September 2015 Commissioning
We are looking for a series of 6-10 x 28-minute magazine programmes
· We want a magazine series featuring aspects of the Deaf community. This could look at people from different places, the interests they have, their achievements, or the issues they face. We want to see creative ways of exploring the world Deaf people live in, and a series which captures the Deaf community in a way we haven't seen before. The tone can be light or serious, or a mixture of both.
· The title is intentionally broad to give programme-makers the opportunity to be creative and innovative, but at its heart the series should have a simple, achievable idea which can be produced to a good standard reasonably quickly.
· Programmes must be repeatable although we recognise that they will age.
· We might consider a pilot.
· If the series issuccessfulandaffordablewe will consider commissioning further programmes.
The closing date for submitting tenders is
1200 noon on Friday 2nd October 2015
The series must deliver before September 2016.
A production company can submit a maximum of two ideas.
Before you start, click here to watch/read the BSL Zone Vision.
Your programmes must bring the Vision to life.
To submit a proposal you must be:
1) d/Deaf and
2) the writer and/or director and/or producer and
3) attached to a production company
We encourage you to ask any questions as soon as possible
Please email Maggie Swinfen at
You must:
· tell us by Friday 18th September whether you will be submitting one or two ideas (so we can arrange slots for your BSL pitches).
· submit your tender/s in both Word and PDF format by email to before 12 noon on Friday 2nd October.
· pitch your idea/s in BSL to members of the Commissioning Panel on Tuesday 13th or Wednesday 14th October (interpreters available). For guidance on how we will assess your pitch, please click here.
· The pitch session will last 30-45 minutes.
· Your pitch should be no longer than 15 minutes and the Panel will then ask you questions and discuss your idea with you.
· A maximum of two people can attend each pitch.
· They must be suitable for showing at all times of day.
· They must have contributors/characters who use BSL.
· They must have open subtitles.
· In our factual programmesBSL content is normally dubbed into spoken English.
· Rights must be cleared in all media, in perpetuity, unless agreed.
· The guide budget for each 28-minute programme is £30k.
· A single programme duration is between 27-28 minutes.
· You must read this essential information before you start.
· Complete the form below.
· The boxes for your answers will expand to fit your text.
· You must submit a budget and schedule, using the template.
· You must submit a running order. See example.
If you would like any guidance please email Maggie Swinfen at .
Who is submitting this proposal?
Who is the production company?
Which two people will deliver the BSL pitch?
Who are the other key people involved?
Working title of the series
What is the series about?
How does it will it bring the BSL Zone Vision to life?
What is the content of one programme? Show how this content will work in a 28-minute running order for one programme.
What research have you done? Who is the researcher on this project?
BSL Zone programmes must be fully accessible in BSL:
a. How will you ensure the sign language is clear to a BSL audience?
b. How will our Deaf audience understand contributors who use spoken English?
OTHER – Give as much detail as you can
Are you planning to use any graphics or English text?
If so, what will it be for? Give examples
Do you plan to use any third-party content? If so, what sort, and can you get rights clearance?
Where will you be filming?
How many days do you plan to film and why do you think it is enough?
How many days do you plan to edit and why do you think it is enough?
Any other information