The Study Session of the Board of Trustees of Shoreline Community College District Number Seven was called to order by Chair Roger Olstad at 3:02 PM in the Board Room of the Administration Building at Shoreline Community College.
Trustees Liaw and Smith have been working on revising the Board’s Self-Evaluation tool and the Presidential Performance Evaluation tool. Both tools currently utilize a five-point scale and both Trustees Liaw and Smith noted that the current tools do not connect to the work of the Board and the President.
Trustee Liaw distributed the drafts of sections 1 – 4 and the Monitoring Reports Calendar from the Board’s Policy Manual. She referenced the sections to assist the Board’s discussion on the evaluation tools.
The Trustees discussed whether the objectives listed in Section 1 (Core Themes) were goals or benchmarks and asked Dean Norma Goldstein for her input on whether the first year of the Board’s implementation of a policy governance model should be the time when benchmarks are established. From an accreditation lens, Dean Goldstein noted that “In the completing of a year one report, benchmarks (and the identification of objectives), while not required, are a good place to start in the development of core themes.” Trustee Liaw and Dean Goldstein spoke about the importance of College personnel providing data to the Board in order for the Trustees to make reasonable judgments on benchmarks and objectives.
Further discussion transpired on the Board’s Self-Evaluation tool and the Presidential Performance Evaluation tool with some discussion on the use of “Yes or No” responses instead of a five-point scale. Chair Roger Olstad asked, “How do we evaluate ourselves and President Lambert when it appears that the new tools will not be ready by the time the evaluation periods arrive?”
Trustee Liaw will work on drafting new evaluation tools and the Board agreed to continue its work on the Board’s Self-Evaluation tool and the Presidential Performance Evaluation tool at the May 26, 2010 Study Session.
At 4:04 PM, the Board reconvened into Regular Session and the Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees of Shoreline Community College District Number Seven was called to order by Chair Roger Olstad in the Board Room of the Administration Building at Shoreline Community College.
International Programs Executive Director Thalia Saplad introduced members of the delegation visiting Shoreline Community College from China: President SiHua Qi – Anhui Technical College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Vice President Bing Lu – Nanjing Institute of
Industry Technology, Professor and Vice-Principal Haiming Feng – Beijing Polytechnic College, Vice President Qiyou Sun – Zibo Vocational Institute and Project Manager Leela Zhang – Nanjing Institute of Industry Technology. The delegation is part of a Vocational Education Leadership Training (VELT) Program and is sponsored by the American Association of Community Colleges (AACC), and financed by the Chinese government.
On behalf of the delegation, President Qi expressed the group’s appreciation for being welcomed to the College. He added that the group was learning a lot about community and technical college system in the United States and the programs at Shoreline Community College.
Chair Olstad called for a brief recess in order for the Board and the delegation to greet one another.
Mr. Phil Barrett, Ms. Shoubee Liaw, Mr. Roger Olstad, Mr. Jerry Smith and Ms. Gidget Terpstra were present.
Ms. Kristen Byrd represented the Office of the Attorney General.
Chair Olstad asked the Board to consider approval of the Consent Agenda.
On the agenda for approval: One set of minutes from the Regular Meeting of March 17, 2010.
Motion 10:10: A motion was made by Ms. Shoubee Liaw to approve the consent agenda.
Mr. Jerry Smith seconded the motion, which was approved unanimously by the Board.
Mr. Doug Palmer, Athletic/Intramural Programs Director introduced Men’s Basketball Coach Mr. Butch Estes, who in turn, introduced members of the basketball team and spoke of the team’s very successful season. He added that the majority of the players are also doing very well in the classroom.
NOTE: Agenda item #7 (Legislative Priorities) followed agenda item #4 (Report(s): Budget).
Quarterly Update
Ms. Holly Woodmansee, Special Assistant to the President for Budget and Internal Control provided an overview of a document entitled Shoreline Community College, Budget Status Report as of March 31, 2010 containing revenue and expenditures. In relation to the revenue lines, Ms. Woodmansee noted that some budgets are underperforming, thus requiring additional review, while some budgets are exceeding projections.
Due to enrollment demands and master plan expenses, Ms. Woodmansee stated that there have been increases in expenditures in the part-time faculty and goods and services lines.
Ms. Woodmansee stated that discussions are taking place related to excess enrollment dollars. Approximately 10% of these dollars go “back to the state.” There are pros and cons of the College retaining the remaining dollars and Ms. Woodmansee shared that the pros and cons of such an action will be shared with the Board at a future meeting.
Planning & Development Update
Vice President for Administrative Services Daryl Campbell distributed and provided an overview of a document entitled Responses to the WACTC Budget Priorities Survey from Shoreline Community College – April 19, 2010.
Vice President Campbell noted that the SBCTC (State Board for Community and Technical Colleges) is waiting for the Governor to sign the budget. In addition, he shared that the College anticipated between a $1.3 – $1.8 million reduction for the next fiscal year and planned for a reduction of just below $1.65 million. It appears that our College’s reduction target will be approximately $1.59 million.
Vice President Campbell expressed that one of the interesting aspects coming out of the last legislative session relates to what has been coined the “Furlough Bill.” The bill that passed directs state agencies to achieve reductions through voluntary and mandatory furloughs. The Governor still has not signed the bill but has made it clear that cabinet agencies should have its higher paid administrators shoulder most of the reductions. He added that there is no reason to believe that “We will have to implement furloughs.”
Budget planning for the 2011 – 2012 fiscal year has begun in earnest. Vice President Campbell stated, “We could be looking at another substantial round of cuts.”
Mr. Jim Hills, Interim Special Assistant to the President for Communications and Marketing, shared with the Board a document containing legislative priorities. He added, “Priorities are being developed across the community and technical college system now.”
Chair Olstad recently participated in a Trustees Association for Community and Technical Colleges (TACTC) Legislative Committee meeting via ITV and stated that there are plans for members of the Legislative Committee to meet in person on August 31 to determine legislative priorities. He recommended that the Board hold a retreat prior to August 31 in order to determine its legislative priorities. Chair Olstad also noted, “If and when the economy improves, the College will face the challenge of declining enrollment.”
Trustee Liaw added that with declining state support, assisting the College’s Foundation become a focal point. Chair Olstad and Trustee Liaw stated that the College should commence with a search for the position in the Office of Advancement, a position that the Board approved to fund through the Board of Trustees reserve account for three years beginning July 1, 2010.
Vice President for Student Success Tonya Drake distributed and provided an overview of a document entitled Enrollment Report, Board of Trustees Meeting – April 28, 2010. “The College has met and exceeded full-time equivalent (FTE) student annual targets for 2009 – 2010 and is currently 3.2% in excess of annualized targets.” Vice President Drake stated that it is anticipated that there will be decreases in enrollment as students return to work and shared enrollment strategies with the Board – where enrollments can be maintained, and potential growth areas.
Vice President for Administrative Services Daryl Campbell informed the Board that the plan to build student housing on the Washington State Department of Transportation’s (WSDOT’s) lot fell apart due to concerns from WSDOT about the length of the lease. Hanover Pacific, the real estate development firm leading the efforts to build student housing near the College, has proposed building a similar housing project on the athletic field on campus—a four-story, 480 bed unit (including a conference center) with a 270 space parking structure, and 30 perimeter parking spaces. The cost to the College is to proposed to be low, and the facility will be turned over the College after the 30-year lease elapses.
Vice President Campbell noted that imminent concerns include the soon to be submission to the City of Shoreline of the College’s recently completed master plan—a plan that does not include housing. He added that in addition, there are concerns of the surrounding neighborhoods to
consider, road access issues, discussions with the State Board for Community and Technical Colleges (SBCTC) that need to transpire, and market demand studies that still need to be conducted.
Vice President Campbell stated that the Board might have to hold a special meeting during the summer specific to any changes that need to be made to the master plan.
In response to questions from Trustee Barrett about the impact of not having the athletic field, Vice President Campbell responded that the field is used for soccer, and that the College has a long-term agreement to use the athletic fields in Shoreline. In addition, Vice President Campbell confirmed that the plan with Hanover Pacific includes necessary road upgrades.
Mr. Gary Parks shared with the Board that the plan to “RIF” the full-time Physical Education position, has been rescinded. He added that work is taking place on training related to Faculty Evaluations and on the Federation’s constitution.
The AFT (American Federation of Teachers) is working on its legislative priorities. Mr. Parks noted that the AFT is interested in a “Due Process Bill” related to the providing of rationale when full or part time Faculty are let go.
Ms. Bonnie Madison stated that contract negotiations on the 2011 – 2013 WFSE HE (Washington Federation of State Employees Higher Education) Agreement has begun.
The Technology Support Services (TSS) unit recently conducted training for staff on Office 2007. In addition, the delegation from China had an opportunity to visit the TSS area. “The delegation showed a strong interest in the College’s technological infrastructure, and was also very impressed with the computer lab.”
Mr. Yasuhiro Sumino projected the updated Student Body Association’s (SBA’s) website onto the screen for Board viewing. He shared that in order for the SBA to continue to meet its annual financial obligation of $700,000.00 toward the loan for the PUB, the SBA is proposing an increase in the PUB Fee. (The increase will be “on the SBA ballot” during Spring elections.)
Vice President for Academic Affairs John Backes provided the report to the Board on President Lambert’s behalf:
Shoreline Community College, in partnership with Gateway Technical College and others, received a grant to provide automotive service technician training in Morocco and Oman.
The College will be the host site for the regional Miss Korea pageant on June 11.
An application to Scholarship America for the Dreamkeepers Emergency Assistance Grant has been submitted.
The College signed an M.O.U. with Silicon Energy to move forward with the Community Solar Project. At the recent Clinton Global Initiative University Meeting attended by President Lambert, former President Clinton recognized Shoreline Community College’s project.
Under the leadership of Director Rosemary Dunne, the Community Integration Program (CIP) is receiving its reaccreditation.
The College is establishing a partnership with the Northwest Association for Biomedical Research (NWABR).
A number of College personnel recently participated in interviews related to the evaluation of the Student Achievement Initiative.
Mr. Scott Cheney from Senator Murray’s Office, was very impressed with the Automotive Programs during a recent visit to the Professional Automotive Training Center.
Chair Olstad noted that Trustee Liaw was nominated for the position of Secretary on the Trustees Association of Community and Technical Colleges (TACTC) Executive Board.
In addition, Chair Olstad stated that he, Trustee Smith and President Lambert discussed nominating Trustee Liaw for the Association of Community College Trustees (ACCT) 2010 Exemplary Trustee Award. Trustees Barrett, Olstad, Smith and Terpstra agreed to submit the nomination of Trustee Liaw for the ACCT 2010 Exemplary Trustee Award. Trustee Liaw, reluctantly, agreed to the nomination.
Chair Olstad adjourned the meeting at 6:22 PM.
Signed ______
Roger Olstad, Chair
Attest: ______, 2010
Lori Y. Yonemitsu, Secretary