A. General & Economic Assessment;
1.PACS Capability
a. Business, products & services provided by vendor
b. staff numbers (with qualifications) employed
c. Customers with date of contract award with date of completion in the last 3years
d. Recent contract awards with large scale data migrations from a different PACS vendor (e.g. >1million exams migrated)—Date of award & Date of completion
2. Financial
a. audited accounts,
b. guarantees ,
c. bank accounts
3. InsuranceDetails
a. Employers liability Insurance
b. Public liability Insurance
4. Disputes/Legal Proceedings Details
B. Technical Assessment of Radiology PACS Solution
1. PAS Integration:
1.1Does the solution have the ability to integrate with a PAS for demographic & ADT using HL7 messaging. Pass/Fail.
1.2 Is PIR Profile of IHE supported by the PACS?–Yes/No/Future development (weighted score)
2. RIS Integration:
2.1 Does the PACS have ability to integrate with RIS using HL7 messaging? Pass/Fail
2.2 Is SWF profile of IHE supported by PACS? Yes/No/Future Development(weighted score)
3. Desktop Integration:
3.1 Does the PACS have the ability to support a Desktop Integration with a 3rd party RIS? Pass/Fail
4. Data Culling: Does the PACS allow for rule based image culling based on local policy—Pass/Fail
5. Workstation Hardware Reuse: Will the vendor allow for the Trust use its existing diagnostic workstation hardware? Pass/Fail
6. Brokerless PACS: Is the PACS able to work in a brokerless PACS enviornment (RIS providing the DMWL)? Pass/Fail
7. DICOM Store & Display
7.1 Is the PACS ability to receive & store & display images in DICOM format from all radiology modalities--CR, CT, MRI, US, NM, PET-CT, Fluroscopy, etcPass/Fail
7.2 Are Basic Image Review of IHE supported in PACS? Yes/No/Future Development(weighted score),
7.3 Is Nuclear Medicine Display Profile in IHE supported in PACS? Yes/No/Future Development (weighted score)
7.4 Is Mammography Image Profiles of IHE supported in PACS? Yes/No/Future Development (weighted score)
7.5 Is DICOM Blending Presentation State Supported in PACS? Yes/No/Future Development(weighted score)
7.6 Is DICOM Enhanced Objects storage & display supported in PACS?Yes/No/Future Development(weighted score)
8. Plug-ins
8.1 Does the PACS have the ability to integrate with 3rd party plug-ins--Orthotemplating, 3D, CAD etc. Pass/fail
8.2 Is DICOM 118 standard for plug-in supported? Yes/No/Future Development(weighted score)
9. Radiology Reports:
9.1 Does the PACS have the ability to display radiology reports with images? Pass/fail
9.2 Is CDA (Clinical Document Architecture) display for reports supported? Yes/No/Future Development (weighted score)
9.3 Is Displayable Report Profile of IHE supported? Yes/No/Future Development (weighted score)
10. EPR Contribution:
10.1 Will the PACS be able to be part of vendor neutral EPR? Pass/Fail
10.2 Does the PACS support XDS-I of IHE?Yes/No/Future Development(weighted score)
11. Image Sharing:
11.1 Does the PACS have ability to share images beyond organizational boundaries—CDs & DICOM Push/IEP,Pass/Fail
11.2 Does the PACS support XCA-Iof IHE? Yes/No/Future Development(weighted score)
12. Teaching Files: Does the PACS support Teaching Files creation? Yes/No/Future Development (weighted score)
Is TCE profile of IHE supported? Yes/No/Future Development(weighted score)
13. Radiation Dose Monitoring: Does the PACS support Radiation Dose Monitoring? Yes/No/Future Development (weighted score)
Is REM Profile of IHE supported?Yes/No/Future Development(weighted score)
14. Software Conflicts: Are there any known conflicts with other software applications that are commonly used in NHS hospitals on PCs? Yes/No Details & comments if applicable. (weighted score)
15. Private DICOM Tags: Are Private DICOM tags commonly used?Yes/No (comments if applicable)(weighted score)
16. Post Contract Data Migration:
16.1Will PACS data be handed over/migration support provided to a new vendor at the end of contract? Pass/Fail
16.2 Will read-only access to image store be permitted? Yes/No/Future Development(weighted score)
16.3 Will a database dump be permitted? Yes/No/Future Development(weighted score)
18. url PACS Image launch: Is it possible to launch the exam from PACS via a url containing the accession no. from another software which contains the report. Pass/fail
19. Business continuity Model: Will vendor support a business continuity model for PACS support & service? Pass/Fail
20. Enterprise Storage Architecture: Would the PACS be able to deliver the clinical performance requirements whilst using the Enterprise Storage & Network Infrastructure?
Yes/No/Future Development (comments if applicable)—weighted score
21. Audit trail/View log—
21.1 Does the PACS record an audit trail of access---user, patient, exam & workstation? Pass/Fail
21.2 Is the audit trail visible at the user front end?.Yes/No—weighted score
21.3 Does the PACS support Audit Trail& Node Authentication Profile of IHE? Yes/No/future development –weighted score
22. Disaster Recovery DICOM VNA—
22.1 Is the vendor capable of providing a disaster recovery archive which is a Vendor Neutral DICOM archive (so that the Trust can have control over its own data within the VNA)?
23. Data Migration:
23.1 Is the vendor capable of managing migration of existing large archive (. Migration will need to take place to both a disaster recovery VNA archive & also to its own PACS Archive (which will be the future live PACS)?
C. Technical Assessment of Radiology Information System
1. PAS Integration:
1.1Does the RIS have the ability to integrate with PAS for demographic & ADT using HL7 messaging ? Pass/fail
1.2 Is PIR Profile of IHE supported? Yes/No/Future Development-weighted
2. PACS Integration: Does the RIS have the ability to integrate with PACS using HL7 messaging? Pass/Fail
Is SWF profile of IHE supported?Yes/No/Future Development-weighted
3. Desktop Integration: Ability to support a Desktop Integration with a 3rd party PACS-Pass/Fail
4. DMWL Provision: Is the RIS able to work in a brokerless PACS environment by providing the DMWL to modalities? Pass/Fail
5. RadiologyReports:
5.1Is the RIS able to create, store & display all types of radiology reports? Pass/Fail
5.2 Is CDA format supported? Yes/No/Future Development--weighted
5.3 Is Displayable Report Profile of IHE supported? Yes/No/Future Development--weighted
6. EPR Contribution:Ability to be part of an EPR by adopting XDS?Yes/No/Future Development--weighted
7. Report Sharing: Ability to share reports beyond organizational boundaries-- IEP & CDA-XDR & CDA-XCA? Yes/No/Future Development. Details if applicable--weighted
8. Software Conflicts:Are there any known conflicts with other software applications that are commonly used in NHS hospitals on PCs? Yes/No—details --weighted
9. Data Migration: How will RIS data be handed over/migrated over in standard format to a new vendor at the end of contract? Details--weighted
10. SLA: What kind of basic SLAs does the vendor provide. Details-weighted
11. Workflow Status: Are all workflow statuses & workflow priority required in NHS Radiology Workflow supported? Yes/No/Future Development--weighted
12. Ordercomms Integration:
12.1 Is it able to integrate with a 3rd party Ordercomms using HL7? Pass/Fail
12.2 Is it able to integrate with a 3rd party Ordercomms using CDA?Yes/No/Future Development--weighted
13. Scanned Request cards: Is it capable of scanning request cards? Pass/Fail
14. Notepad: Does it have a notepad/scribbler function? Pass/fail
15. Vetting: Does RIS provide a vetting worklist with vetting workflow function. Pass/Fail
16. Appointments diary Does it have a configurable appointments diary? Pass/Fail
17. Appointments workflow Does it support Radiology appointments workflow? Pass/Fail
18. Reception Workflow : Does it support Radiology Reception Workflow? Pass/Fail
19. Operators Workflow Does it support Radiology Exam Completion/Operators Workflow? Pass/Fail
20. Reporting (Dictation & VR) Workflow Does it support Radiology Reporting (Dictation & VR) Workflow?Pass/Fail
21. Transcription Workflow : Does it support Transcription Workflow? Pass/Fail
22. MDTM Workflow: Does it support MDTM Workflow with supplementary reports? Pass/Fail
23. User Configurable Worklist :Does the system have flexible user configurable worklists for vetting, reception, appointments, operator, dictation, transcription, authorization, MDTM etc Yes/No/Future Development
24. Audit trail/View log—
21.1 Does the RIS record an audit trail of access---user, patient, exam & workstation? Pass/Fail
21.2 Is the audit trail visible at the user front end?.Yes/No—weighted score
21.3 Does the RIS support Audit Trail& Node Authentication Profile of IHE? Yes/No/future development –weighted score
Compiled by Dr. Neelam Dugar
Chairman of RCR Imaging Informatics Group
Acknowledgement to all those who contribute to the forum discussions