Prepared (also subject responsible if other) / No.
CoE Hans Hamrin / ASE/MXO/TQ/ 0149 / EN
Approved / Checked / Date / Rev / Reference
2010-12-03 / A
Service Advice Aastra 700 Installations issues
This Service Advice addresses issues with configuration wizard discovered during Aastra 700 FOA installations.
The workaround for most of the issues only require simple manual programming after the MP wizard is finished.
1 Aastra 700 known installation issues.
1.1 Operator initiation
109644 / LDCBR00071023 / A700 MP Wizard: Can't initiate common operator number with single digit. / Not supported by MP today Solved by Manual programming of Common Operator Number using the CLI/MML interface. The CLI interface is needed to program this feature to work properly.LDCBR00071083 / Not possible to call common operator number from internal extension / Defaults not set properly from MP. This needs to be programmed manually using the CLI interface (using the OPCTS and OPCGS commands).
LDCBR00071085 / Not possible to call ICS-diverted extension (diverted to operator) from internal extension / Not setup with the current MP wizard. Will be corrected in the next SP. Manually programming a CORG for CALT 2 and assigning operators to it (OPCGS and OPCTS commands) using the CLI/MML interface is needed for this feature to work.
LDCBR00070175 / Can’t configure operator groups after A700 installation / Not setup with the current MP wizard. Will be fixed in the next SP. Solved by Manually programming a CORG for CALT 2 and assigning operators to it (OPCGS and OPCTS
commands). The CLI/MML interface is needed for this feature to work.
1.2 Route access initiation
109644 / LDCBR00071022 / A700 MP: Can't initiate Own Area Code with more than three digits. / Not allowed today in MP. Solved by manual programming of “Own Area Code” using the CLI/MML interface. The CLI interface must be used for programming OAC lengths longer than 3 digits.LDCBR00071079 / Wrong SRT value set on route-dest if single digit access code defined / Default value in MP wizard for this is SRT=3. Reconfiguration needed if other values should be used.
1.3 One Box user initiation
109636 / LDCBR00070994 / A700 Wizard can't handle error message when no more licenses are available in OneBox. / Default trial license in OneBox (limited to 150 users in version 1.1.8 or 205 users in version ). Don’t install more than 147/202 users with the MP configuration Wizard. Once the permanent customer OneBox license file is received and loaded, then add the missing mailboxes via MP.1.4 DID number series range
LDCBR00071082 / No check if the DID number-range start and stop number has the same lengths / This check is missing in the MP wizard and will be corrected in the next SP. In the mean time, make sure the number lengths match when defining the DID number rangeLDCBR00071080 / No check if the number of extensions to initiate is greater than the DID-range / This check is missing in the MP wizard and will be corrected in the next SP. In the mean time, make sure the number of total number of users/extensions to be defined for all category types is equal of less than the DID number range declared.
1.5 Mobile extension initiation
LDCBR00071166 / If you use the the template file to create mobile-extension users the file does NOT include information that the remote number needs to be prefixed by the 'Public Access Code' defined earlier in the wizard (for instance 00). / The example in the template file shows what appears to be a Swedish mobile number, starting with 070, but if you have programmed a public-access code with 00, then the remote-number should be 00 070....1.6 DID call to Voicemail
LDCBR00071078 / Not possible to call extensions diverted to voicemail from the public network / This value not set by default with the MP wizard today. You must set D1 value in the SERV parameter for the Voicemail HG to value 1(DID calls allowed).2 Documentation
Updated CPI documentation is included in this Service Advice
Aastra 700 Getting started guide Rev D
Aastra 700 Quick Install guide Rev A4
New Aastra 700 image planned for release in February 2011, were the fixes for above issues will be included.