· The sophomore class of Unity Christian High School will hold their annual soup/sandwich/dessert supper on Friday, January 12 in the cafeteria, serving from 4:45-7:00 p.m. A free-will donation will be taken at the door.
· Building Proposal Survey Summary: This fall, the Board of Unity sent out a survey on our recent building proposal. A summary of the survey is now available on our school website. Our purpose for conducting this survey was to equip the board with data to make decisions that will best meet the needs of the families and supporters of Unity. We encourage you read this summary.
· All Western Christian alumni and friends are welcome to join the pep band onFriday, January 5 and perform during the Cherokee basketball gamesfor one or two performances. Our performance times will be approximately5:30 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. Free admission if you show up at the door with your instrument. A reception will be held for alumni pep band performers after the second performance in the student commons. If you are interested, email Lyle Van Ravenswaay at .
From Keri Kamphoff: Greetings from Vermillion, SD where I am radiating God’s love on the campus of USD. I serve as the President of Colleges Against Cancer, which organizes the Relay for Life and raises money for the American Cancer Society. My team is attempting to raise $20,000 for cancer research, support, and treatments. If you would like to join me in this effort, I would love to supply you with luminary bags to honor someone fighting cancer or in memory of someone who has passed away from the disease. The cost is $10.00 per bag and checks can be made out to the to the American Cancer Society.If you’d like to decorate a bag, text/call me at 712-869-9204 and I will get a bag to your mailbox. I can also create the luminary for you if I have the name and message that you would like on it. Just place the money in the KAMPHOFF mailbox by January 10. Thank you for supporting me in this effort to create an atmosphere of HOPE to end cancer in our lifetime!
From Inspiration Hills:
Single Mother's Retreat: Throughout this retreat on February 2nd-4th there will be plenty of stories, speakers, pampering time, discussions, mentoring, delicious food, and a positive experience for you to take home. We promise to support and provide you a weekend you’ve been needing! We will provide you with a safe environment to share and grow in! You will receive the love of Jesus and we will encourage you in your relationship with Him! So come and join us on this retreat where you will be rejuvenated, empowered, and filled with joy. RSVP by January 26th!
4th-6th Grade Winter Retreat: February 16th-17th
You will be staying at Inspiration Hills Bunk Rooms in the Main Lodge for an exciting weekend of winter fun, reconnecting with friends, great food, making new friends, & building your faith! Early Bird Registration is $70 (by February 9th); late registration is $80. If you would like to register for a scholarship, please apply and register before February 3rd. Go to www.inspirationhills.org to download registration forms.
Parents, looking to stay at Inspiration Hills while your child is at the Winter Retreat? Sign up 4 kids & get a Private Room & meals for $55/adult! Regular price is $110/adult. Parents, call in to register for your room: 712-986-5193. RSVP by February 9th.