


A - Read the text below. Ten sentences are missing. Choose the right sentence (a-j) to fill each gap.

Janice is my friend. She isn’t old. (1) ___. Her hair isn’t brown. (2) ___. Her eyes are small and green. She’s very clever and energetic. (3) ___. Janice’s house is in El-Paso. (4) ____. It’s got modern skyscrapers and large, noisy streets. (5) ___. It’s next to a library and behind a park. Her neighbourhood is lovely. (6) ___. Janice’s house isn’t very big. (7) ___. It’s got a dining room, too. Janice’s bedroom is small. (8) ___. Her mum and dad’s bedroom has got a big window with lots of plants outside. Look, there’s Janice’s cat. (9) ___. It’s always in the garden. (10) ___.

A. She is also very kind.

B. Her neighbours are also very nice.

C. She’s got posters on the walls and a blue bed.

D. Its name is Snowball.

E. She’s only twelve.

F. El-Paso is a big city in the United States.

G. It’s got a kitchen, a bathroom, two bedrooms and a living room.

H. It plays or climbs the trees during the day.

I. But Janice’s house is on a narrow, quiet street.

J. It’s curly and black.

B- Read the text and do the exercises below.


Mr. Frank Garret, 65 is a schoolteacher. He is English but he lives in France, in the Normandy village of Yerville. Mr. Garret lives in France, but he works in England.

Every Monday he leaves home at 2:30 in the morning and drives 101 miles from his village to Boulogne, where he leaves his car and catches the ferry to Folkestone. Then he catches the train to Maidstone in Kent and he arrives at Manor School at 8.25. He teaches French from 9:00 in the morning to 3:30 in the afternoon, and then leaves school. He arrives home at 9:30 in the evening. The journey there and back takes twelve hours and costs only $16!

Fortunately, Mr. Garret works in England only one day a week. And what does he do on the other days? He teaches English! He has a class of eighteen French students in Yerville and he loves them. ‘Yes on Tuesdays I’m tired,’ he says,’ but I love my job in England and I love my home in France. I’m a happy man!’

I: Mark the sentences T ( T rue) or F ( F alse).

1- Mr Garret is a middle-aged schoolteacher. _____

2- He has to get up very early on Monday mornings. _____

3- His first lesson at Manor School starts at 9 am. _____

4- He teaches in France from Monday to Friday. _____

5- In Yerville, there are twenty students in his class. _____

II: Answer the questions below. You can give short answers if possible.

1- Is Mr. Garret French? ___________________________________________

2- What does he teach? ____________________________________________

3- How many days a week does he work in England? _________________________

4- Does he go to Bolougne by train? __________________________________

5- How does he go from Boulogne to Folkestone? ____________________________

6- How much is the journey to Manor School? ______________________________

7- Why is he tired on Tuesdays? ____________________________________

II I : What do these words refer to?

1- his (line 3) refers to ________________

2- He (line 5) refers to ________________

3- there (line 7) refers to _______________

4- them (line 11) refers to _______________

C- Read the texts and the sentences below. Write tiger , Siamese cat or both .

My favourite animal is the tiger. It’s a wild animal, not a pet. Tigers live in different tropical countries in Asia or in cold places like Siberia. You can also see tigers in zoos all over the world. Tigers are brown or white with black stripes and their fur is soft. They can run fast, swim, climb and jump. They usually sleep during the day and hunt at night. They eat other animals. I like tigers because they are strong and beautiful animals. People hunt tigers for their beautiful fur and there are not many tigers left in the world. I think we must protect tigers.

1- This animal can hunt. ____________

2- This animal comes from Thailand. ____________

3- This animal has got a lot of fur. ____________

4- This animal has got stripes. ____________

5- This animal changes colour with age. ____________

6- You can find this animal in different parts ____________

of the world.

7- We can’t keep this animal at home as a pet. _____________

8- This animal is friendly. _____________


A: Write the questions to c omplete the following dialogue.

Sue : Hi Milly.(1) __________________________________ ?

Milly: No, I’m not busy. Please come in.

Sue : Guess what? John has got a new girl friend!

Milly: Really! I’d like to know about her but let’s drink something first. What would you like to drink?

Sue : (2)________________ coffee, please?

Milly: Sure, wait a moment.

(A few minutes later)

Milly: By the way, tell me something about John’s new girlfriend. (3)__________________________ ?

Sue : Her name is Kate.

Milly: (4)_________________________________________ ?

Sue : No, she doesn’t. She is a university student.

Milly: (5)____________________________ at the university?

Sue : She studies law.

Milly: As far as I know John is a university student , too. (6)__________________________________?

Sue : Yes, they both go to the same university. They met at the school canteen.

Milly: How romantic! (7)_______________________________________ ?

Sue : She’s tall and slim with long blond hair and green eyes.

Milly: Oh, you mean she’s a beautiful girl.(8)____________________________________________ ?

Sue : I don’t know her very well but John says she is easy-going, lively and hardworking.

Milly: (9)_________________________________________________ ?

Sue : They usually meet after school.

Milly: (10)_________________________________________________ ?

Sue : No, they can’t see eachother at weekends.

Milly: (11)_________________________________________________ ?

Sue : Because John has a part-time job.

Milly: (12)_________________________________________________ ?

Sue : He works in a computer company.

Milly: (13)_________________________________________________ ?

Sue : Yes, he has to work on Sundays, too.

Milly: (14)__________________________________________________ ?

Sue : They usually go to the cinema because they both like watching films.

Milly: (15) ________________________________________________to work ?

Sue : John drives her to work.

Milly: OK, I’m very happy for them.

B: Complete the sentences using any, some, much, many, a lot of, how much, how many.

1. A: Have you got ______________ children?

B: Yes, I’ve got _______________ son.

2. A: I have _________sugar but I don’t have ________ flour to make a cake. Can you buy _______?

B: Sorry, I can’t buy. I haven’t got ___________ time to go out.

3. I’ve got ________ books about wild animals but there isn’t _________ information about crocodiles.

4. Amy, do you have ______________ homework tonight?

5. ______________ paintings are there in the Art Gallery?

6. ______________ milk do you want in your coffee?

7. He is on a diet; he doesn’t eat __________ food and __________ sweets .

He also drinks ___________ mineral water.

C : MODALS: Fill in the blanks with the correct form of can and have to

1. In Turkey you ____________ be 18 years old to get a driving licence.

2. Pedro is from Spain so he ____________ understand or speak English well.

3. I like holidays because I ____________ get up late and I ____________ go to school.

4. The traffic light is red. We ___________ walk across the street; we ___________ stop and wait for the green light.

5. Kate ____________ see well so she ____________ wear glasses.

6. David has got a car so he ____________ take a taxi or a bus. He ____________ drive to work.

7. Bob lost his dictionary last week. He ____________ buy a new one because he ____________ do his German homework without a dictionary.

8. Linda is late for work. She ____________ take a taxi but she ___________ because she hasn’t got any money!

9. There is a lot of food in the fridge so my mother ____________ go to the supermarket today.

10. A: Let’s watch a video.

B: No, there is an exam tomorrow; I ___________ study. We ____________ do it tomorrow.

D: REWRITE: Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets without changing the meaning,

1. Where are you from? (do)

Where ______________________________________ ?

2. What do you do? (is)

What ________________________________ ?

3. Climbing is my favourite sport. (I)

____________________________________ climbing .

4. Jane is very good at cooking. (cook)

Jane ________________________________very well.

5. Ted works between 1 pm and 4 pm. (to)

Ted _____________________________________ 4 pm.

6. Bob has got a red car. (is)

Bob’s _________________________________________red .

7. It’s necessary for you to tidy your room. (to)

You _________________________________________ your room.

8. Mark never has breakfast on weekdays. (not)

Mark_________________________________ on weekdays.

9. It’s forbidden to take photos in the museum. (not)

You ___________________________________ in the museum.

10.My birthdate is May,10 1988. (on)

I ________________________________________________ May,10 1988.

11.She has got blue eyes. (are)

Her _________________________________________ .

E: COMPLETE: Complete the following sentences.

1- Ted is very lazy so _________________________________________________________ .

2- He feels awful today; he has to ________________________________________________ .

he can’t _________________________________________________ .

3- There is ______________________ but there ___________________________ in the kitchen.

4- David can’t get this job because he ______________________________________________ .

5- A: Would you like to go to a Chinese restaurant tonight?

B: I’m afraid I can’t. I’m ______________________________________________________ .

I have to __________________________________________________ .

I never ___________________________________________________ .

6- Sue is afraid of ______________________ so she never ____________________________ .

7- A: Excuse me, how can I get to the train station?

B: Go straight on. Turn ______________________ . It’s ______________________________ .

8- Betty wants to be a /an ______________ because she likes ___________________________ .

9- I’m like my mum. We are both ____________________ and ___________________________ .

10- I look like my mum; We _____________________________ and ________________________ .

F: WORD FORMATION : Write the correct form s of the words in paranthesis.

1- I don’t like snakes, they are _____________ (danger) animals.

2- You must be ____________ (care) during the exam.

3- Madonna is a _______________ (fame) popstar. She has got great _____________(popular) among young people all over the world.

4- ______________ (Britain) people like soccer, rugby and golf.

5- Nobody likes him because he’s _____________ (friend) and ______________ (bore)

G: Write only O ne Word for each space.

Winter is a lovely season. _______ is my favourite season ________ everything is beautiful when it snows. I like winter because skiing is one of _______hobbies. It is a popular winter sport ________ my country. It’s exciting but you have ________ be careful. ________ people fall and break ________ legs or arms while skiing. Children play snowball or make a snowman. ________ really enjoy playing _______the snow.

We do lots ________ things in winter. We ________ go skiing in the mountains or stay at home and watch ________or read a book next _______ the fireplace. I often visit my grandfather ________weekends in winter. He ________ like winter.He says ________ weather is very cold. He is always at home _______ snowy days. He ________ goes out so he feels ________ when I go to ______ house. We usually play chess. He ________ play it very well; he is really good at _______.

H: There is a mistake in each sentence below. Find and correct them.

L as Palomas Village

(1)Las Palomas in the South of Spain. (2) It’s a perfect place the sea for holidays.

(3) It’s only twenty-eight kilometres from malaga airport .(4) It is also a very popular of holiday resort for long weekends.

(5) There three bars and two restaurants serving international food. (6) You can also traditional food in the local restaurants. (7) Are two large swimming pools (8) You can walk the local beach in five minutes. (9) There are forty-two apartment at Las Palomas with one,two or three bedrooms.

(10) You can rent the your apartment with furniture if you want.

(11) Each apartment got a private terrace. (12) The rooms usually full . (13) Have to book a room before you come.


Choose the correct words from the box to complete the sentences.

unemployed rainy abroad opinion shy equipment save

boring noisy exciting language floor advertisements

1 She is very __________. She hates talking in front of people.

2 The weather is ____________ today. Take your umbrella with you.

3 Turn off the TV; the film is very __________!

4 Rock-climbing is a/an ________ sport but it is also expensive because you need a lot of __________

5 Mark reads all the job__________ in the newspapers because he is __________ and he needs a job.

6 This room is very __________ ; we can’t study here. Let’s go somewhere else.

7 Ted and his wife want to buy a car but they have to __________ some money first.

8 Gonzales wants to work __________ but first he has to go to a __________ course to learn English.

9 Mandy lives in a small flat on the tenth _____________ of a high building.

10 I think fast food is unhealthy. What’s your _______________ about it?


A.Choose the correct words from the box to complete the sentences.

unemployed/ rainy abroad book shy equipment save

boring noisy exciting language advertisements

11 She is very __________. She hates talking in front of people.

12 The weather is ____________ today. Take your umbrella with you.

13 Turn off the TV; the film is very __________!

14 This restaurant is always full. We have to __________ a table before we go there.

15 Rock-climbing is a/an ________ sport but it is also expensive because you need a lot of __________

16 Mark reads all the job__________ in the newspapers because he is __________ and he needs a job.

17 This room is very __________ ; we can’t study here. Let’s go somewhere else.

18 Ted and his wife want to buy a car but they have to __________ some money first.

19 Gonzales wants to work __________ but first he has to go to a __________ course to learn English.


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