Interactive Read Aloud Sample

3rd Nine Weeks - 1st Row

3-1.10 Analyze cause and effect relationships in literary texts.

3-2.8 Analyze informational text to identify cause and effect relationships.


3-3.1 Analyze the causes of the American Revolution – including Britian’s passage of the Tea Act, the Intolerable Acts, the rebellion of the colonists, and the Declaration of Independence – and South Carolina’s role in these events.

3-5.6 Summarize the key events and effects of the civil rights movement in South Carolina, including the desegregation of schools (Briggs v. Elliot) and other public facilities and the acceptance of African Americans’ right to vote.

Book: The Other Side by: Jaqueline Woodson

Book Introduction: The book we are going to read today was set during the times of segregation when African American and whites did not go to school together, to church together, or eat in the same restaurants. In our story today, we will read about two little girls, Annie and Clover, who get to know each other even though they are of different races.

Day 1 Questions:

Interactive Read Aloud Questions / Correlation to Standard / Testing as a Genre Item
Sandra’s mother has spent her whole life in a world where African American and whites lived separately. Listen as I read this page and we will discuss what effect the mother’s ideas have had on Sandra.
Read “That summer the fence…” to the end of “Once we were jumping rope…”
What effect has Sandra’s mother’s ideas had on Sandra?
Turn and Talk / 3-1.10 Analyze cause and effect relationships in literary texts. / How did Clover and Annie’s friendship effect Sandra and the other girls?
a. They wanted things to stay the
b. They wanted to jump rope as
well as Annie.
c. They began to think that change
might not be all bad.
d. They really liked Annie’s
clothes a lot.
Test Strategy: When choosing an answer, don’t rely on your personal life experiences. Just because you really liked something in an answer choice or you were able to make a connection to an answer choice does not make it the right answer.
3-1.10 Analyze cause and effect relationships in literary texts.
Listen as I read the next three pages of text to see if the separation of African Americans and whites had effect on anyone else.
Read “That summer everyone and everything…” to the end of “Mama wouldn’t let me go out…”
Has the separation of African Americans and whites had an effect on anyone else?
(If students do not bring up the line “You stay inside – where it’s warm and safe and dry” the teacher needs to bring it up and question if living in a world where color is separated has had an effect on Clover’s mother.) / 3-1.10 Analyze cause and effect relationships in literary texts.
Read “Someplace in the middle of Summer…” to the end of “Some mornings my mama watched…”
What changes are happening?
Are there things that have stayed the same?
What do you think the effects will be?
Turn and Talk / 3-1.10 Analyze cause and effect relationships in literary texts.
Read “One day Sandra and them were jumping…” to the end of “Someday somebody’s going to come along…”
Why do you think change is hard? Whether it be a change in our habits or ways of thinking.
Turn and Talk / 3-1.2 Analyze a given literary text to make, revise, and confirm predictions and draw conclusions.

Day 2 Questions:

Day 2 Book Intro.

Yesterday we read the book and focused on the characters and the effects of segregation on their lives. Today we want to think about the book in another way. We want to think of Annie representing all white people and Clover as representing all of the African Americans during the days before M.L. King. We are going to think about the fence today as the line that separated them and watch how the characters began to cross that line.

Interactive Read Aloud Questions / Correlation to Standard / Testing as a Genre Item
Before reading – What do you know about this time period based on what we have studied in Social Studies?
Turn and Talk
Chart – 3 Columns
Segregation / Civil Rights Movement / Modern Times
Record student responses under the appropriate column during the discussion. / 3-5.6 Summarize the key events and effects of the civil rights movement in South Carolina, including the desegregation of schools (Briggs v. Elliot) and other public facilities and the acceptance of African Americans’ right to vote.
Read “That summer the fence...” to the end of “Once, when we were jumping rope...”
If we think of Annie as representing all whites and the other children representing all African Americans what is important about this page?
Discuss / 3-1.1 Analyze the details that support the expression of the main idea in a given literary text.
Read “It rained a lot that summer…” to the end of “And then I smiled…”
What advice would you give to the characters at this point?
Turn and Talk / 3-1.2 Analyze a given literary text to make, revise, and confirm predictions and draw conclusions.
Read “My mama says I shouldn’t go…” to the end of “That summer me and Annie…”
What do you think has caused the girls to stay on the fence for so long?
Turn and Talk / 3-1.10 Analyze cause and effect relationships in literary texts.
Read “Some mornings my mama watched us…” to the end of “Someday somebody’s going to come along and…”
These girls did not know about Martin Luther King or the Civil Rights Movement.
Based on what we know what effects will the Civil Rights movement have on these girls? / 3-5.6 Summarize the key events and effects of the civil rights movement in South Carolina, including the desegregation of schools (Briggs v. Elliot) and other public facilities and the acceptance of African Americans’ right to vote.
3-1.10 Analyze cause and effect relationships in literary texts.
After reading The Other Side you may want to consider reading The Sweet Smell of Roses.