AP English Language and Composition Summer Assignments 2015-2016
Dr. Henry A. Wise, Jr., High School
Mrs. Montgomery –
Mrs. Thomas –
Welcome to AP English Language and Composition. This is a college level course that could potentially grant you college English credit if you earn a passing grade on the AP exam administered in May by the College Board. This class is different from most English classes you have previously taken; it emphasizes a mix of politics, history, social sciences, current events and non-fiction prose. You will learn how to read critically, analyzing how writers use the power of language to achieve a purpose. In turn, you will learn how to use language in order to develop sound reasoning and argumentation. This college level course will prepare you to be a successful academic writer in all disciplines. In order to prepare for this course you must complete the assignments below.The assignments below are due on the first day of class.
Detailed directions for each assignment are below the list of assignments.
Assignment 1 – Required text: CliffsAP English Language and Composition 4th Edition workbook
and Introduction to Exam readings in workbook
On the first day of class, this workbook with your name written on the bottom will be
collected and we willdiscuss the exam based on readings from this workbook.
Assignment 2 - Organized binder
On the first day the five labeled main dividers and three labeled sub dividers will be
checked. The dividers must be labeled according to the directions within this packet.
Assignment 3 - Entry Level Literature Terms Notes Handout
Assignment 4 -Entry Level Grammar and Punctuation Notes
On the first day of class, an entry level Literature Terms and Grammar/Punctuation Test based on
Assignments 3 and 4 will be administered.
Assignment 5 - Copy of Obama’s A More Perfect Union speech
Assignment 6 - Dialectical Chart
On the first day of class, Assignments 3-6 will be collected. All assignments must be
labeled and stapled together with a Cover Page with your name and the words Summer Assignment.
Checklist - On the first day of class, please be prepared for the following:
-Collection of the Cliffs AP workbook.
-Discussion about the AP Language and Composition Exam
-Binder check of the five labeled main dividers and three labeled sub dividers.
-Entry level Literature Terms and Grammar/Punctuation Test
-Collection of Assignments 3-6 stapled together with Cover Page.
Due Date - All assignments are due on the first day of class.
ASSIGNMENT 1 – Required Text and Introduction to Exam readings in workbook
Part 1
Purchase the CliffsAP English Language and Composition 4th Edition workbook by BarbaraV. Swovelin
This workbook will be collected on the first day of class.
*Please be sure to purchase the English LANGUAGE and composition workbook and not the
literature and composition workbook. These are two completely different classes.Also make sure
that you purchase the 4th edition.
*The workbook can be purchased in one of the following ways:
-Amazon.com – Approximately $10.50 before shipping and handling
-Barnes and Noble –Approximately $17.00
*The workbook is due on the first day of class. Please write your first and lastname in marker
along the bottom edge of the workbook (not the cover).
*This workbook will be used during the school year.
Part 2
Read pages 1-6 of the CliffsAP English Language and Composition in order to familiarize yourself with the AP English Language Exam (you do not need to complete any questions on these pages). Be prepared to discuss and ask questions about the exam on the first day of class.
ASSIGNMENT 2 – Organization of Binder
On the first day of class you must have all of the required dividers and they must be labeled according to the directions below.
Organization of Notebook
Divide your notebook into the five sections below with tabbed dividers.
Within the writing section, create three subdivisions with dividers.
Write the number and name of the section, as shown below, on each tab. Place the tabs in order as listed below.
1. Warm-Ups/Current Events
2. Vocabulary Notes
3. Grammar/Punctuation Notes
4. Essays
A. Argument Essay
B. Synthesis Essay
C. Analysis Essay
5. Multiple Choice
*Keep returned papers at the back of your binder
ASSIGNMENT 3–Entry Level Literature Terms Notes
On the last four pages of this packet are literature terms that you should have mastered at this point in your high school education. In preparation for this course, you mustcomplete this assignment in order to make sure you have mastered these entry level terms. On the handout, define each term and write an example for each term. The definitions for many of the terms are in the CliffsAP Language and Composition workbook starting on page 289. You may use other sources as well. After completing the assignment, thoroughly study the terms. On the first day of class, you will receive a test on these terms.
ASSIGNMENT 4 – Entry Level Grammar, Punctuation, Sentence Structure Notes
At this point in your high school education, you should know how to identify the parts of speech and how to correctly use punctuation. You should also know basic sentence structure. In preparation for this course, you must complete this assignment in order to make sure you have mastered these entry level grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure skills. First find a grammar and punctuation resource from the library, bookstore, or internet. Using loose-leaf paper (the assignment is Entry Level Grammar, Punctuation, and Sentence Structure Notes), define each part of speech listed below and write examples for each part of speech. Define each term related to sentence structure and write an example for each term. Be prepared to take a teston these grammar and punctuation skills on the first day of school.
ASSIGNMENT 5 – Annotate Obama’s A More Perfect Union Speech
Go to the this website ( and print out Obama’s A More Perfect Union speech. Number each paragraph of the speech.
You must annotate Obama’s A More Perfect Union speech. In order to annotate a text, you must write critical notes about what you are reading. In other words, when annotating, you must identify parts of the text that you think are significant in helping the speaker achieve his or her argument because of what was said and how it was said.
While reading Obama’s speech, underline or circle parts of his text that helped him achieve his argument because of what was said or how it was said. *Use the Quotable Text List below. Next to that text you underlined or circled, briefly write what is significant about the text (for example–question – write your question, simile, clarification-state what was clarified, rhetorical question, etc.). You must annotate from the beginning to the end of the speech. You must bring your annotated copy of the speech with you to class.
Quotable Text List
Choose passages to quote so that you can comment for the following reasons:
-To analyze the text for use of diction, syntax, style, tone, sentence structure, theme, point of view,
allusion, repetition, alliteration, etc. and how the author uses it to achieve his purpose (reference pgs.
65-73 of the CliffsAPLanguage and Compositionworkbook). Be sure to state theliterary device you
are discussing.
-To identify the use and purpose of a literary device such as a simile, metaphor, hyperbole,
understatement, personification, allusion, repetition, alliteration, etc.
-To identify the use and purpose of the appeals to ethos, logos, or pathos
-To identify notable syntax or diction
-To question something that is unclear
-To clarify a previous question or prediction
-To make a judgment about anything pertaining to the speech
-To reflect or think deeply about what the passage means in a broad sense. In other words, what
conclusions can youdraw about the world, abouthuman nature, or just the way things work?
-To analyze a passage and its relationship to the speech as a whole
-To identify structural shifts or turns in the speech
-To reveal effective or creative use of imagery and figurative language and how theauthor uses it
to achieve his purpose (reference pgs. 65-73 of the CliffsAP Languageand Compositionworkbook). Be
sure to state the literary device you are discussing.
-To agree or disagree with a character or the author
-To raise questions about the beliefs and values implied in the text
**You are not limited to these suggestions.
ASSIGNMENT 6 - Dialectical Chart for Obama’s A More Perfect Union speech
You must pick the ten most significant annotations you wrote from Obama’s A More Perfect Unionspeech and transfer them to A Dialectical Chart. Follow the steps below for this assignment.
1. At the top of your paper write the wordsDialectical Chart, title of Obama’s speech, and Obama’s
2. Write the words Argument: and state what you think was the purpose of Obama’s speech.
3. For the Chart create two columns (this can be typed or neatly written in ink). Label the first column
Quotations and label the second column Comments.
4. Pick ten sections that you identified while reading Obama’s speech that you feel were most significant in
helping him achieve his argument. Each entry must consist of a quotation from the speech anda
comment regarding the quote that you chose. In front of each quotation, you must write the number of
the paragraph from which the quote was pulled. Also you must quote from the beginning, middle, and
end of the speech.
5. Your goal is for this Dialectical Chart is to find passages that are significant; for example, the passage
contains a literary device, there is notable syntax or diction, it contains an appeal to logos, ethos, or
pathos, it is a significant turning point in the speech, or perhaps it contains evidence to support a
judgment(other reasons for choosing passages are listed below). Be sure to consider what you learned
last year if you read and discussed Obama’s speech in your English class. Be sure to fully explain
yourself in the comments section of your journal. Also be prepared to discuss your entries in class.
Sample Dialectical Chart entry: THE THINGS THEY CARRIED by Tim O’Brien
Quotation / CommentsParagraph 3
“…they carried like freight trains; they carried it on their backs and shoulders-and for all the ambiguities of Vietnam, all the mysteries and unknowns, there was at least the single abiding certainty that they would never be at a loss for things to carry” (Pg. 2). / (R) O’brien chooses to end the first section of the novel with this sentence. He provides excellent visual details of what each solider in Vietnam would carry for day-to-day fighting. He makes you feel the physical weight of what soldiers have to carry for simple survival. When you combine the emotional weight of loved ones at home, the fear of death, and the responsibility for the men you fight with, with this physical weight, you start to understand what soldiers in Vietnam dealt with every day. This quote sums up the confusion that the men felt about the reasons they were fighting the war, and how they clung to the only certainty - things they had to carry - in a confusing world where normal rules were suspended.
Here are some other examples from OF MICE AND MEN
Paragraph 12“…If you jus’ happen to get in trouble like you always done before, I want you to come right here an’ hid in the brush” (Pg. 15). / Is this foreshadowing of future events? Lennie is a troublemaker and the author is warning us that he will probably get into more trouble.
Paragraph 20
“…red light dimmed…leaves whispered” (Pg. 16). / Diction -
The soothing words “dimmed” and “whispered” set a peaceful tone on the closing of the day and the soft sounds of evening. “Dimmed” is a softening of the sunlight and “whispered” carries the connotations of softness and intimacy.
Remember, you must label Assignments 3-6 and staple them together with a Cover Page which includes your name and the words Summer Assignment.
Name ______
AP Language Vocabulary – Set 1 (Basic Terms)
Directions – Complete this assignment using the CliffsAP Language and Composition workbook starting on page 289, the internet, and any other resource. Write a definition for each term below changing any words in the definition to help clarify the meaning. Then, find and write an example for each term.
1. Alliteration - ______
Example - ______
2. Connotation -______
Example - ______
3. Denotation -______
Example - ______
4. Diction - ______
Example - ______
5. Extended Metaphor (just definition)- ______
6. Hyperbole - ______
Example - ______
7. Imagery - ______
Example - ______
8. Irony/Ironic (definition) - ______
Example - ______
Verbal Irony - ______
Situational Irony - ______
Dramatic Irony - ______
9. Metaphor - ______
Example - ______
10. Onomatopoeia - ______
Example - ______
11. Oxymoron - ______
Example - ______
12. Personification - ______
Example - ______
13. Parallelism - ______
Example - ______
14. Repetition - ______
Example - ______
15. Rhetorical Question -______
Example - ______
16. Sarcasm -______
Example - ______
17. Satire - ______
Example - ______
18. Symbol/Symbolism - ______
Example - ______
19. Syntax - ______
Example - ______
20. Theme- ______
21. Understatement - ______
Example - ______