Toastmasters International

The mission of a Toastmasters club is to provide a mutually supportive and positive learning environment in which every individual member has the opportunity to develop oral communication and leadership skills, which in turn foster self-confidence and personal growth.

Please Note! The views expressed at this meeting do notnecessarily reflect the opinions and beliefs of this club or Baylor University. They are simply the opinions of today’s speakers. Please come back and share your views and opinions with us.

We meet every Friday

From 12:00 to 1:00p.m.

You are welcomed to bring your lunch.

For detailed schedules, officers, and other information see our website

Baylor Orators Toastmasters

Club 7277Date

12:00 / Exchange CL Manuals for Evaluations Everyone
12:01 / Call to Order President
12:01 / Invocation and Pledge Pledge
12:03 / Business, Announcements & Introductions President
12:10 / Toastmaster Toastmaster
12:11 / Word of the Day Gramm/Ah
12:15 / Introduction of Functionaries:
Timer –
Vote Counter –
General Evaluator –
12:16 / Prepared Speech Speaker 1
12:24 / Prepared Speech Speaker 2
12:32 / Timing Report – Vote
Table Topics Topics Master
12:37 / Timing Report – Vote
Speech Evaluation Evaluator 1
12:41 / Speech Evaluation Evaluator 2
12:45 / Timing Report – Vote
Grammar/Ah Report Gramm/Ah
12:47 / Meeting Evaluation (2-3 Minutes) General Evaluator
12:50 / Presentation of Awards Vote Counter
12:51 / Closing Remarks & Adjournment President

Speaker Information

Speaker #1: ______

Manual and Speech #:______

Speech Title: ______

Time Requirements: ______


Speaker #2: ______

Manual and Speech #:______

Speech Title: ______

Time Requirements: ______
