
Technical difficulties; did not get to use google hangouts / facebook live for broadcast.

Slide presentation

  1. Getting increased community involvement at LHES (primarily due to Connect Church and FVUMC helping us out) – Lunch Bunch and Read and Feed Programs
  2. Plan on partnering with Ms McClay for multi-cultural event held in 1Q of 2018 – Celebration of School Diversity
  3. PTA Budget – need to raise $$ for 2018/2017 budget. Goal of $16K, have raised ~$3K towards budget.
  4. Wish-mas tree is being set up in the front lobby for parents / students to grab a wish to fulfill as opposed to purchasing a teacher gift. This functions by enabling purchases that benefit the entire classroom while keeping money in the teachers’ pockets.
  5. Volunteers needed for Holiday Store (December 5th – 9th) in addition to Staff Appreciation Lunch. Donations of $ are accepted.
  6. January Events =
  7. Buddy Bench unveiled (donated by Garbe family and Silver Star GS award by student who ran after school club to decorate).
  8. Multi-Cultural Event Planning
  9. Literacy Night
  10. February 16th is next General PTA Meeting
  11. Inclusion / Diversity: some parents expressing concern over student’s reaction to election. PTA remains committed to supporting all students / families regardless of background. If students / parents are concerned about any emotional issues, contact Ms McClay for further assistance.
  12. Magnet Status Discussion by MrBaulch
  13. Still working on determining magnet theme
  14. Will be implemented in 2018/2019 school year – will fund more teachers and special focused instruction
  15. LHES used to be a magnet school, but was revoked due to low rates of free/reduced meals and high proficiency. Combination of opening of newer schools in FV combined with decreased budget – families left LHES.
  16. Max school capacity ~600 students. Will enable classrooms to stay small.
  17. Will be tight next year due to construction Phase2
  18. Monika Hostler will be on hand to discuss LHES Magnet Status at next meeting
  19. Open Discussion
  20. Father / Daughter Dance? – Tennille is taking the lead on a dance night; are aware of need to remain inclusive to non-trad family structures
  21. Class Dojo application use for PTA communications? – in process of talking to Dojo admin and MrBaulch to determine feasibility of using this platform as opposed to repeat posting on FB, Twitter, Website, Remind and printed / electronic newsletters.
  22. R. Duffy discussed possible assistance from Jr Women’s League of FV and potential donation of upwards of $3k to the school for a need. Will discuss with A. Steele to determine need.
  23. Swift Chimney may be delayed 1 year due to cafeteria need – in process of getting Wake Audubon lead / LHES Architect and MrBaulch to evaluate potential locations for small roosting tower.