Tammy’s Technology Tips for Teachers

Link / Description / Curriculum Integration
www.todaysmeet.com / (chat room)
Create a back channel conversation
Have students converse silently during the lesson / Language Arts: Variation on Melissa’s quotation mark lesson. Have students be different personalities (Bugs Bunny, President, Principal, etc..) and have a silent conversation using correct punctuation.
www.myavatareditor.com / no logins
save avatar as .mae (my avatar editor) file on my computer
can be exported as jpg or png. Using a png file with transparent background can be used with a green screen. / Social Studies: create avatars of famous people. Use them in student-created books, presentations, or videos.
www.imaginationcubed.com / Drawing software online, allows for replay of drawing actions. Drawings can be sent online…students don’t need email accts to send pics.
www.sketch.odopod.com / Drawing tool for older students. Also does animations
www.tagxedo.com / Like wordle, but puts words into shapes you choose / Create word clouds about specific topics in the shape of those topics (flowers, nouns, historical figures, historical or current events, etc…)
www.jamstudio.com / Music writing. Free for educators / Create music to use as backgrounds for photostories or other presentations.
www.kisstunes.com / Another music composing software using the computer keyboard.
www.blogger.com / Free blog site by google
www.vocaroo.com / Uses computers mic to record your voice. Ability to save on web. It gives you an embed code to paste into blog or website / Record greetings or assignments and post on website. Record students narrating poetry, self-created books, etc…
www.sketchcast.com / Like vocaroo, but allows you to add a sketch
www.jingproject.com / Screen recording software. Can use the code provided to embed videos into a website. Instead of using the option to post video on jing’s site, get the code (in options)
www.bibme.com / Bibliography site that stores your bibs
Google Search Tools / Filter searches using the left toolbar: search by date, or sites visited, etc…
Timeline narrows down the search according to date
Wonderwheel give a visual graphic organizer with filtered results.
Google translate / Type text, choose another language. Click the speaker and it will read it in the other language.
Google.com/cse / Custom search engine. Must have a google acct. Could be used to search your personal website. Could also set it up to search a particular set of sites that you choose (for school projects, etc.) / Put a search bar on your website. MUST make sure that you’ve put every url on your site into the custom search creator—not just the home page.
Google.com/alerts / Phone tethering. Will alert you if your name (or whatever name you specify) is mentioned on the internet
http://fur.ly/ / Shorten mulitplie urls into one.
www.weblist.me / Can save lists of websites into a shortened url. Different from furly because you can modify.
www.worksheetworks.com / Customizable graphic organizers
www.classtools.net / Random name picker