PCCD Required Data Collection & Reporting Process

Life Skills Training (LST)

Data must be collected and reported to PCCD quarterly. There are two types of Performance Indicators (PIs) for LifeSkills Training (LST):

1)Process Indicators: PIs that assess a program’s reach and implementation quality.

LST Example: “Number of Youth that Received LST” provides information on the total number of youth being exposed to the program, which is one indicator of the program’s reach.

2)Outcome Indicators: PIs that assess the impact of the program on its participants.

LST Example: “Number of Youth with Decreased Antisocial Behavior” provides information on the impact of LST on antisocial behavior, which is one indicator of the program’s impact on its participants.

The Process Indicatorsfor LSTmust be collected (usually by program supervisors and/or school administrators)and reported according to the required PIs for each reporting period. To collect the necessary data, use the following:

1)Internal tracking systems

2)LST Implementation Checklists and/or the EPISCenter LST Observation Log

3)EPISCenter LST Spreadsheet for Outcomes Analysis and PCCD Reporting (located on the LST Evaluation Tools section of the EPSICenter website.

The Outcome Indicators for LSTshould be collected using the Developer’s 2007 LSTQ-MS Student Survey, Sections A-Eand entered into the EPISCenter LST Spreadsheet for Outcomes Analysis and PCCD Reporting (located on the LST Evaluation Tools section of the EPSICenter website). Specific instructions for using the spreadsheet to report both process and outcomes indicators in your PCCD quarterly report are located on the instructions tab of the EPISCenter LST Spreadsheet for Outcomes Analysis and PCCD Reporting.

PLEASE NOTE: Section E must be specifically requested from the Developer or use the Developer’s 2007 LSTQ-MS Student Survey (Sections A-E) posted on the EPISCenter website.

We encourage sites to consult the PCCD Performance Indicator Reporting Guidelines for LST to determine the type of data that needs to be collected. It is important to put appropriate tools in place before implementation begins so that data can be collected continuously rather than compiled all at once at the end of a reporting period.

The EPISCenter has developed a spreadsheet for Outcomes Analysis and PCCD Quarterly Reporting that is required to track and report both process and outcomes data. This spreadsheet can be found on the EPSICenter website on the LST Evaluation Tools webpage.

Administration Timeline for Evaluation Tools:

  • The LST Implementation Checklist: A minimum of 20% of the LST lessonsthat were delivered should be observed. There is a specific checklist for each lesson; the forms corresponding to the lessons being observed should be used.
  • The EPISCenter LST Observation Logis optional, but can be used to track the fidelity observation total scores.
  • The Developer’s 2007 LSTQ-MS Student Survey (Sections A-E) should be administered to youth prior to the first lesson of that school year as a pre-test and following the last lesson of that school year as a post-test.


Quarterly reporting to PCCD is required via the E-grants system. Grantees are also required to attach the EPISCenter LST Spreadsheet for Outcomes Analysis in E-grants quarterly.

The majority of the Process Indicators are only reported at the end of the school year, with the exception of the“Number of Reports to the Collaborative Board”, which is reported quarterly. Please note that in some cases, the PIs are reported only in relation to the Year 1 Core Lessons (see PCCD Performance Indicator Reporting Guidelines for LSTfor more details). For the Outcome Indicators, sites should report once at the end of the school year for youth who received the core year of the LST curriculum (Year 1 Core Lessons) that school year and have completed pre and post surveys.

Please contact your technical assistance provider at the EPISCenter (814-863-2568) if you have any questions related to the data collection process.