What happens when there are no rules?


Explain the consequence of an absence of rules and services.


Explain the consequences of an absence of rules and laws.

Correlated Florida Standards (See Full Text on Cover Page)

  • LAFS.2.W.3.8

Essential Question

What happens when there are no rules?

Learning Goal/Objective

  • Students will understand how a lack of rules can impact order and safety.


Students will participate in a game simulation to understand the consequences of no rules. They will discuss and apply their understanding of the purpose of rules to home and school environments.


  • Two balls (or other object that can be easily and safely passed around the room)
  • Who Makes the Rules? handout


  • 15-20 minutes with additional time for extension activities


  • This lesson is adapted from California State University San Bernardino; Porter History – Social Science Resource Room:

Activity Sequence


  1. Explain to the students that you are about to play a game and at the end of the game you will determine a winner.


  1. Divide the class into two equal parts and give each team a ball. Teacher Note: It doesn’t matter how teams are arranged or who gets a ball. Keep in mind that students may get frustrated and confused during this activity.
  2. Tell students to start playing the game but don’t provide them with any further details or explanations.
  3. Start assigning random points to the teams and encourage students to continue playing the game even if they seem confused.
  4. Randomly declare one team the winner.
  5. Ask students how they are feeling after playing the game. Teacher Note: If students are unsure how to respond, share some of your observations from watching the game (confusion, disorder, possible danger due to chaos).
  6. Pose the following questions for discussion: What would have made the game more enjoyable or better? What is the role of rules in playing games? What about the role of rules in the classroom, in school or at home? Teacher Note: Lead students to the understanding that rules provide order, safety and efficiency.
  7. Pass out the Who Makes the Rules? handout and place students into pairs.
  8. Instruct students to complete the handout with their partner.


  1. Review the handout as a whole class.
  2. Provide students with the following prompt and instruct students to respond in writing as an exit pass.

Prompt: Based on what you have learned during this lesson, why do rules matter?


  1. Work as a whole class to complete the Who Makes the Laws? handout.
  2. Use the original lesson activities from California State University San Bernardino; Porter History – Social Science Resource Room:


Directions: Fill in the boxes with the correct answer.

Who Makes the Rules?

Examples of Rules / Who Makes the Rules? / What Happens If There Are No Rules?


Directions: Fill in the boxes with the correct answer.

Who Makes the Laws?(Extension Activity)

Examples of Laws / Who Makes the Laws? / What Happens If There Are No Laws?
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