathogen mitigation strategies to control threats to public health. She has conducted more than 10 years of research in cattle feeding environments to develop and validate methods to control pathogens prior to harvest. She has conducted extensive studies on the emergence of antimicrobial resistance in pathogens and commensal bacteria in beef cattle environments and dairy cattle settings.

Computer Needs (please list) ______
