Daycare Policies

The Green Beagle Lodge provides a wonderful opportunity for your dog to experience playtime, entertainment and exercise! Our daycare program provides an exciting and fun alternative to leaving your four-legged friend at home. We provide your dog with a safe and healthy play environment to enrich the spirit, increase social skills and stimulate the mind. This activity can have a very positive impact on your dog’s health, happiness and behavior.
Approval Process / To be considered for daycare, dogs must not be aggressive or extremely dominant. In order to ensure the comfort and safety of all of our daycare participants, a temperament evaluation is required prior to participation. This evaluation helps us determine if daycare is right for your dog. It also helps us determine which playmates your dog will have the most fun with so that they can be placed in an appropriate playgroup. Please call us to schedule a time for your dog to come in for the evaluation and to become acquainted with the Lodge prior to enrolling in daycare. Evaluations are done Monday through Friday from 7-12 or 2-7pm. Please ask if you need an alternate time/day. The fee for this assessment is $20
Hours / Daycare hours are 7am to 7pm, Monday through Friday. We offer a half-day daycare from 7-12 noon or 2-7pm. Saturday daycare hours are 8am to 5pm, full day only. In order to ensure that there is availability for your dog to participate in daycare, we request that you make a reservation at least two days in advance.
Behavior Monitoring / We continuously monitor the behavior of all participants for the safety of our staff and dogs. Since a dog’s behavior can change over time, daycare privileges can be suspended if their social skills become unsuitable.
Vaccinations/Tests / The health and safety of each of our guests is of the utmost importance to us. The Green Beagle Lodge must have a formal vaccination record from a licensed veterinarian indicating that the vaccinations meet the requirements listed below. Emails () and faxes (1-844-269-6719) are acceptable. We require these vaccine records prior to the temperament evaluation.
Required vaccines:
Rabies: Annual or three-year
DHPP (Distemper, Hepatitis, Parvo and Parainfluenza): Annual or three
year vaccine.
Bordetella: Annual vaccine
Annual negative fecal test
Minimum Age / We welcome puppies that are emotionally mature enough to enjoy playing in playgroups with dogs of various ages. The appropriate age will be different for each dog.
Health / All pets must be in good general health to play at the Green Beagle Lodge. Any pet known to have been exposed to a contagious virus must wait 30 days or until clearance by his or her veterinarian is given before visiting the Lodge.

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Daycare Policies

Flea and Tick Prevention / We follow a rigorous program of flea and tick prevention. All pets must be on a monthly flea and tick prevention program. All pets will be checked thoroughly for fleas and ticks prior to admittance. If any are found, the pet will be treated immediately, at the owner’s expense, before being allowed to play.
Internal Parasites / If internal parasites are discovered, the pet will be quarantined and the Owner will be called to discuss treatment plans.
Treats / The Lodge provides all treats and toys unless your dog has a specific food allergy or is on a special diet. Please let us know if your dog is not allowed treats.
Non-emergency Care / Some pets react differently to new environments and separation from their families. There is some risk, even with dogs from the same family, that they may play roughly and injure each other. In the event that your dog should require non-emergency care, we will contact you to discuss the best course of action for your dog.
Emergency Care / If your pet requires medical attention while in our care, our customary procedure is to contact you or your emergency contact to discuss the best course of action. Should the nature of your pet’s illness require an office visit, we reserve the right to utilize an emergency vet. We reserve the right to charge a transport fee. Any costs arising from medical care that we pay on your pet’s behalf will be billed to you at or prior to checkout.
Holidays / Daycare may not be held on the following holidays: Independence Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas Day and New Year’s Day and subject to availability around peak boarding dates.
Rates/Services / All rates and services are subject to change.
Abandoned Pet / In case of an abandoned pet, The Lodge will comply with the N.C. abandonment law, GEN.STAT. § 14–361.1

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