Sunday March 12, 2017 4 P.M.

Join us for a Performance:

“The Freshest Snow Whyte”

Imagination Stage, 4908 Auburn Avenue Bethesda, Maryland 20814

The staff of Imagination Station will provide audio description of this radical update of a classic fairytale and a touch tour of the props and costumes immediately following the show.

For ages 6-12 Cost: $10.00

Set in the year 3000, we meet Snow Whyte—a graffiti-artist locked in competition with her arch rival, Kanye East, over which of them makes the “freshest” images in the universe. Both depend on a Simon Cowell-type celebrity called Mira to decide which of them is the best. After her exile to a distant planet, Snow Whyte is sheltered by two rapping alien twins (reminiscent of the Seven Dwarves), and survives two visits from the vengeful Kanye, dressed in crazy disguises. She then uncovers the true secret to talent: that it is shared equally among all people, and not the exclusive property of anyone. Witty raps, cool moves, and a beat that just won’t quit, this show will have you bouncin’ in your seat and shouting “Oh, yeah!”

Students can meet at MSB at 2:30 P.M. or meet us there to be part of this special experience! Please let us know if your student will be transported with us.


REGISTRATION – Imagination Station

Student: ______DOB: ______
Grade: ______School: ______
Parent(s): ______
Address:______City:______State:____ Zip:______
County: ______Vision Teacher: ______
Home Phone: ______Cell Phone: ______
Email: ______Siblings: ______

VISUAL INFORMATION (Students are required to bring portable low vision or Braille devices and canes):

Eye Condition:______

Level of Vision: ___ Totally Blind ___ Partially Sighted ___ Legally Blind ___ Wears Glasses

Field Loss: ___ Yes ___ No

Child uses the following for learning: ___ Regular Print ___ Large Print ____ Braille ___ Auditory Skills

Travel Skills: ___Independent ___Needs Supervision ___Uses Cane ___Prefers Sighted Guide


Other Disabilities: ______

Medications your child currently takes: ______


Medication (describe) ______

Food (describe) ______

Environmental (describe)______


Photo Release: Many pictures are taken during the programs of various activities. These pictures are sometimes used, along with press releases, to provide public relations information to television stations, newspapers and other publications. I grant permission for my family to be photographed for the above purposes.

___ Yes ___ No

Legal Guardian Signature:


Please fax or mail registration to:

The Maryland School for the Blind

Outreach Department

3501 Taylor Avenue

Baltimore, MD 21236

ATTN: Victoria Watt

Phone: 410-444-5000 ext. 1249 FAX: 410-319-5708
