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Re: Hyper-Lightspeed Antenna (Part 5 of 7)

From:Jerry W. Decker (view other messages by this author)

Date: Wed, 15 Mar 2000 20:19:16

Hi Lani et al!

Well, personally, I think anything to do with Mars is a waste of time and effort until we first get a space station, followed soon after by a lunar colony. To my view, it is simply the ever inefficient NASA pumping up the gullible public to get more than their $13 billion per year to further waste on riding bottle rockets.

The movie "Mission to Mars" was entertaining, but it bugged me to see NASA stamped all over it. They did show a greenhouse covered by tarps and 'flapping in a breeze'..<g>... Talk about poetic license!

I still think it will be a private or international consortium that isn't NASA who will first make it to Mars on a manned mission and setup colonies. But those companies will have had the good sense to establish the space station and lunar colonies FIRST so they have a very good understanding of how to handle space travel and living.

I have long believed that mankind originated on Mars, hosed the planet or were hosed by something else, colonized here and devolved. The reason is due to reading about studies where humans were the only warm blooded mammals on this planet that did not have a penile bone, not even a vestigial penile bone while all other warm blooded mammals did …


when a human is placed in a chamber where they are exposed only to artificial light, they will soon arrive at a daily cycle of 25 hours. Not 24, but 25. Guess what a Martian day is? You got it -- 25.1 hours!

Ergo, we did not evolve on this planet and FINALLY one movie -- however fanciful -- brings that to attention though they leave out these two proofs and go off on the subjective Mars face. Pity, but it is entertainment... and a good movie at that.

Anyway, that said....<g>...

Hmmm, you say EM radiation spectra. Like the full spectrum lights? You might check into the excellent work by Dr. John Ott down in Florida. He used a lot of time lapse studies to show how plants responded to different mixes of frequencies by mixing different gases in fluorescent tubes that are ionized to emit light.

Dr. Ott often had trouble coaxing seedlings to grow or blossoms to form, as in the case of a stubborn pumpkin vine which would produce only all male or all female flowers, depending on what type of lighting the plant received, and which would die before reaching maturation.

Intrigued by the possible connection between varying light waves and plant growth patterns, the amateur scientist built a plastic-walled greenhouse in his backyard. And there the experiments continued, augmented by an impressive array of photographic lights set to turn on automatically for each time-lapse frame.

Ott was so astounded by his findings over the next few years that he carried his theories over into the animal world. Impressed with his results, Loyola University awarded him an honorary doctorate in science.

Encouraged by his continuing success Ott founded The Environmental Health & Light Research Institute to coordinate his ongoing studies into the way in which light can -- in the proper spectral balance -- enhance the health of plants and animals.

In time, Ott turned his attention towards monitoring the beneficial effects of full spectrum lighting on certain human physiological conditions. It was about this time that Dr. Ott developed the first full-spectrum fluorescent tube which he called 'Vitalite' and which was brought to market by DuroTest Inc. based in his home town of Chicago, Illinois.


Under pink fluorescent light, the mice lived an average of 7.5 months. Under cool white (standard office) fluorescents, the mice lived 8.2 months. Under full spectrum fluorescents with balanced, trace ultraviolet, they lived 15.6 months. And under natural sunlight, they lived 16.1 months.

The study found that students under full spectrum light with trace ultraviolet:

● Learned faster

● Tested higher

● Grew faster

● Had 1/3 fewer absences due to illness

● Had 2/3 fewer cavities than expected

A winter study of veterans in a Soldiers' Home in Massachusetts compared calcium absorption under two lighting systems.

● Calcium absorption increased 15% under full spectrum light.

● Calcium absorption decreased 25% under standard light.

An early study on the effect of ultraviolet radiation on physical fitness was done at the University of Illinois. The 10-week controlled study compared men on a five item muscular endurance test and on the Schneider cardiovascular fitness index. The 22 subjects were from the lower third of basic physical fitness classes.

● The experimental group gained 19.2% on the Schneider cardiovascular index compared to 1.5% for the control group.

● The experimental group gained 15.4% in motor fitness compared to the 11.8% for the control group.

● The experimental group had 10 colds compared to twenty for the control group.


A particularly interesting article directly relevant to your study:


Possibly the work of Ghadiali Dinshah which was primarily on humans might be of use to you, especially if you can get the 2nd volume of his 3 volume spectrochrometry bookset. Mine was 'lifted' by a person I regrettably loaned it to. Although called a fraud in his day, he did have remarkable results from very precise and pure light wavelengths mixed to provide excellent results. Nowadays, we call it 'Photo-Therapy'. A man before his time, like many others.

One of the idiot posts calling Dinshah a quack:

Phototherapy for psoriasis at Tulane University...those quacks..<g>..;

Billie lights to cure jaundice...more quackery;

What is Phototherapy;

Right off the bat, I can't think of any specific studies or researchers who investigated light waves and plants though the original experiments by George Lakhovsky that led to the Muli-Wave Oscillator (MWO) were based on TUMORS in geraniums that were healed with a coil of wire wrapped around the plant with about 3-or-so turns.

Lakhovsky claimed these coils intercepted and intensified EM radiation to feed the electrical system of the plants and thus heal the tumors. That's how he came up with the idea of exposing the body to many frequencies electrostatically -- basically where the subject is placed between 2 antennas so they absorb all the frequencies ionically.

Since the original email was simply a URL for the patent, you might try to contact the inventor direct and see what kind of information he can provide with regard to that acceleration of plant growth. I tried to get his address and such from the patent. But my computer says the patent server was not responding. Hmmm... tried with Netscape and Explorer, but no dice... So you'll have to hunt that down for yourself.

Good luck. Perhaps you'll find us on Mars, long before NASA...back home again..<g>..

KeelyNet - From an Art to a Science

Jerry W. Decker -

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